Sean Hanntity of Fox News - an Interest in MA Growing Conservative Movement - image: wow
As the Massachusetts primary season is heating up, Candidate for Congress, Sean Bielat, will be a guest on the Sean Hannity Show, this coming Monday, August 23rd. (Source: email received from the Bielat campaign). This Conservative showcase, will give Mr. Beilat a national platform in which to a) prove that the Bay State has credible Republican candidates running for office (in droves mind you – all but one of the 10 districts has a Republican Primary) and b) take an opportunity to show how he might differ from his competitor, Earl Sholley, on the issues to those in the 4th district who were not able to listen to the 7am debate held on Rush Radio( Podcast of Debate available here. )this past week. Lastly, it will give Mr. Beilat an opportunity to increase his “war chest” which, rumor has it, is on par with Barney Frank’s. (Note rumor, but with the insistence that the next FEC filing will be “huge”. (source name withheld, as noted as rumor)
So tune in next Monday, or set your dvrs, and take the time to get to know a young Marine who may just be Frank’s nemesis (or in the event that Frank, even with evidence to the Contrary, bows out of the race at the last breath (Ethics Panel Indictment Avoidence Ayndrom), handing it, hat in hand to Rachel Brown – given tweet and sources from Laura Ingraham of Frank’s retirement in April and the way in which Frank approached Rachel Brown, with all due respect, in the Democrat Debate (available on You Tube).
Mr. Bielat might find himself up against a different opponent. With politics in the 4th District of Massachusetts, perhaps a bit more “crazy” than other districts in Massachusetts – anything, at this point may happen. One thing is certain, the next Congressional Representative for the Massachusetts 4th will be one of these four individuals:
Barney Frank Barney
Rachel Brown Rachel for Congress
Sean BielatSean"
Earl SholleySholleyfor
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