Deval Patrick with Barack Obama - Tax and Spend image msnbc
As the Nation, lately, is most likely to follow Massachusetts’ lead in matters of economic chaos (see Massachusetts Universal Health Care Debacle), Democrat Governor, Deval Patrick has renewed his call for for illegal immigrants to receive in-state tuition assistance from the Commonwealth. Based on a report released by the executive branch advisory council, illegal immigrants would be eligible for in-state tuition, complete with financial assistance, the ability to obtain a drivers license, and a host of other services detailed in the report entitled: “The New American Agenda”.
The Report, prepared in October and released by the Governor this week, is broken into three sections: The Overview: part 1,Education: part 2 and “Refugees: part 3.
All three sections of the report call for creation of more state-funded programs, something that may leave the State’s dwindling tax-paying population, wondering how much more Massachusetts can squeeze a paycheck. In July, the Commonwealth approved a round of tax increases, including a 25% hike in the sales tax, and taxes on communications (rising cable and telephone bills statewide) and a tax on Satellite Television and unemployment benefits. Desperate to cover expenses from Commonwealth Care (Massachusetts Universal Health Care Program), the State has even proposed taxing Massachusetts pet owners - no kidding. The only way to pay for these programs (some of which receive federal funding) is obvious, increase taxes on employers (what’s left of them) and those still working in the Commonwealth.
Boosting services for legal immigrants would be one thing – the nation has been built on the backs of immigrants – therefore, any proposal that would serve to aid those who have arrived here legally, are welcome, however, one finds that paying for services rendered to those who have broken the laws of the nation and by sheer numbers, have pushed away legal immigrants by reducing immigration “quotas”, is a little difficult to comprehend.
Most worrisome about the proposal are the national implications: Massachusetts policy under the Patrick administration seems to find its way to the Obama administration – and then to the halls of Congress where yet another ridiculous, tax-payer funded, unworkable program is proposed in a Bill introduced by Speaker Pelosi. Massachusetts residents have the ability to move across state lines (and as the State’s population declines, it is apparent that is exactly what is happening), however, once these idiotic programs are national, there are few choices when it comes to protecting what’s left of one’s income from the tax-happy administration in Washington.
It is, therefore, no wonder, that the Governors approval ratings have been in the tank, and Massachusetts residents are already reviewing options for 2010. Although recent polls suggest that Patrick would succeed in a gubernatorial race, with the inclusion of Democrat conveniently turned Independent, Tim Cahill, and Republican Christy Mihos (Republican turned Independent turned Republican), it remains a bit early to call this race “Safe” for the incumbent. Massachusetts voters, although interested in Independent Candidates, generally push them aside at the 10th hour for one of the major party candidates. Christy Mihos knows this too well, his poll numbers were identical to Cahill’s when he began to run, only to find that voters turned to either Patrick or Healy once inside the ballot box, leaving him with 6 percent of the vote. One can anticipate that the same thing will occur with Cahill, leaving the Commonwealth with two choices and the Governor will, in all likelihood, be asking his close friends Axelrod and Obama for employment in 2011.
Note: the opinion on immigration is based on the author being a first-generation American of Hispanic descent.
OK ... I work for the state and there is a lot of talk about furloughs and other measures to help close the massive deficit we are facing. It is unbelievable that we would look to extend benefits to illegal immigrants when the state is hemoraging financially. Then again, what else can we expect from the current administration. I am all for benefits to legal immigrants of our country ... but this proposal is simply idiotic!
It is impossible to imagine how we got to this level of differences in the nation. In the state I live in, South Carolina e.g., Duval Patrick would probably get no more than 15% to 20% of the vote for his spendthrift programs and general incompetence. Yet, as you state here, he is still the leading candidate even after his dismal performance in Mass. Now, he throws in bennies for illegals and he is still a frontrunner.
The people I meet here, like myself, who escaped the northeast are so glad they relocated primarily because of the statist ways in that part of the country. I just can't figure out why ostensibly intelligent voters continue to enjoy being swindled and screwed by marxist type liberals.
Tina, is it simply a case where 20 to 30 percent of the population are financing the state and the rest are leaching off them? By the way, I commend you for your optimism even though from my perspective I would have packed my bags long ago.
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