Monday, November 05, 2012

GMO’s – What’s in your Food and why the Sudden Scrutiny? – Could it be the Pesticides?

One of many maps showing GMO Free areas in the EU - from the website:

Over the past few weeks, one may have heard about a ballot measure in California, Proposition 37, which would effectively force food producers such as Hershey, to label products that contain Genetically Modified crops. One might think that Genetically Modified food should not be an issue, the argument against the California Proposition (mainly by food producing lobbyists) suggests that food would simply cost a great deal more if it did not contain this type of corn, soy, etc.. On the one hand, the economy is in shambles and people need to eat. On the other hand, do people really want to eat food that has been modified? Simply put, in simple terms, this is corn, or soy, that has been grown to produce its own pesticide, letting the plants thrive. That may not sound so horrific, but think about eating Roundup every day in every product one uses.

There is a reason that nations around the world are banning these types of crops, used in food, including Russia( The California proposition is being fought tooth and nail by the producers of the modified food, as well as the producers of the food stuffs that use them. According to Forbes Magazine online firms such as Monsanto and DuPont, are spending heavy against the measure, and they are joined by the Grocery Manufactures Association, representing: Kellogg’s, PepsiCo and General Mills, among others.

That should many anyone with a sense of sanity a tad nervous about what might be contained on one’s food products. But what are the serious effects? The nations in Europe and Asia have already banned the use of GMO’s, and or insist that these products be labeled (as are Hershey products that are shipped overseas.) However, are there any studies that might indicate that eating food, made with corn or soy that has inbred pesticides, has any adverse side effects? A European Study suggests that the food products fed to lab rates, and containing Roundup (which is what is in the food products) causes cancer and shortens the life span, but is pooh-poohed by the FDA and “leading experts”, which includes Monsanto who produces the Soy, Beets and Corn used in over 80% of the U.S. food supply. (San Francisco Chronicle)

Therefore, that sounds a tad suspicious to anyone who might consider ingesting even minute amounts of roundup, daily, for say twenty years – dangerous.

The argument that is being sold this morning (on the early news shows, which is what prompted this blog), is that the food produced without the GMO’s would be more expensive for consumers. Really?

More expensive than illnesses, such as cancer, in the long run? One has to make a decision as to how to go about daily life, with or without ingesting this type of product. Therefore, it might behoove anyone who’s a tad nervous about eating poison, (i.e. roundup), to find alternatives, which may prove difficult.

Here’s a regulation against, that should be before Congress, lobbyist for the Chemical Manufacturers who produce the seeds, and the farmers who use the seed, and the Grocery Manufactures, that make the cereal, bread and Lord knows what else (Soda!), have perhaps more sway than a mom or pop who’s trying to better the health of their family - perhaps it's not as easy to avoid as one might think. There are products available, Look for “contains no High Fructose Corn Syrup, labeled organic, and basically “real Cane Sugar”for a start. Or buy products coming from Europe, or other nations that don’t use GMO’s. There is a handy guide, in PDF or download as an ap, at How to Avoid Foods Made with Genetically Modified Organisms by the Center for Food Safety. The brands that do contain GMO’s are listed – prepared to be shocked.


Lee said...

Thank you for writing this excellent post on GMO's! This is a very important subject that affects all people. If Europe has banned GMO foods then so should we..They always seem to be ahead of the US on the health front.

qrops said...

nice written

suzana martin said...

Genetically gmo foods are foods containing genes that have been altered or exchanged. The transferring of a gene or a trait, such as beta carotene, to rice to give it a golden colour is modifying the rice1. Against or for the use of gmo foods, has been a worldwide argument for decades, since the more research is done, the more advantages and disadvantages are if you want to learn more about gmo foods being connected with gmo foods.

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