Huddled in the dark of night, outside a Birmingham mall, Occupiers lay in wait for Shoppers and employees in order to disrupt Black Friday Sales - image WICZ Birmingham
From CNBC: “Occupy Wall Street” members intend to occupy retailers on Black Friday due of the retailers ties to Wall Street The movement’s Facebook page specifically regarding Black Friday boycotts, apparently has 1800 plus “friends” – who may end up at your local mall at some point today.
The movement’s logic, which has been slightly silly from the get-go, has taken a deeper turn into ridiculous as the apparent failure to comprehended the economy and the depths to which it has declined, and the reasons behind the decline is apparent. The fact that Wall Street, like any number of organizations financial or (Congress/Administration) otherwise (and Wall Street being a place rather than one entity), might be corrupt at times, belies the facts that those protesting (including Union workers, Elizabeth Warren, who is running for the Senate in Massachusetts, Nancy Pelosi, etc.) all have pensions tied into, you guessed it, Wall Street – therefore if Wall Street is disrupted, or somehow fails, retirement funds for the not so very rich, will also take a nose dive. It is anyone who has a 401K retirement plan, and that individual could be anyone who earns minimum wage on up the corporate ladder. Most unions have pensions which are heavily vested in the stock market – apparently union organizers trained at the University of Massachusetts missed the basic course in economics (civics, etc.)
Now with retailers competing heavily for any spare money left in order to continue to keep on employees by going to extremes on sales this holiday season, (opening early, deeper discounts on items to get people to come in and shop), Occupy is attempting to disrupt the lives of both the shoppers trying to perhaps buy a toy for their child for Christmas, and/or the retailer’s employee who may be a student trying to pay for college, simply because the store may have ties to: Wall Street.
They have dwindling numbers, which at times have turned to anarchy, but s the weather turns cooler and the nation turns its attention to the holidays – they are playing more the foolish “village idiot”, looking for any excuse at any time to sit out and demonstrate – without understanding what it is they are demonstrating against and or the consequences. Perhaps they should be looking towards their supporters in Unions, in Nancy Pelosi, or others who would be in the Senate, for some guidance, or herpes they have. Regardless, it is apparent, from the report that the “movement” like any movement that has some communist, socialist involvement the impact, over time, dissipates – and those diehards hanging on, protest just about anything .
Therefore, if one is on the way into Macy’s or any other major retailer (or not so major), to grab a few deals today, and come across one of these “Occupiers”, one might feel a little pity for those so undereducated, they cannot see the forest through the trees: according to Reuters:
At Macy's in Herald Square, four Occupy Wall Street activists chanted "boycott Macy's" and "stop supporting big corporations" even as about 9,000 people lined up to shop at the store.
Reuters does not give a figure on the number of “occupoids” but one can hazard to guess, they were much fewer in number than the 9000 shoppers who were ready to look for deals.
Just like the other millions of American’s who are heading out the door (perhaps late this year), this blogger will be looking for deals at stores, including Macy’s, and other major retailers with ties to “Wall Street” or not – in order to give more, save money and perhaps keep someone’s job afloat – all with the knowledge that prices have risen in food, fuel and housing – to the point where those who are working, are cutting back on all frills, hoping that Black Friday will allow them to have some "normalcy" in these difficult, Carteresque financial times
As one who listens to the senior’s from the class of 2012, who are desperately trying to find any job, and taking whatever they can get, if they can find one, someone is getting the blame for this economy and the mess we are in – and surprisingly it is not Wall Street. What is most surprising about this graduating class of high school seniors, they have been paying attention, even though one might not consider a seventeen, soon to be eighteen year old, having a grasp on anything, let alone the fact that the current economic situation is similar to what took place in the later 1970’s under one other inexperienced leader – they have real concerns, and they have taken what cash in hand they have, planning to go early to the malls and the superstores in order to buy something they can barely afford for their best friend, their parents, their grandparents – something strange happened to this particular class and the one below it, from private to public education – they stopped listening to the dogma – therefore, coming out of the hills of Western Massachusetts, where one might think there is a lean towards the left that is extreme, are a group of students, about to register to vote, have taken a keen interest in their own welfare, and how their success is not tied to hopes and dreams, but hard work and determination, and they are looking for that one person who is qualified, from the Congress, to the Senate, they are not partisan, they are independent, and they are shopping on Black Friday, and they pay more attention than one would imagine. They know how to write a "liberal" paper in order to get a grade from a "teacher who is blind to ......", they are smart, savvy and disgusted. It is to the benefit of the campaigns, state, or federal, to court those who may be college bound, or those who would like to be, but are scaling back, looking for anything to save, in order to avoid the high cost of student loans – if one is genuine, if one is slightly conservative fiscally, one might want to reach out over the summer to those who would be voters: Suggest ad campaigns specifically targeting the recently graduated high school student. Those are the youngsters who have been shopping since midnight on Black Friday and actually know for what the acronym “ABO” stands.