Perry and Bachamnn - image Newsmax
From The Los Angeles Times, President Obama’s approval ratings have gone to a new low, according to Gallup Polling, at 39% approval, an approval rating somewhat reminiscent of the ratings Carter enjoyed as he began to campaign for his reelection in late 1979. Suddenly, Obama will head to the Heartland in a three state tour, the message based on economics, and the end result of the trip touted as not ‘political’ by the White House. (LA Times). That said, last evenings CBS 11 pm local broadcast of the national news, indicated that the trip was indeed political, given the attention paid to the GOP candidates in Iowa and elsewhere this weekend, one of which will ultimately force him into early presidential retirement. The trip is, according to UPI, funded by the taxpayers, and the President will speak in small venues, with the largest hamlet, with a population of 8,000. Immediacy following this exhausting three day schedule, Obama will be heading towards Martha’s Vineyard for a vacation with his family. Last year the most popular t-shirt on the Vineyard was “Miss Me Yet? With George Bush as the focus, this year, there appears to be no new designs on this island playground of the rich and famous – perhaps it’s the economy?
In contrast, both GOP Newcomer, Governor Rick Perry of Texas, and Michelle Bachmann, Congresswoman and small business owner, were at the same event in Iowa where the tone was polite to one another and no-hold-barred regarding the polities of the Obama administration. Bachmann, coming off her win at the Aims Iowa Straw Poll, shared the stage with Govenor Perry, who announced his intent to run, prior to the start of the polling. He managed to edge out the Wall Street Journal’s front runner, Mitt Romney, and with Bachmann’s win, Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty decided to call it quits.
It is interesting that the newscasts from all major networks after the entrance of Perry and the win of Bachmann in the Straw Poll, reference them as “Tea Party”, in accord with Democrat talking head, Debbie Schultz, who weighed in with the fact that all candidates in the GOP were attempting to be like the Tea-Party, and that they were like “Lego’s” (a popular child’s toy). Shultz has her work cut out for her, as the head of the DNC, turning the Tea Party into a villain may be the wrong strategy, but running on Obama’s record, being out of the question at this point, Shultz has little left. One has to wonder, just what did this Florida Congressional Representative do that got her this particular position? Understandably – being the Head Cheerleader for a team going down to the finals in flames is not the most desirable position to hold. It does beg that question.
Therefore, a look at what’s on Press for newcomer, Rick Perry (readers are most aware of what is being said about Michelle Bachmann, a press that despises conservative women more than anything else given the fact that NOW felt compelled to call out Newsweek, on their coverage of Bachmann as being Sexist!) is in order:
From ABC News blog, the note that Rick Perry’s wife told him to enter the race, and do his duty to the country, apparently given the tone of the speech, at the Red State conference, (shown below for reference), the fact that it was a speech that, although red meat for conservatives, was resounding with Independents as well as New York Democrats, and that leaves them little to say about Perry in the race. Next up: Perry’s and Bachmann’s evangelical base – (wait; there are a few hundred stories on that racing to print). There is nothing more frightening to hard core Progressives that the “religious right”, of course, the “Tea Party” is a strong second.
In New Hampshire, Governor Perry appeared to do quite well for his first foray into the granite state (with exception of national media report, therefore one should look to the New Hampshire Union Leader for what most likely occurred: Perry appeared to come across quite well on this, his first excursion into New Hampshire More than a few Massachusetts residents are waiting for his next trip to the Granite State in order to directly volunteer.
No Coincidence, to this point of view Sarah Palin, who will most likely announce her GOP (or Tea Party?) run for the Presidency, at a Tea Party even in Iowa, took a weekend road trip to the following states, by bus, (look for the similarities here), first to Iowa, then to Illinois, and could she possibly be headed to Minnesota? Is Obama stalking Sarah Palin? Considering the ridiculous claims from the left (including the White House and talking head for the DNA, Muppet Wasserman) it is not such an outrageous assumption.
Currently the Wall Street Journal online poll asks: To you think Palin should run (paraphrasing), and the answer, so far is “yes”, by a 51.5 to 48.5. . One has to understand this is the “Mitt Romney” paper of choice, however, as it is now, Palin would bring much to the conversation on the national stage, and she adds one more “Tea Party” “Lego Candidate” to Debbie Wasserman Shultz’s new battle cry. (Lest she be forced to contrast one of these candidates with the Presidents performance).
As first a feminist and a conservative feminist, there would be nothing more exciting that to see two qualified and outstanding women, compete for the GOP Nomination, which would be an historical first, and incidentally will also give fits to Traditional News Outlets as well as Democrats and Republican’s in Washington – what more could anyone ask for?
Note: Below is Rick Perry’s Speech at Red State, worth a listen. Secondly, the “Undefeated” video goes on sale and pay-per-view in December, after viewing the film in a Theater in Plainville CT, one understands it supports two objectives: one, that Sarah Palin, a viable Candidate can and should be a successful candidate in 2012, and 2) do not trust the media when it goes after any candidate running against Obama. Although not implicit in the script or the movie language, with Palin as the focus, every GOP candidate, or Tea Party Candidate, or anyone running against a Progressive Democrat, would be best served to watch this film.
Final Note to all GOP or Tea Party Candidates: Do not, repeat, do not, for once, and leave the Commonwealth of Massachusetts off your schedule. Keep in mind that in 1980, the State of Massachusetts voted for Reagan, and is at the point, where the interest is high. In addition, (check for updates with the Mass GOP), the state is not a winner take all; a Candidate needs only 15% to put them on the ballot. Of course, the thought that there may only be 12% registered Republican’s sounds as if it may be a waste of time, however, consider that has a fairly large Tea Party presence. Suggest visiting (on the way to New Hampshire), Western Massachusetts/Worcester County and the Boston Area, there are volunteers enough for every candidate; the investment should be minimal (unless one wants to really stick it to Axelrod’s other favorite candidate, the Governor Deval Patrick. Several Birds, one stone.
Rick Perry’s Speech at Red State:
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