Friday, October 15, 2010

Struggling Barbara Boxer (D-CA) Campaigns on Abortion – Is it Truly a Social Conscious or a Sure-Fire Fundraiser that Motivates?

Barbara Boxer Uses Abortion Issue in Desperation - image Politico

FromPolitico: Barbara Boxer, in a rally at a Hollywood, CA hotel, claimed that her opponent, Republican Carly Fiorina, “would become a sure Senate vote to overturn Roe v. Wade.” Apparently, Boxer is unaware that neither Chamber of the House, Senate or Congress, has the right to overturn any Supreme Court decision. The only “danger” to a “woman’s right to choose” would be the people’s hiring of a President, who would then have the right to appoint Supreme Court justices, which are first vetted and approved by the Senate. The abortion football, like the “gay marriage” football, have become nothing more or less than political cards, played to the public and used with no real intent or power, for that matter, of moving the debate forward or solving any issue. When someone declares their personal belief in life or abortion, one is merely stating an opinion and unless than someone is sitting on the highest court in the land, it is a moot point.

Therefore, Boxer’s logic (and any other politician who tries this tactic) follows that the voters in California, or elsewhere where that tired card is played, feel that “protecting the rights of the unborn” or “fighting for a woman’s right to choose”, at this point in the game, should trump the fact that there is high unemployment, and major entitlement programs upon which she (and her like-minded peers), voted upon in order to suck the life out of our nation. Social issues come into play when the economy is not in “tatters”, and when all is “rosy”. What Boxer, and other politician’s in her position (danger of losing a job, and joining the 9.6% of the nation (low estimate by some economists) who are no longer employed) are left with, after either knowingly, or worse going to incompetence, unknowingly took part in the legislation that caused this mess, are the “scare tactics of social issues”. Regardless of Fiorina’s personal beliefs, or O’Donnel’s, or Witman’s, or Pelosi’s, or Murry’s, or any one of the women running who are either pro-life or pro-abortion, the women (or men) who count are sitting on the Supreme Court.

It is, as of the present time, a women’s right to choose whether or not to end the life of a child in utero, however, those who might matter politically are at the State level, not the Federal level, and would move legislation forward that would either limit or increases access to abortion, and those laws are then challenged – in the courts. So, in reality the politician’s one must be most concerned with, specifically on the issue of abortion, are those who are applying for jobs as State Representatives and State Senators and Governors who would sign into law a bill on the subject – however, no state can trump the Supreme Court. No one, in any position in a State or Federal office, now, or in the foreseeable future, has the ability to overturn anything.

It is the duping of those who have no clue when it comes to civics, that “career” politicians’ hope to prey upon. It is the collective body politic, that would stand to move an issue one way or the other, and the time it takes to do so is obviously lengthy. Roe vs. Wade was decided upon in in 1973 and to date, no one politician or individual has brought a successful appeal forward to the only body upon which the issue is adjudicated. It is especially shameless when a woman in the political arena, either pro-or anti abortion, uses this issue to campaign, without specifically acknowledging the steps necessary to move it forward, and either their or their oponnents very minor role in the process, they are not feminists, they are merely taking advantage of other women.

The Democrats, who are clearly in danger of losing their majority, cannot “man up” (how sexist) and campaign on their records – records which the voting public who are motivated by the economy are clearly aware. Wild claims, made in front of clueless celebrities, with the backing of the nation’s foremost lobby on abortion (N.A.R.A.L.) smack of desperation and an entreaty for hard cash – which Boxer will need to clear her debts after Nov. 2nd.

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