The Republican National Convention - catch it on Cable News or C-Span - image:
It’s a wrap – the New York Times is reporting that the three major television Networks (ABC, CBS, NBC) will not offer full coverage of either the Democrat or Republican Conventions, rather one hour a day from Tuesday through Thursday for both, focusing on major speakers. Apparently, the networks are working on the assumption that viewers are disinterested in the process; therefore, it is a cross between ratings, and a public service not to air the conventions in their entirety. There are, as the network executives pointed out, other ways for those wishing to view the convention to do so, they named the web and “other sources” – those would be the cable news networks, as well as C-Span.
Meanwhile, in Tampa a bit of a storm is brewing besides Tropical Storm Isaac – from CBS Local the Democrat Mayor, Bob Buckhorn, indicated that in the event of a hurricane threat, he would have to cancel the RNC Convention. suggests the Mayor, who supports his party’s nominee, incumbent President Barack Obama, maybe a bit overzealous. The Mayor, who most likely made that statement in regards to public safety, had previously noted that the RNC Convention in Tampa brings the City to the forefront, but, and this is a big but, he’s previously addressed concerns about public safety, including multiple scenarios ranging from anarchists to bio-chemical warfare in the streets of Tampa. ( Isaac is just one more “disaster scenario” that has come to the forefront. The probability for protestors exists at any convention, RNC or DNC, as well as the weather being a factor - however, in all honesty, the weather can be a larger threat in certain areas of the country than other – what the city of Tampa will lose should Hurricane Isaac actually materialize, would be substantial and regardless of political affiliation a Mayor of any large city, specifically in these hard economic times, faces substantial economic hardships – and the monies and publicity for the city as a travel destination due to the RNC Convention, would be sorely missed. Take this one with a grain of salt and an obvious mistrust of Democrats in general.
A larger political storm maybe brewing – New York’s Cardinal Timothy Dolan will be giving the benediction at the RNC when Mitt Romney officially becomes the GOP Nominee. Romney will also appear on EWTN (Catholic Cable Channel) in an interview that will air at 8 p.m. EDT on Thursday, August 23, 2012. ( The Cardinal’s spokesman suggested that he would speak at either the DNC or RNC conventions, citing that the benediction was not an endorsement of any candidate. One would think that mean’s the Cardinal is protecting the Church because on surface, a church cannot endorse and or support a candidate publicly without the threat of loss of Non-Profit status. Additionally, the Catholic Church, in particular is not thrilled with the current administration – it is not only the issue of the President forcing religious affiliated organizations (specifically Catholic) to pay for abortions through their insurance coverage (against their faith as well as trampling on the Constitution), but goes deeper, into the administrations heavy hand when it comes to individual rights and limited freedoms. (See National Catholic Newspapers: the National Catholic Register, American Magazine Our Sunday Visitor, multiple publications off-line, and the Catholic News Service)
Adding to the drama this week The Denver Post reports that two professors, who have predicted the outcome of the Electoral College since 1980, based on economic forecast models, show Mitt Romney with a fairly large lead over President Obama: 320 (R) to 218 (D), the Huffington Post was quick to point this out and compare their own model which is more generous to the President showing a national split and several races up for grabs. That said, using a non-scientific method of measuring approval ratings state by state, over a 3 year period, with Gallup polling data, modeled on the 2012 electoral college and shift in votes away from traditional blue states to red (lost Congressional districts, and population affect the EC), the scenario is similar to the Denver University predictions.. (This blog).
A new Gallup poll released yesterday shows Romney’s lead (This week) with Romney 47 to Obama’s 45, still within the margin of error, however, climbing. Also check the latest Demographic Trends, specifically HHI: Romney leads in HHI of $39,000K and up, as well as among all Education Levels with the Exception of Post Graduate, by wide margins. Generally, the conventions would give a candidate (with nationwide coverage of the convention) a boost in the polls.
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