State of Maine - Health Care Reform Waiver Granted - image:
The State of Maineis one of the latest entities (and first State) to receive a waiver from complying with Health Care Reform. According to CNBC, the State feared that implementing the Federal Plan would force one of their three health insurers out of the state. Maine joins an ever expanded list of waivers granted; over 1000 waivers had been granted since the inception of Health Care Reform, the cornerstone of the Obama Administration. (CBS News).
The fact that Maine, like many other states, limits the number of health insurance carrier choices is part and parcel of the problem. This practice creates a virtual monopoly, allowing those carriers to set prices based on a state structured risk pool; the end result is an increase in premiums to consumers. The limit of carriers coupled with state mandated coverage of benefits, drives the costs upward annually.
When a state opens its border to competition, however, the end result is a variety of choices in health plans as well as a reduction in premiums. Nowhere is this more evident than in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, where previously there were a limited number of auto insurance carriers to choose from and premiums were some of the highest in the nation. When the laws were changed to allow more carriers into the state, insurance premiums dropped rapidly – competing firms were touting savings up to 50% and consumers rejoiced. Although one might think that comparing auto to health insurance is akin to comparing apples to oranges, it is the same principles of broadening the risk pools and competition among businesses that would guide both. – The end result, more choices, lower premiums, no need for the State and or Federal government to intercede.
As the President continues to fight against the Federal Court Ruling that made his Health Care Reform Law, unconstitutional the administration is handing out waivers left and right, mainly to businesses and unions – the list can be found here at It is beyond the time to stop wasting time and dollars on continuing lawsuits, and implementing this program for some not all and look towards a smarter option which allows freedom of choice for the consumer.
For an excellent treatment on proposed changes to Massachusetts Health Care, which, one must be wary, due to the simple fact that the National Model is based on Massachusetts’s plan, read "Proposed Health Care Reform is a Proven Loser” written by Dr. Jay Fleitman. Dr. Fleitman writes a column for the Daily Hampshire Gazette. Dr. Fleitman also served as the Chair of the Board of Health for the City of Northampton; he ran for Congress in 2010 and is the current Chairman of the Western Mass. Republicans.
you rally are clueless.
courts have ruled both ways on Obamacare, that it is Constitutional and that it's not.
Guess what, judges appointed by conservative nutjobs ruled it unconstitutional. Big surprise.
MassCare came in on time and under budget, regardless of anything driveled by Fleitman, who is a one man medical money machine.
Mass. bashers take note: Health reform is working:
that was almost 2 years ago. It's even better now. Mass has the best health coverage and best health outcomes in the nation.
Our unionized teachers also deliver the best students in the country. The best.
Please, I really wish the rest of you T-Party nutjobs would stop trying to screw that up.
I was born and raised here in Western Mass. I have lived in different states and countries. We are the most Liberal state in the country. We have the best education, health care, top 5 or so per capita income, and right in the middle for taxes according to this:
So why don't you T-Party nutjobs find another hobby besides trying to screw up one of the best places to live in the country?
Seriously, form a bowling league or try knitting. And STOP WATCHING FOX AND BECK.
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