Beheadings and Car Bombings too! Oh My - Too Close to U.S Border - Unsafe! image borderland beat
From Valley Central: 14 Dismembered Bodies were dumped in Ciudad Mante, a town of 115,000 people located just 280 miles south of Brownsville, TX According to Borderland Beat the victims were 11 Males and 3 Femaleslittle else is known at this time. With multiple beheadings, hangings and dismemberments over the past few months, the violence with which murders of what appears to be opposing drug cartels targeting each other, government officials, the press, and random passersby’s is escalating to the point where on might categorize the U.S. – Mexican border as a war zone. Due to the nature of the “us. versus random people who disagree or might disagree, or just happen to be visiting”, murders and types of murders, contained (not necessarily) on the Mexican side of the border, is both an indication of internal inability by the Mexican government to marshal the forces to stop the mayhem, which is, in effect a Civil War – it appears the drug cartels want to silence reporters, and murder those who would be lawful, while claiming territory.
A car double car-bombing took place in Ciudad Victoria, no one has taken credit for the latest display of “Middle East type terrorist methods”. Just to put this into perspective:
The massacre (what else?) yesterday was 280 miles south of Brownsville, TX; the car bombing on Wednesday was approximately (by car) 288 miles south of Brownsville, TX. To put that into perspective it takes approximately 3 hours to drive from Massachusetts to New York City – going through Connecticut traffic – or, too darn close for comfort to the U.S. border.
Too close for comfort - inside US Border, vestiges of a burned vehicle with 5 Bodies - Bombed? Mexican in Origin? Do the Math - image AJC
In fact, if one lives in Arizona, it’s already crossed the border from the Atlanta Journal Constitution: 5 bodies were found in a burned car (bombing?) 35 miles from Phoenix – repeat 35 miles from Phoenix.
One should wonder why the U.S., even in an election year, would not have already shut down the entire border, with an order to allow those seeking relief (refugees) from war, allowed in with documentation, and keeping those with AK-47’s (supplied by the Department of Justice - See Fast and Furious) out, or if they cross the border, deceased. There are limits, and with the types of non-traditional Mexican cultural methods of execution and now car bombings, one can bet the house, drugs may not be the entire reason these types of crimes are taking place – call it a Mexican Jihadist Revival of sort and it’s too close for comfort.
There style of government in Mexico is somewhat European in nature, socialist, with elites at the top, with access to privileges, position and scads of cash, and then – the masses – those who are left with little if nothing else. They govern not from a position of strength rather from a position of negotiation – with what amounts to “Terrorists” – and again, they are a hop, skip and a jump from the U.S. border and in some cases, over the U.S. border. It’s starting to sound a lot like say – Chicago – or Detroit, with the money’s run out in some cities, the lights are off at dusk or not on at all, and crimes are rampant –but the types of crimes are basic thug crimes: Robbery, drive by shootings, the usual stuff one finds in any urban area in the U.S. (And why we ask, is that allowed to occur? Lack of long-term juvenile detention facilities – bring back the 1950’s and see crime rates fall). Although comparing Mexico and the border to Chicago is akin to apples to oranges now, (except for the Euro-model), the chances of this car-bombing, beheading, hanging and dismemberment craze moving north in a terrorist grab in the name of……….is not that far-fetched.
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