Opinion and Commentary on state, regional and national news articles from a conservative feminist point of view expressed and written by conservative moderate: Tina Hemond
Friday, October 18, 2013
Just how Dangerous is Ted Cruz to the Status Quo? Read, Hear & See all about it – Cruz Mania (or Cruz Obsession) Hold media in thrall. Just how important is Ted Cruz – See Previous Question.
Ted Cruz, the Republican Senator from the State of Texas is perhaps the most talked about, derided individual in this nation, outside of the President, who receives press every day – and not just a little press, or a mention here and there – it is literally hundreds of articles – posts, and pundits blathering on about what they know best.
The Left hates him, even the Republicans hate him! Look John McCain hates him! There’s the proof. He is one of those “Tea Party Crazy’s, “He’s only in it for the Money”, and best idiocy yet on the Cruz Bruising – Take for example, one pundit for the Seattle Post Intelligencer who fancies himself a playwright of sorts, writing a one-act-one-man play – He Is Ted Cruz! The article entitled “what Ted Cruz didn’t say” - one can feel the panic, hatred, and partisanship in each and every sentence. This is an op-ed (perhaps) but one that is no different that the fight between the newspapers.
Apparently the Houston Chronicle wrote an article that, many newspapers and new sites felt mean that the Chronicle rescinded their endorsement of Cruz. The Los Angeles Times Ted Cruz Loses Endorsement Houston Chronicle, and across the nation, it was written for the smallest of followings in media to see! – Apparently, these that wish to make news out of no news due to political idiocy and hated – forgot to mention that the Houston Chronicle, upon hearing of the supposed un-endorsement – went ballistic and demanded the retract and fix their silly little articles.
There are far too mention, but one get’s the gist. They have accused him of being stupid (He has a better educational pedigree than most men in Washington Seats of Power, including the White House. He has been accused of “doing it for the money”, as his campaign coffers were suddenly brimming after his 21 hour plus stand in the Senate and his continual refusal to bend to the will of the old guard republicans.
Therein lays the problem, the polling can’t be good – with unheard of unhappiness registers from the American People toward the economy, the direction the country is headed in, Congress (and by Congress that includes Democrats and Republicans, as well as the debt, and especially Obama care and entitlements in general. Ted Cruz speaks to the other 60 to 80% who don’t approve of any of it.
That’s a pretty big chuck of change, and he does it all with sincerity – darn him.
With the left ready to roll out their preferred candidate –half-term Senator Elizabeth Warren, as the New Improved Hillary Clinton for President in 2016 –those on the left are working diligently talking to anyone who will listen (26% of the populace) and demeaning Cruz as much as possible, he is seen as the biggest threat. On the flip side, are the rank and file, deeply entrenched so-called moderate Republican’s who everyone loves now, but when one of them is running for the highest office, they are excoriated by the press. – They must surely have memories that serve at least 8 years back, so one would think that these McCain’s, Grahams, Collins and the like could not possibly be that stupid as to buck the most popular guy in what is left of their party.
The only thing these few groups (Republican who fear/loath Cruz, the Democrats (all of them) and the Press (Democrat all of them) have in common is they are taking positions that may herald or mimic, Custards Last Stand. By that, the two-party system stranglehold on this nation has run its course and they are now in danger of having to share the stage with another party. Even if that Party comes from within the ranks of another. It is, by the by, the way it is historically accomplished.
What happens next? Time will tell, but projecting a bit, One does not really know which of the bold new Libertarian’s will don the mantle of Presidential candidate – one would think it would be at least one who had a perfect showing at the Value Voters Conference or Summit, and also was able to connect to those in the base with an energy almost hinging on star quality. It is the left, Democrats, and the Old Guard Republicans (Including the RNC who is out begging to put individuals on payment plans in pleading phone calls, in a script so similar to the DNC, one might think they are sharing the same call center) who are watching the end of the Good Old Boy era and they don’t like giving any control back to “We the People”. They also know, in their hearts of hearts that they have no one on deck that would be capable of mounting a campaign absent the likes of a Cruz, Lee, or Paul.
As the 2013 year ends, and 2014 rounds the bend, one might see more than a few challenges mounted against sitting incumbent Republicans in both the House and the Senate, and possibly a few Democrats, and that is what concerns them most – they know this is going to happen and they know that darn, Cat I the Hat, will come back to bite them – They can always go on the talk circuit. My bet is though that they will suddenly be fawning all over the “new Republican’s”.
Ted Cruz, who’s news mentions continue to pile up more than any single politician in American – negative or no – is doing the nation a service – and all the negatives that came be dreamed up – will turn positive once the general rolls around. Reading tea leaves is not always the best way to form an opinion; however, one has to ask, what other reason would there be? If he were, say, of little consequence as implied, or too green, or what have you, would they really spend all of this time and talent on making sure he is derided? (Along with anyone that remotely smacks of “Tea Party”. One thinks – no.
Thursday, October 17, 2013
How They Voted to End Government Shutdown and Fund Obama Care (Affordable Health Care Act) – Who To Thank and Who to Vote Against in 2014 - All of Congress is Up for Reelection in 2014.
The House of Representatives and the Senate approved a Continuing Resolution to fund the Federal Government, including the Affordable Health Care Act (Obama Care) last evening. The text of the Funding bill is located at Thoms.gov - 113th Congress (2013-2014) H.J.RES.59.EAS and is worth the read.
The roll call (who voted yes (Yea) or No (Nay) in the Senate is located at: senate.gov those voting against the measure are the following:
Coburn (R-OK), Cornyn (R-TX), Crapo (R-ID), Cruz (R-TX), Enzi (R-WY), Grassley (R-IA), Heller (R-NV), Johnson (R-WI), Lee (R-UT), Paul (R-KY), Risch (R-ID), Roberts (R-KS), Rubio (R-FL), Scott (R-SC), Sessions (R-AL), Shelby (R-AL), Toomey (R-PA) and Vitter (R-LA)
Voting For Passage: (Republican)
Alexander (R-TN), Ayotte (R-NH), Barrasso (R-WY), Blunt (R-MO), Boozman (R-AR), Burr (R-NC), Chambliss (R-GA), Chiesa (R-NJ), Coats (R-IN), Cochran (R-MS), Collins (R-ME), Corker (R-TN), Fischer (R-NE), Flake (R-AZ), Graham (R-SC), Hatch (R-UT), Hoeven (R-ND), Isakson (R-GA), Johanns (R-NE), King (I-ME), Kirk (R-IL), McCain (R-AZ), McConnell (R-KY), Moran (R-KS), Murkowski (R-AK), Thune (R-SD), Warner (D-VA), and Wicker (R-MS)
Those voting in the House can be found at http//clerk.house.gov”
Voting Against:
Aderholt, Amash, Amodei, Bachmann, Barr, Barton, Bentivolio, Bishop (UT), Black Blackburn, Brady (TX), Bridenstinem, Brooks (AL), Broun (GA), Bucshon Burgess, Campbell, Carter, Cassidy Chabot Chaffetz Collins (GA) Collins (NY) Conaway Culberson Denham DeSantis , DesJarlais Duffy Duncan (SC) Duncan (TN) Ellmers Farenthold Fincher Fleischmann Fleming Flores Forbes Foxx Franks (AZ) Garrett Gibbs Gingrey (GA) Gohmert Goodlatte Gosar Gowdy Granger Graves (GA) Graves (MO) Griffith (VA) Hall Harris Hartzler Hensarling Holding Hudson Huelskamp Huizenga MI) Hultgren Hunter Hurt Johnson (OH) Johnson, Sam Jones Jordan King (IA) Kingston Labrador LaMalfa Lamborn Lankford Latta Long Lucas Luetkemeyer Lummis Marchant Marino Massie McCaul McClintock Meadows Messer Mica Miller (FL) Miller (MI) Mullin Mulvaney Neugebauer Noem Nugent Nunnelee Olson Palazzo Pearce Perry Petri Pitts Poe (TX) Pompeo Posey Price (GA) Radel Reed Renacci Rice (SC) Roby Roe (TN) Rogers (AL) Rohrabacher Rokita Rooney Ross Rothfus Royce Ryan (WI) Salmon Sanford Scalise Schweikert Scott, Austin Sensenbrenner Sessions Smith (MO) Smith (TX) Southerland Stewart Stockman Stutzman Thornberry Turner Wagner Walberg Walden Walorski Weber (TX) Wenstrup Westmoreland Williams Wilson (SC) Woodall Yoder Yoho
The House Democrats: 198 (all of them) and the 87 Republicans who joined them are now, technically responsible for the Affordable HealthCare Act and raising the debt ceiling. They are joined by those Senators led by McCain and McConnell
This morning’s news suggests that Senator Ted Cruz and his patriots in arms – have lost or he was basically doing this to gain cash advantage in the political arena with the base.
One might suggest that a read of Eric Erikson of Restate’s article Advancing, ever Advancing” speaking volumes and is worth the read.
One might also suggest have been on the ground in 2009 -2010 that the feeling in the air was one of disgust of Congress and the Senate, and historic gains were made in the House by those so-called “Tea Party Republicans’. Now, one might say that the boiling point has been reached, and when one turns the corner of 2014 and this Health Care bill has a few snags or the economy does not improve significantly (and those could be easy assertions of certainty that one will and one won’t), one might see gains in the House and the Senate that will shift the balance of power in Washington – permanently from one of the Elite to one of the People.
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Ted Cruz 2016- Why WaPost’s Cillizza Suggests He’s Not Concerned – Why Both Right and Left Beat Up On Ted Cruz
There’s an interesting piece in the Washington Post, written by Chris Cillizza, who suggests that Cruz is simply not worried about 2016 now, as he’s building his credibility with the base, in order to win the primary-what comes after the primary will take care of itself - which is possibly the most common sense column I’ve seen this particular columnist.
The fact are rather simple when it comes to times of opportunity, with a President whose falling poll numbers will make it difficult to take on the campaign trail in support of those eager Democrat primary participants, while policies of the administration have floundered, to the point where Democrats are concerned and the Right-Wing is livid – Cruz, the lonely voice at the Top of the Hill (along with other Libertarian minded Republican’s who are also Tea Party Supported, has had his hat handed to him by screaming Senators from the Republican side, as well as the Congressional Rep, King from NY, who’s on every talk show he can find, eviscerating Cruz.
Interesting, is it not? Or common sense in a very Reagan way – not that Cruz and Reagan have all that much in common, oh some things, but…overall it’s time to stop comparing to Reagan and looking for the next Reagan and start looking for the right candidate.
The right candidate can draw the base, talk common sense to the regular guy and be who he is, regardless of whether major political party heads like him or not. It’s a populace stance – most often taken by the libertarian minded, or the independent minded.
What makes it interesting, more than anything is that in the past, there have been winners of Straw polls on both sides, that basically don’t amount to a hill of beans, however, Cruz’s popularity at the unforgiving values voter summit, where he won the straw poll (Time) speaks volumes.
The summit is sponsored by The Family Research Council, which is a division of Focus on the Family. Not for nothing, there is an influential wing of the Republican – or Independent Parties, that is the Evangelical Church and its leaders who have an immense amount of influence over upwards of twenty million voters. If they do not get out and vote for a particular candidate that candidate loses the election.
The Tea Party, love or loath, also has a rather large base and it can be unforgiving at the same time. If one does not get the total support of said Tea Party, one can just about hang it up.
Did John McCain have the wholehearted support of both? Did Mitt Romney? –That’s the big questions – if 25 million voters (and that’s a conservative estimate) stayed out of Presidential contests in the last 3 elections, (or a percent of them), what possibly occurred?
What would occur if a candidate had the wholehearted support of both – as well as those “low information voters” who pull a lever for the Party?
That’s what the Insiders know; especially those Republican’s shouting the loudest.
There’s a reason that Ted Cruz is not worried, not worried in the least. There’s also the point that he might not really care a whit about anything but doing what is Constitutionally correct, with this particular Senator from Texas, that’s a tough call.
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
The Two Party System Leaves Something To be Desired – Nation weary of both Democrats and Republicans – Time for Tea to Brand – Stand alone - Essay
There have been more polls done recently regarding the two party system, or more specifically the members of Congress and the way American’s respond to those two parties as they work, or don’t work in concert with one another. There is the content refusal to negotiate on behalf of the American People, be it ego or arrogance on the side of one Party, while the other party pushes back – yet so terrified that the public will “dislike” them, while doing exactly what they are supposed to do. Polling pushes policies ad politicians – therefore, Congress needs to be watchful of the American people.
A poll released recently by Rasmussen Reports, finds that 47% percent of the American public believes that neither party represents them.; Further the questions: used in the polling here leave no room for error on this one point, the public, or the majority if one did have a third party – would (in theory) kick the current Congress to the curb and bring into national focus a Third Party
If it were one poll that suggested this trend, one could pooh-pooh it easily; however, there are more, in fact several more. At www.pollingreport.com/politics: Although few changes have occurred in the level of individuals who feel they are members of the “Tea Party movement”, (ABC Wall Street Journal – ongoing poll), Gallup’s ongoing poll on Third Parties has reach the 60% mark Other polling to suggest a shift away from the two-party dual, and dueling system, yet the Tea Party Movement – is not identified as particularly well-known or inviting.
It is branding perhaps, or the constant harassment form the media, or even more so – the tie between Tea Party members and the GOP – which, are, in essence, akin to having apples and oranges in the same study.
Although the formal formation of a political party is a rather long and arduous proposition, taking years, if not decades to complete – the groundwork for the Tea Party is well established, and registering in each state would, if pressed, take perhaps a year or more. One might hypothesize that were voters at this juncture and in this time, see the Tea Party – (not movement), as an alternative to either the Standard GOP or the Standard Democrat, the nod would go to the least objectionable party - Cup of Tea, please.
It is the fear of funding, and having allies in both houses, one might presume that keeps the Movement from breaking ties with the standard Republican Party – However, as of late, one finds high-profile members, who are of Tea Party origin, bucking the system, while trying to appears at least modestly simpatico with the Rank and File GOP members of whichever house that member belongs. One finds that the media sees this as a bad break for the GOP, however, surely they did not miss the break between the centrist Democrats and the more radical Progressives during the 2008 Presidential Primary Season – one might not be familiar with PUMA – an acronym that was widely used in protest of the Super-Majority vote (Supermajority are members of a party in positions of elected officials or former elected officials) for Barack Obama to be the 2008 Presidential candidate, and not Hillary Clinton who had, at that time, the popular vote of the Democrat primary. PUMA – Party Unity My Ass – apparently fell by the wayside for simply Lack of Coverage by the media.
Therefore both parties had problems, yet dissimilar, within the Democrat Party there was an actual schism, in the case of the Republican Party – one finds invaders for lack of a better word, or wolves in sheep’s clothing, running as Republican’s, yet – being Libertarian or Conservatives of a different brand. Having gone to a handful of Tea Party Meetings in their original state, one found, contrary to media hype, few Republicans. The majority were “other party” designations, with a smattering of disenfranchised (PUMA) democrats, and Republicans who would take no more RHINO’s – which suggested an organization based on ideology from multiple sources, allowing each voice to be heard – In other words, or for lack of a better turn of phrase, a “People’s Party”.The “Tea” is simply symbolic of the anti-tax movement began in the nation, before it was formally a nation.
The strategy by those members, regardless of the political ideology has been to run in the party closest to their ideology – and one might guess that they have members with some experience in all levels of government, from the local, to the state, to the national stage – which, if those members were to be organized into one party – would certainly replace our current system in say one election.
As 2014 approaches, and the tie-in between Republican-Tea Party becomes more urgent by the press, with perhaps, a bit of help from some standard long entrenched McCainian style GOP members, the fear of losing the comfort of the two party system rears.
There was nothing the nations rejected more than the two-party system, if one were versed in the letters and arguments taking place pre and post Constitutional Convention – it would be clear that it was greatly feared, that the Federal Government would end up with more power than intended – based on an elite society made of up – the two political parties. How prophetic!
It is, indeed, time for a Cup of Tea, or a similar matrix, regardless of the time it takes, one hopes it is getting off the ground now, as there appears that the American people need a third choice more than ever.
Monday, October 14, 2013
Vet March on DC Yet another example - The fight of the left media Mission Keep On Minimalizing.- Analysis

Image from Twitter - jughead

Image from Stars and Stripes

Image from Twitter: fullmetalpatriot
There has always been something that draws individuals to belong to a U.S. “Political Party” – however, when it comes to political parties, when one is not doing one’s homework, and voting based on merit, rather than D or R before the candidate’s name – what it boils down to is one is supporting the individual they hired, regardless of how poor a job they may be doing.
Some American’s, on the other hand, get it the point – they understand that politician’s work for the people – and well, they point out flaws – and that is regardless of party.
The media, print and broadcast in the national traditional sense, bemoan their loose of readership, their loss of viewers to Cable News (one network in particular) – yet continue to behave as “Cheerleaders” for one political party over another - regardless of the fact that they are a business, one that is supposed to report the facts, and having not done so for decades, now finds itself in a bit of a pickle with stockholders.
The fix is simple, editorial belongs on the editorial page, or segment – not in every single article, news or not – this might lead to a rise in leadership or viewers – or at the very least a rise in trust in the Gallup Trust in Institutions Polls where news organizations are just a wee step above the Congress.
When watching the development of the Veteran’s march on Washington DC – due to the closing of the War Memorials – there were certain evident facts.
There were veterans marching on DC
They were joined by few politicians from any standard party – Three in particular showed up, Ted Cruz, Mike Lee and Sarah Palin – all three of which could be characterized as more Libertarian than Republican.
The Capital Police clashed with veterans – this was due to the fact that an anti-shutdown demonstrator started a fight with a Veteran’s group- and Capitol police had to intervene. There were a handful of anti-shutdown (i.e. Republican) protesters and several thousand Veterans (of all parties).
The media was absent initially.
The LA Times (story here), noted several hundred protestors, and that they were primarily Tea Party, Republican’s and Conservatives - Therefore of little consequence.
The New York Daily News morning mention uses the same criteria as the LA Times, however has a higher count on the attendance. It must have been the multitude of photographs and video’s taken on the scene and uploaded to various sites that field a bit of honesty...
Check Google News, for the major outlets and there cookie cutter coverage of the events of Sunday the 13 of October.
Perhaps, just perhaps they would do much better with trust if they labeled correctly – as in Veterans from all political affiliates and walks of life, joined by merely three politician’s, and supported by the Non-politically affiliated – Tea Party Groups. They were protesting the closure due to the government shutdown of the war memorials. There have been multitudes of shutdowns over the years, counting from Carter forward, approximately 19, and yet, not one President/Administration has ever shut down the memorials (and other services).
Some of the individuals protesting do not care for the Affordable Health Care Act – and that’s just not right if one is a member of the press. Therefore, anyone protesting the Affordable Health Care Act must be one of those – Tea Party members which also means – to a journalist, that they are Republican. The use of the language and placement is so transparent, that it is infantile in nature – yet they wonder why they are losing jobs, and bleeding money faster than the U.S. government.
Simply put – they could do a much better job of reporting rather than attempting (poorly) to recruit for one political party (Democrat) over anther – and in that “they” one is referring to all standard media.
These types of events, that are both human interest as well as political, should be handled and reported as such, Including the fact that there were zero members of the Democrat Congresses offering support to the veterans attempting to visit the memorials made in their name.
This is not just one incident – it is all incidents – which makes picking up a community newspaper a better bet – if one wants to avoid open campaigning by the press.
The vet’s, WWII to Iraq and Afghanistan, some maimed in the line of duty, deserve better from the Press.
If the Tea Party were truly “vetted” by the press, they may even covert – as the message is generally Libertarian in nature.
If they paid attention, they would find the Tea Party not overly found of the Republican’s and vice-versa, yet, the name is consistently tied – mostly because the Tea Party members who ran for seats and won in both Houses of Congress were generally running against Republicans as Republicans. In the smaller races, local races, they are running as and winning as Democrats, especially in so called “blue states”. They have not stopped to do their homework; they have grabbed a party line and ran with it. They are always surprised when they are out of a job – darn that internet.
Sunday, October 13, 2013
#VETMARCH – Veterans On Way to White House – At the Wall, WWII Memorial – Zero Media Coverage
There is a protest today in Washington DC and apparently, there are more important things for the Media to Cover – go to www.twitter.com and search hashtag #VETMARCH for updates Livestream from http://weaselzippers.us
It is a sad day in the U.S. when an Immigration Rally is given precedence over America’s veteran’s who fought and died to keep this nation free. Shame on the U.S. media for ignoring the vets – Just my opinion.
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