The Mom’s for Tom (Wesley) video show below, highlights the commitment of Western and Central Massachusetts women, and the variety of roles played by women who support Tom Wesley. From Latino moms to working moms, to stay at home moms, to Grand moms, the video(s) and movement, begun by Tara Kozub, promotes a simple yet powerful message: Stop spending our children’s’ future. This effective video has garnered a bit of attention in the MA2’s eastern Press – the Worcester Telegram and Gazette. The article here on video politics, reviews an assortment of productions done in support of candidates in Central Massachusetts (which this particular district stretches from Western through Central MA. The author dubs the Moms for Tom video as ”The most earnest, and well-produced, of the bunch.”
Do the Mom’s for Tom have a point? Absolutely, a recent Springfield Republican article highlights the 120 million dollar high speed rail project, 13 miles of which will run from the “Connecticut Line to Springfield’s Union Station”. Credited for bringing more tax dollars to the district? Congressman Richard Neal. One may argue that spending 120 million dollars to improve speed for a 13 miles stretch of rail is a worthwhile investment, however, that investment might be better made when the Federal budget is in place (Congress failed to pass a budget this session), and the nation’s debt is a bit lower. Understanding that the intent is to showcase both the rail and Congressman Neal’s “accomplishments”; the Republican may be, unintentionally doing a disservice to the Congressman, whereas the general public is not particularly thrilled with any spending at this point. This is especially true of those who considered themselves unenrolled or independent registered voters. Although fiscal responsibility is one of the key principals of the Tea Party movement, it appears to have spread across the district, state and nation, crossing all demographics. The general public, Democrats, Republicans, Independents, Green Party affiliates, are, for the most part, concerned about any extra spending at this point.
With Neal unable to run on his record of late (98% vote with Nancy Pelosi), especially in the MA2nd, (which may be one of the most conservative districts in the Bay State), running on pork, might not have been the best choice.
Although Neal is throwing money around the district in his best effort at campaigning, it may not be enough in this particular atmosphere against spending, to stave off the growing attitude of the electorate’s fiscally responsible, anti-incumbent mood.
Neal, for the first time in memory, has been actively campaigning throughout the district, granted in closed environments. For example, Neal’s Facebook page here, touts the “1200” seniors who joined him in Chicopee at the Hu Ke Lau” for his annual “Senior Appreciation Day”. However, one might wonder where 1200 may have sat for dinner in a restaurant where seating for private functions, according to the website is limited to 450 persons. Additionally, attempts at finding any annual event for seniors connected to Richard Neal were unsuccessful. (Granted, searching Google, Google Archives, the two Richard Neal for Congress websites, and the official Congressional Website, may not have been sufficient to find additional articles and or mentions of an annual Senior Appreciation Day.)
Neal has also vested campaign time in visiting the Campus at Smith College (Organized by Obama for America, and the Brewers Association in Colorado. Although there must be more he has done to campaign in the district, little else has shown up in district news, his websites, google, etc. Perhaps now would not be the best time for Neal to be shy, all things considered.
Mom’s for Tom may be saying what fathers, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles and second and third cousins are thinking – time to reign in the spending and politics as usual.
Mom’s for Tom Video
Opinion and Commentary on state, regional and national news articles from a conservative feminist point of view expressed and written by conservative moderate: Tina Hemond
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