First, the blog, Springfield Intruder did an excellent job publishing: “Single Party Rule in Springfield Confirmed with City Hall Banner”, noting the illegal use of public property by a single political party. The banner was hung in response to a rally planned by the local Democrat Party in an effort to “Get out the Vote” for Democrat Candidates in MA, including Deval Patrick and Congressman Richard Neal, both battling for reelection.
This removal of the banner from the City Hall was reported by the Springfield Republican’s Website after the Intruder's post, with the headline “Democratic rally banner pulled off Springfield City Hall after questions from Massachusetts Republican Committee and others”. One had to read into the third paragraph of the article to get a hint of the legality of the issue. The Republican notes the removal was prompted by: ”a ruling from the city solicitor that it had to immediately come down.” Yes, it is illegal to use public property to promote a specific political party.
Seriously, how bad can it be in Massachusetts when the local Democrats can’t get away with doing something illegal, and the local daily paper headlines appear to be a sad attempt at blaming Republicans for complaining about bad behavior?
It is the growing discontent among the populace over seemingly “business as usual” political practices that have led to regular citizens educating themselves about the law and then doing something pro-active.
One merely needs to look at headlines from around the country to understand that people are more engaged than in other elections and wary of politicians and political parties that attempt to subvert the system. From the Drudge Report speaks to the chaos: (Chicago): “Possible glitch with vote-by-mail system”, (Las Vegas Sun) "Angle campaign attorney: Reid “intends to steal this election if he can’t win it outright”(which speaks to the of buying votes by members of the Teachers Unions in conjunction with Senate Majority Harry Reid), (Washington Examiner re: Nevada election) “Nevada voting machines automatically checking Harry Reid's name; voting machine technicians are SEIU members” - and it goes on and on and on.
From Nevada to to the Carolina’s problems with voting machines pointing to fraud by Democrats and their unions (all explained as “glitches with a system”, are made public knowledge in seconds with access to the web, cable television or a radio. It is fair to say then, that residents in Massachusetts and other blue states may be tuning in and getting suspicious as of late, specifically as there are hotly contested races and choices at the ballot box in Massachusetts for the first time in decades.
What established political parties do not seem to understand at any given time, is the ability of the American people to stand up and take notice. This is especially true when a Political Party has “ruled the roost” so to speak for what is literally generations. One would think that the Democrats, who are so tech savvy, would pick up on the angst of the populace and play fair. These types of headlines, including the Springfield Republican’s, only further the notion that the Democrats either control or have sympathizers in the media, and, additionally, cheat if they cannot win on their own merits.
Perhaps letting the chips fall where they may might have worked out better than intended in the long-run – as these types of headlines, far from rallying Democrats to get out and vote for their party, elicit a sense of desperation, and what follows is a renewed commitment for change and anti-incumbent sentiment among those unenrolled voters or independents who are flocking in droves to Tea Party events nationwide and an increasing awareness of the rank and file voter.
Losing the Social Media Battle: Even locally, the allegedly tech savvy Democrat Party has a Facebook fan page following of of 25 “fans” and went "live" on the web late in the game; the 15th of October. Alternately, the Springfield Tea Party has posted to Facebook since May of this year, and has 247 “followers” while the Western Mass Republican’s page has over 700 "fans".. There is no fan page for the Western Mass Democrats.
Although one cannot project the outcome of any given election based on Facebook “fans”, it does go to the level of interest in ending the “One-Party rule” that the Springfield Intruder speaks of, especially in Western Massachusetts. As David Axelrod, Deval Patrick and Barack Obama Mentor and "friend" noted in a recent interview on CNN, he will be watching the Northeast on November 2nd, and further that races may have surprising outcomes.
It will, in the long run, be who has the better ground game, and how disgusted, or demoralized the local party in power’s base is, that will tell the tale in nine Congressional races, the Governor’s race, and hundreds of State offices on November 2nd. One cannot anticipate a Blue State turning red, however, a shade of purple is definitely probable.
Opinion and Commentary on state, regional and national news articles from a conservative feminist point of view expressed and written by conservative moderate: Tina Hemond
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