Tom Wesley, a man "For and of the People" Running for Congress Against Richard Neal, and getting a helping hand from "thousands" of Democrats in the District! image Politics2010
A report from news from Channel 3, CBS News Springfield, MA, last evening began by speaking about a surge in voter registration changes and early data suggesting that Republican gains in Massachusetts suggest that change from the Bay State did not end with Scott Brown’s victory in November. From"CBS3’s, (WHFS, Springfield, MA), Matthew Campbell:
“Republicans have been surging. Riding a wave of voter frustration into the November elections, they hope to take key seats in the state and elsewhere.
So far, early numbers suggest they have a very good shot. Springfield's Election Office reported that they've seen hundreds (video below notes “if not thousands”), switch their registration from Democrat to Republican this year. Speaking with Secretary of State William Galvin, he echoes the same results from around the state.”
Both the video (below) and web version of the report began with the sign for a Democrat rally, put up on the Springfield City Hall then taken down as citizens complained about the legality of a Democrat rally banner placed on City property days prior to the event. In interviewing Governor Deval Patrick and MA2 Congressman, Richard Neal, both looked somewhat uneasy at the suggestion that change may occur on November 2nd in Massachusetts.
The shift in the party registration has been evidenced at rally’s in recent days for Neal Challenger, Republican Tom Wesley, who is dubbed as a “career citizen” in reference to his run against Congressman Neal, who was first an aid to George McGovern, then Mayor of the City of Springfield, then a State Legislator, prior to moving on to the Congress in the 1988. Neal has held that position, unchallenged, since that time, and has a record in the past two sessions of voting lockstep with Democrat Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, 98% of the time. Those attending the Wesley events have left the Democrat Party, and are working with vigor for Wesley – the biggest reason for the switch and the surge in voters (internal polls have incumbents breaking for Wesley 70/30 in the district) is the fact that Brown was sent by the people as a message, and that the message was ignored by Congress. This change in party is occurring in the rank and file as well as with elected officials. Recently, a member of the Springfield City Council, Timothy Rooke, switched parties and endorsed Republican Charlie Baker for Governor.
Additionally, in an article released by the Worcester Telegram and Gazette, on October 26th, talks about Neal having a large “war chest” from Special Interest Groups” and interestingly, Neal’s campaign manager, notes that the only polling done was at the behest of the Neal Campaign, and that Neal was doing well. This statement contradicts one made earlier on said polling. When queried by this blog regarding leaks from the campaigns polling firm suggesting Neal was showing dismal numbers in the district, it was said that there simply was no polling taking place.
Although playing “devil’s advocate”, the campaign have done a second round of polls, however, one would hazard to guess, results would be the same. Additionally, these media reports of heavy campaign war chests by Special Interest Groups coupled with the constant articles from all Bay State media about the monies brought into the district and state by both Neal and Patrick are having unintended consequences. They are firming the commitment of the general public to vote Republican and/or switch political parties based on the public distaste for deficit spending.
The Massachusetts 2nd Congressional District, not unlike the balance of the Bay State, has been, for the past few decades, led by those “unenrolleds” or independent voters who make up over 50% of the electorate. Using statistical data of the district ( here ), one can see that using figures from 2008 party registration (no longer accurate based on an unknown increase in Republican Registration and decline in Democrat Registration) the district placed 27% more votes for Scott Brown than Martha Coakely, in January of this year; this suggests certain Congressional districts, like the 2nd, which are rated Likely Democrat by Washington pundits, might better be deemed as a toss-up, at the very least.
In other words, without enough base to stem the tide, will the usual trolling for votes in Nursing homes (this blog has personal experience in that regard in the 2000 election), dead voting in the Bay State, and the union vote (12 %of the voting bloc nationwide), be sufficient to keep the career politicians in office - unlikely as it did not work for Coakley..
Therefore, if thousand are switching political affiliation across the state, then just how many Congressional Districts are in play? The answer is 9, which is historical in that there are 9 challenged Congressional races, let alone the fact that 4 to 5 of those races are most certainly on the radar. Will all races be by wide margins of 5 or more points? Most probably not, however, they will all be close, and it is now a safe bet that the makeup of the Massachusetts Congressional Delegation will be changing on Nov. 2nd.
Finally, based on the video below, one has to ask, do the answers by Deval Patrick and Congressman Richard Neal, and indicate that they are ‘confident’ in this race?
To learn more about Tom Wesley and his citizen’s campaign for Congress visit www.tomwesley.com and volunteer or donate – the final days of the campaign will be critical, and when an opposition may even pull out the dead and disabled to vote to maintain a long-held office, every hand on deck is of import.
Side note: How critical are the MA Congressional Races: polling stations across the state will be monitored by volunteers, in numbers equal to or surpassing the Brown election
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We have the 4-part video were Rush Limbaugh launches Reverse Operation Chaos or Operation Reverse Chaos posted on Common Cents...
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