Martin O'Malley - photo Politico (AP)
From the S.C. News Exchangecomes an interesting take on Martin O’Malley and his changes of succeeding in a not so crowded field of Democrats for the 2016 Presidential nomination. O’Malley received several standing O’s in a crowd that once was all Clinton. It is noted that Clinton lost to Obama in that primary given his lack of a brand name.
O’Malley, who lost his Governor’s seat to a Republican in the 2012 sweep, is running against (possibly as no one has accounted) Hillary Clinton. The Washington Post asks Is O’Malley Ready for Hillary?”. One would surmise yes, given the recent events (emails) and the fact that O’Malley is seen a more Progressive than most.
Democrat strategists suggest that although O’Malley’s approval ratings might not have been perfect, that voters tend not to know such information when the candidate is further afield. Poltiico
One thing of interest is his “rain tax” according to the tax foundation – a tax was placed on rainwater, in order to comply with the EPA, the Governor signed a bill which levied a “fee” or tax on businesses and residences based on the amount of area on a piece of property where the rain might not land (parking lots, rooftops, etc.). .(Tax Foundation)
He is the only one to watch, so far, on the Dem team – Hillary will not run, Warren will not run, and that leaves Bernie Sanders. There may be others on hand, but O’Malley’s entrance on the scene (he is similar to the Warren school of tax the billionaires), makes things a bit more interesting.
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