In the most ridiculous move of his presidency, Barak Obama flew to Massachusetts in an attempt to rally Coakley supporters. Instead, the President found anti-Coakley sentiment. A segment of the rally is shown below - video courtesy of You Tube. At one point he ended up walking away from the podium. Perhaps he didn't see the polls coming out of Public Policy Polling, where he enjoys a 44% approval rate in the Bay State, and Martha Coakley's imploding campaign just took another turn for the worse. Public Policy Polling will release a new poll tonight at approximately 10:30 eastern. From what they had gleaned so far in this second and final poll, was that Obama's popularity rose 20%, which was a 5 point bump up, however, Brown appeared to have picked up an equal amount of Democrat voters. All eyes on Massachusetts, the Bay State is poised to shake things up a bit.
Opinion and Commentary on state, regional and national news articles from a conservative feminist point of view expressed and written by conservative moderate: Tina Hemond
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There are several spelling errors in your posting. You don't read much, do you?
First, I write, and I do read, I proof as well, however, as you must be aware, proofing your own work often results in errors. Most polite individuals who find spelling mistakes and or grammatical errors (of which, I am certain, there are a few of those as well) point them out to me, specifically - (even those who may have a different political viewpoint - as I find most Moderate's are quite reasonable) K
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