In States where the maximum limit for collection of unemployment benefits is set at 99 weeks, those benefits will be ending this month. Not all states qualify for the 99 week extension – for example, Arkansas has a lower unemployment rate; therefore benefits end at 26 weeks. However, for those living in states where the extensions have been granted by the Federal Government up to 99 weeks, those benefits, funded by Congress, are set to expire. It is estimated that 1.5 million citizens nationwide will have exhausted the maximum benefits this month.
Taking an unusual step the State of Indiana has invested $1 Million in Federal funds to hire armed security guards to protect “staff and clients” at 36 of its employment centers statewide. (Ft. Wayne Journal Gazette) Fearing those whose benefits have expired will have violent reactions at these centers apparently prompted the State of Indian to make this unprecedented decision. There is no explanation for the move other than an expectation that violence might take place. Indiana, ironically, is one of the seven states that showed a “significant” increase in the job market, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, with a gain of 39,200 jobs – however, the government does not indicate if these are private sector or state jobs. A total of 316,555 persons were unemployed in Indiana as of September 2010, this figure does not include those who’s benefits had previously expired and/or those who are underemployed.
Playing Monday Morning Quarterback: had a portion of the billions in federal stimulus gone to those unemployed for retraining, and would the Federal government and the State governments cut the corporate tax rate, perhaps those manufacturing jobs lost throughout the U.S. might make a return, a slow process at best, but one has to ask: How long can the economy survive when the job market is limited to either service jobs or government jobs? Speaking of which, as the unemployment increased, and the need to create jobs was evident, those federal jobs “created” should have been offered first to the nations unemployed, or a form of FDR’s workfare.
However, billions were wasted on ridiculous pork barrel projects, while those in Indiana and elsewhere watched their futures implode. Yet, what has happened, apparently, is the unemployed are being used as a political football by the administration– first by extending benefits without creating jobs in the private sector, and then turning around and blaming Republicans for not extending benefits without increasing the national debt. Although the Republican solution was to use non-committed Stimulus funds to extend benefits, the Democrats declined and came up with the brilliant solution of not producing budget.
So the question remains, how long will these career politicians play this game with those who the State of Indiana fear most? Surely, a temporary fix is just that, and it is hoped that with a new face on the Congress, those who have lost hope over the past two years, will find solutions and relief instead of the US versus Them dogma coming from the Campaigner in Chief – unless of course, he takes a sharp turn to the middle and begins to talk to the other side of the aisle. Is the suffering of millions really worth the votes? Apparently someone thinks so, otherwise, there would have been solutions in place, regardless of whose idea it may have been, even a Republican.
How long before other states follow Indiana’s lead? As every day, millions of American’s are reminded but for the Grace of God, they are not in the position that so many millions of American’s find themselves today, we all of us, look for leadership and solutions, that will not only offer a hand up to a neighbor in need, but allow for the return of private enterprise as the horse that drives the cart. Without the private sector jobs (i.e. taxpayers), the nation, already deep in debt, will simply run out of money.
Opinion and Commentary on state, regional and national news articles from a conservative feminist point of view expressed and written by conservative moderate: Tina Hemond
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