Perry and Bachmann - Fear from the Left - Translates into "Ridiculous Press" - image Newsmax
With Texas Governor, Rick Perry’s entrance into the political arena of Presidential politics, the resounding theme from the media in general is one of anticipation, as in, what else you got? The problem is, that regardless of who runs for office on the GOP ticket, be they a moderate Republican, a staunch fiscal conservative or a candidate that supports both fiscal and social conservative issues, a candidate that supports both fiscal and social issues, and is also Christian, and lastly, a candidate that would combine all of the above, none of them, to the eye of the media, would be sufficient to run this nation.
The problem with the GOP or the Tea Party for that matter, is that no matter who is “leading” or a “leader” (a strong personality that has the ability to make sound statements that resonate with those that share the same ideology), is, simply, they are not Progressive Democrats or outright Socialists. Anyone expressing values, be they fiscal or moral, is anathema to those who would see the nation return to a Constitutional form of Government. Therefore, the media will never be honest, or positive about any one of the GOP candidates. In this specific cycle, the reason is clear, crystal clear.
During the two years leading up to the 2008 election (and previously) George Bush was abused by the press, regardless of whether the man was right or wrong, there as a no holds barred attack, and this attack went on day after day, in print and in airwaves, with the premise that “all Republicans” were George Bush. The result, in 2006 Congress, with Nancy Pelosi, (D-CA8), a Progressive Democrat, at the helm, Bush had little he would be able to do, and the nation was run, constitutional, with the power vested, not in the President, but in the Congress and Senate. With the election of 2008, it was a similar game plan, denounce every candidate as fringe, and promote only the most Progressive Candidate – and it worked. We now have Barack Obama at the helm – a man who’s obviously tried his best, however, there have been too many factors which have led to a downward spiral in his popularity, the economy and his handling of the same, being on the top of the list. He’s lost his mojo with the public, but he’s still the champion of the media, and anyone who might apply for his job, is the enemy.
The problem with the aforementioned is: no one is listening anymore, to the right or the left of the media discourse, the appearance of bias is so great, that Joe Citizen is no longer relying on the “news” to form an opinion. This is approximately what happened to Jimmy Carter, when one is an abject failure, and the media continues to be the cheerleader, eventually the people will get tired and hire someone else, no matter what may be said of the individual (clown, cowboy, dangerous, lacking intelligence.)
Ignoring history is one of the key elements of the mistake made on a daily basis – and the rank partisanship of the media is so apparent, that it is no wonder that there is no one Republican that is in the current field that appeals to “Republican voters”.
The reality is that the GOP contest is one that is not only interesting, it is becoming more so with the entry into the race of Governor Rick Perry of Texas, as well as the potential for Palin to enter in September. With Independents, Democrats disenfranchised with the Progressive road to Economic demise, and a general sense that Mickey Mouse could do a better job; the Republican Field looks mighty interesting.
Those reading the news regularly, (or more to the point, heading to the web, reading the news, doing their own fact checking, are distraught over the inability of the administration to see the forest through the trees when it comes to kick starting the economy – there is historical evidence in place that proves there are policies that work, and those that fail – yet, they continue to follow paths that are known to fail, and continue to come up with new ideas, that sound very much like the rhetoric of the 1960’s. With street gangs, and “flash mobs” robbing stores, and causing riots, from Philadelphia to Chicago, and into the Heartland, with inflation on food and essentials rising and the paychecks going now where fast, and with a leader at the helm, that appears to be either clueless or incapable of making a sound decision, they are looking carefully at the GOP field, and making choices – one can predict with a certainty, that the GOP primary process in 2012 will draw a great deal of attention, from all voters, including the Independents, the Democrats and the Republicans who make up the much maligned Tea Party, or not. This will follow into the general election.
What’s wrong with the GOP Candidates now? According to the media, everything:
From the Daily Beast (the online version of Newsweek which is print only) comes the article: “Dominionism Michele Bachmann and Rick Perry’s Dangerous Religious Bond. This piece insists that both candidates are connected to a cult that seeks Christian domination. The surreal idea that both candidates are connected by this type of common bond, smacks of the desperation of the media, and almost parrots MSNBC’s Rachel “conspiracy theory” Maddow.
In a nation that is disenfranchised with the economy, the fact that two candidates (or all candidates) are religious is not a deterrent, rather shows stability – to the average voter. From the left point of view, Christian’s are dangerous, because?
If that aspect doesn’t’ work, let’s look at dubious fundraising, no matter how deep one has to dig to get something dubious on a candidate: Rick Perry, Politico has uncovered may count on donors who have rather deep pockets, and he may have a donor who is also a lobbyist or may receive money from a PAC! Good Grief, that man is both a Christian and is raising funds to run for President!
On the flip side, the only mention of Barack Obama’s ability to challenge a candidate came from Yahoo news: Obama’s Bus Catches Buzz:a comparison of campaign buses, Obama’s (which looks like a hearse, and Palin’s (complete with American Themes). The opening statement (paraphrased) Obama’s bus is better than Palin’s bus. Palin has yet to announce her candidacy but the media is not taking any chances.
Palin’s Bus Tour, which one can read into that road trip, the road to the White House 2012, comes under the scrutiny of Politico Sarah Palin tour comes to abrupt halt, as if Palin is undecided as to what to do next – except head back to Alaska so her younger daughter who had accompanied the family on the bus tour of American Historical sites, (and yes political arena’s), could begin the school year. Abrupt end?
Herein lays the problem, in the face of one of the worst financial crisis, as well as growing social unrest and the potential for UK Type Mob riots (refer to Philadelphia, Chicago, etc. or just Google Philadelphia Youth Gangs, the Milwaukee State Fair attacks, etc.), individuals are looking for strong leaders, with fiscal conservatism as the primary key, and an ability to have some moral authority (i.e. a faith in the Constitution as well as a religion), and is not afraid to stand up and be – themselves. It is refreshing that what the field now contains (so far) one woman who has more chutzpah than twenty men, and is fearless in the face of scorn and criticism from the left or the right. (Bachmann), one gun toting, Texan of humble birth, who is, in reality, what the American Dream is about, telling the public, you too should have opportunities, your children should have opportunity, and (paraphrasing again) “I’m going to pray for that, and then deal with the fiscal crisis – There are jobs in Texas, private sector jobs! Perry, one can well imagine, won’t cozy up to the media either, or be well treated (that’s a given) by the media, but, both candidates are being looked at closely as potential replacements for the current “non-leader.
Should Palin enter the race – or when Palin enters the race, there will be three that have been maligned, tested and are standing firm in the face of the onslaught from blogs, to crazed Progressives, who cannot get past the “tax the rich”, dogma of Obama (who should take a hard look now, at London and see what that led to (he apparently has not been briefed on our own grab and stead from the “rich” flash mobs, who break into stores, attack innocent shoppers, and basically take what they want, because someone may be “richer” than they are.
Therefore, in reality, what is wrong with the current crop of GOP candidates, is that they are – right.
Not right-wing, but just plain right, about the state of the nations economics, the U.S. standing in the eyes of the world, and the fact that America is an exceptional nation, with boundless opportunity under a free market system with fair taxes.
This does not sit well with the 20% of the nation’s Progressives.
Therefore, as these individuals who have taken their time, their treasure, and their families on the road to the GOP nomination, be they Tea Party or GOP Regular (think Mitt), with the outcome being that one will challenge an already neutered incumbent, watch for the media to attack with a vengeance, regardless of fact, or fact checking that is correct. Pay strict attention to those men and women who are in competition for a job that clearly, no one should want, unless that person is so dedicated to this nation, and believes that the United States is worth fighting for, that they are willing to take abuse 24/7 for those of us who are not as courageous. It is that one of these people will be the next President.
Recommended: The Undefeated: which will be available in September on DVD – although focused on Palin’s political rise through Alaskan Politics to the National stage, one must understand that this film not only exonerates Palin, but more to the point, shows the press and it’s tenacious resolve to destroy anyone whom they see as the enemy – It was made for Palin, yes, but it applies to every candidate, from the Tea Party member who is running for Congressional office, or the Senate, to the Presidency – watch your media carefully, both from the right and from the left, and form one’s own opinion. It is “hard work” as one Democrat this blog holds dear once announced, when told how to research a candidate and their issues, to see where they stood, and how well their ideas match their own, and then decide whom to choose – that it was hard work. Yes, it is hard work, but it is well worth the time and the trouble.
One more thing: Run Sarah Run!
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