Chris Christie - Makes One Want to Move to New Jersey - image write on new jersey.com
From Politicoauthor Maggie Hagerman, reports on New Jersey Republican Governor, Chris Christies’ “take” on the controversy surrounding the building of a Mosque (more to the point a community center) at Ground Zero. In an interview,
"on Monday became the most prominent GOP figure to warn against "overreacting" to the threat of terror and painting "all of Islam" with the brush of terrorism amid the swirling controversy about the Ground Zero-area mosque."
That quote was preceded by the articles headline and assertion that Governor Christie was “warning” the GOP establishment - a stretch by the author to say the least. However, the author did throw in Sarah Palin and Newt Gingrich as the ones to whom the Governor was most likely addressing the statement he made – noting it was a “striking departure” from the aforementioneds stand on this issue.
The remarks she quoted further down in the article, paint a different picture entirely. Christie was referring to the fact that he did not feel this particular issue should be used as a political football by any political party and especially the President, due to the egregious nature of the crime on September 11th, and his concerns are spot on and then, lo and behold, he recuses himself from commenting:
“and I don't believe that it would be responsible of me to get involved and comment on this any further because it just put me in the same political arena as all of them."
Thumbs up to Governor Christie for calling it “like it is” and thumbs down to Politico for the articles Title – “Chris Christie warns GOP on mosque” – The question is: was the author expecting the reader to stop at the headline, and then form an opinion based on her opinion – and not notice that Christie most specifically called out the President, not naming any one party, but noting both parties should not use the issue as a “political” football – therefore an alternate and perhaps more appropriate title might have been “Chris Christie Calls Obama Out for Weighing in on Proposed 9/11 Mosque, warns both parties .………”
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