The Globe's Support for Coakley went to the bitter end: this election eve "test" goes to denial image: Michelle MalkinThe Senior Senator from Massachusetts who will be up for reelection in 2014, has once again, stuck a large foot in his mouth. Apparently, Senator Kerry, known to be somewhat on the clueless side himself, uttered this gem at the Boston Medical Center where he was "on tour":
“We have an electorate that doesn’t always pay that much attention to what’s going on so people are influenced by a simple slogan rather than the facts or the truth or what’s happening,”
(Boston Herald)
Kerry then went on to blame the, you guess it, Republicans.
The last single slogan the “people” fell for was the rehashed “Yes We Can”, first used by Deval Patrick, to put his special brand of incompetence to work in the Bay State: then exported nationally by Barack Obama, in order to do the same damage on a larger scale to the nation. That has to be where he got the impression that the general public was easily fooled. That said, an old adage applies: “Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me”. Barack Obama’s approval ratings indicate “we won’t’ get fooled again” (Borrowing from The Who).
The simple fact of which Mr. Kerry is apparently unaware, historically the electorate is engaged more than any time since the foundation of this nation (see Tea Party, rise of internet news sites, the Gallup Poll Trust in Institutions
which places traditional news media outlets right above dead last Congress) and unfortunately for John Forbes Kerry, they are informed.
Senator Kerry has to drag himself out of the 1970’s and into the digital age, where news and quotes are accessible to the “general public” in a heartbeat, by internet, cable television, radio and email. Back when Senator Kerry was just thinking about a career as a U.S. Senator, information to the public was controlled by the Big 3 networks (CBS, ABC,NBC), and Walter Cronkite basically told the public his version of events. Now, the masses have access to multiple versions, including video, audio and 8 X 10 color glossies as events happen – what’s a Beltway Democrat to do?
101 things one can do with simple Duct Tape.
#1: Insure that the Senior Senator from Massachusetts is not capable of insulting his constituents.
At times, it is embarrassing to admit one is from Massachusetts – unfortunately, that embarrassment stems from words, and deeds (while in office) of our elected officials. John Kerry heads the list, but there are others, Congressional Representatives, that are equally out of tune.
Take, for example, a Boston Globe article
dated September 26th. This article warns the electorate that if the Republican’s take control of the House, then the Massachusetts Congressional Delegation (all Democrats) may quit! Many of these Congressional Representatives are, according to the Boston Globe’s standards, extremely important:
“Representative John Olver, Democrat of Amherst, is part of an elite club of members known in the House as “cardinals,’’ because he holds a subcommittee chairmanship on the Appropriations Committee.”
“Representative Richard Neal, Democrat of Springfield, has been angling to become the next chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, one of the most powerful positions in Washington.”
And this “gem” from the 3rd Districts own Jim McGovern:
I’ll have to up my medication,’’ quipped Representative James McGovern, Democrat of Worcester, who is second in seniority on the Rules Committee. “Obviously it’s better to be in charge than not. I don’t even want to speculate what it would be like to lose the House.
(Above source
Boston Globe)
Therefore, should the Republicans be victorious and take control of the House, the Democrats from Massachusetts would either loose their lofty positions and or quit outright. The thoughts of say Barney Frank and Richie Neal losing Chairs of Committees that have anything at all to do with our nations finances is not necessarily a “bad idea” to a portion of the Massachustts electorate. Although the Globe is certain that all of the House Seats will remain firmly in the hands of the Democrats currently viewed as unmovable (by the Globe – and Washington based media/pundits), reality may once again rear its ugly head.
Running without national or even state Republican support is nothing new to those Republican’s who dare to try and unseat the powerful, or, for that matter those who are trying to rest a seat that was thought to belong to a certain Democrat family. Massachusetts Republicans running against deeply entrenched Democrats have to rely on those “clueless” voters that Senator Kerry speaks highly of, and the Globe dismisses out of hand.
Two races, in particular, involving one of the aforementioned (the other menioned in the Globe articles also rediculous) considering quitting if they can’t have the top jobs, are more competitive than the Globe, national media, or local district media believe: The 4th District, where Barney Frank is being challenged by one Sean Bielat, and the Hampden 2nd, where Richard Neal is being challenged by one Tom Wesley.
What has to happen in these two races is for the “interest level” to rise to a certain point (unknown) before they are given notice and funds. Ever fiscally conservative, the GOP will not throw “good money after bad”, especially in Massachusetts. Therefore, Republican’s running in Massachusetts, like Sean Beilat and Tom Wesley, must garner support both on a retail/grassroots level, and on a national scale (donations) in order to gain any traction.
There are ten Congressional incumbents, nine of which are facing opposition in the Bay State, and one fact that is not being considered, is that Scott Brown was the beneficiary of an early surge in anti-incumbency that began in Massachusetts - Nothing more, and nothing less. Is this to say that all races are competitive, no – however, there are more than a few which are – and the Globe, (with like minded media) will do their utmost to stick their heads in the sand in order to hold up their preferred candidates until the last minute. (See Boston Globe special election Coakley wins over Brown Internet “test” image)
Although no crystal ball is employed, one can with certainly state that the 2010 mid-term and the 2012 general election will be met by a better informed constituency and many of the incumbents nationwide, (even in Massachusetts), will be writing memoirs of their “careers” in the U.S. Congress and the U.S. Senate.