Does this man look capable of defying a Park Ranger? Image:
Going negative appears to be the way the 2012 campaign will shape up and Bob Schieffer of CBS News appears to be rather upset. He correctly points out the in his article how attack ads run by campaigns in primary and caucus states can be seen in all states, via the internet and cable news outlets, yet, then blames social media as redefining attack ads. Apparently, the “mainstream media” is a bit put out by this lack of dignity in reporting every single ridiculous “flaw” a candidate may have – with one exception; the current occupant of the White House continues to appear to be “off-limits”. In his essay, he rails on the attack ads and the spread of information at such a rapid pace, especially the fact that these attack ads are available everywhere - then sums it all up with “That’s the way it is”. Understanding that some people never leave the rock from which they have neatly placed themselves, be it Manhattan or Hollywood or the Beltway, the rest of the nation consumes news from all sources, and compares and contrasts constantly. One can find instances where a blog insinuates, this is then picked up by a larger internet outlet, and the next thing one knows it is being touted by a major daily or network website as “fact”, with little checking apparently as to the truth of the matter. It is the need for “gotcha” headlines, competition for viewers that propagates the news cycle as well as any agenda that may be political in nature.
It is the drumbeat of the media that is now driving the GOP campaign and it is no secret that the “favored candidate (or the next McCain) is Mitt Romney. Romney, for all intents and purposes, may or may not be the best candidate for the job, but that does not prevent the Beltway and pundits from calling for a quick end to the primary, and pushing Romney’s 8 point possible in Iowa and his polling in double digits in NH as proof (without noting that Santorum may have won Iowa and that the poll (Suffolk University), has an undecided-may change mind rate equal to Romney’s lead) that Romney is the understood nominee – no need for anyone else to vote, or run – it is sensible in their minds to call it quits now – that way, the Romney Campaign can go after Obama.
When Romney and Ron Paul (the two most egregious in this respect) run attack ads on candidates they see as a threat to their campaigns, regardless of the accuracy of these ads, and the victim calls them out, the victim is put on notice as being “not tough enough to take the heat”. Should the victim of Ron Paul or Mitt Romney run an attack ad, or have a PAC do the same, then that person is not running a “positive campaign”- regardless of the fact that the ads are somewhat different in so much as they show valid records, rather than semi-truths. It is the media that perpetuates these ads. One would think the GOP would know better, given that is exactly what happened to McCain in 2008 – He was prime-time news 24/7 until he was the presumptive nominee, then one barely saw an article or headline – but one did see a great deal of the opposition candidate, now our current President on the morning, evening and late evening news, cable outlets, etc. Therefore, logic follows that a healthy and robust primary with multiple candidates putting forth solid ideas, would not only give the nation the time to decide the best candidate, but in addition, confound the opposition for a bit longer. In addition, if one were to be not quite front-runner enough, then it would further make opposition research difficult – it is ridiculous to think – in this day of 24/7 news, that there would be no time to campaign effectively between the nomination in August and the vote in November. It is also insane to believe that the money would not be there, campaigns run on shoestrings, especially with the social media (as pointed out by Mr. Schieffer) are increasingly effective, at a lower cost that television ads – and since ads run on the internet, are broadcast for free on Cable News Programs – as news – then this is good news, not bad news for the GOP.
The GOP is in the driver’s seat on this one, lest anyone kid anyone else – not since Jimmy Carter, has an administration held such low approval, or repeated, verbatim, the very steps in economics and foreign policy that lost Carter reelection. As a matter of fact, it does not require Ronald Reagan, and it does to matter if one is a social and fiscal conservative, what matters is that one is not – Obama. This does not mean the campaign will be a walk in the park, however, applying a bit of strategy to the choice and length of time between choices will have a net positive effect for the GOP – (which may be why those more moderate Republicans who always want the media on their side, and the Media who is heavily vested in the opposition candidate, want this over with now – before South Carolina weighs in, before Florida and before Super Tuesday. If Mitt Romney is to be the nominee, then he must be able to carry the south and the Midwest, with enthusiasm in order to best Obama – that’s the question that’s lingering. The man needs an edge and he is described most often as “wooden” (heck he even uses a teleprompter).
Romney is given the pass as being squeaky clean, and no-where does one here the actual facts of his very short Governorship of Massachusetts. It is true that he balanced the budget, it is true that he worked across the aisle, it is also true, that he did both at the expense of those who have to actually work for a living through excess fees. Compare and contrasts ads using Romney’s record as Governor is all that is needed for any campaign – but courtesy of Red State comes the tale of Mitt Romney’s arrest back in 1981! Apparently according to the Boston Globe archives, in 1981 Romney took his family boating in Natick, MA. Apparently (from the truncated version of the archive), there must have been a license on the boat, but obscured, enough so that Romney was ordered out of the water or face a fine. He chose to face a fine, and put his boat in the water (something anyone of us might do under the circumstances) – the Park Ranger took umbrage, and promptly cuffed Romney and off he went to jail – for defying a Park Ranger’s orders.
Romney, who is often referred to as the “Ken doll” of Massachusetts Policies, can be seen as a real threat to then action for defying what amounts to an officer of the Park. Red State believes this will be seen as an elitist move by Romney, however, it really appears to be a Massachusetts move – one which could be repeated by anyone who felt that there was enough of a permit or license showing, and figured, what the heck I’ll just go for a ride anyway and pay the fine. This is the stuff that makes the Obama opposition research team salivate, especially since Romney’s Record as governor of Massachusetts is so similar in some instances to Obama’s there is little there. In fact, the same can be said of any candidate in the field. They are, all to a man, (no woman now) “squeaky clean” – without a whole lot of explaining to do.
Also, with the Boston Globe it is obvious that seal records mean little, in their pursuit of “news”.
There was one other incident that Red State pointed to as “elitist” – Apparently; Romney used rather colorful language when upset with a security guard at the Olympics. That has been translated into putting down someone who is there to protect and serve. Frankly, if one hasn’t used rather colorful language when involved with security personal, be it parking one’s car, or trying to get around a road hazard, then one if simply – full of it.
This makes Romney more human, he should be running his own attack ad against himself on this one – it would help not hurt.
In all seriousness, there are several candidates that are worthy, that all will, regardless of experience, receive “on the job training” simply because none has ever been President, a job, seriously, that one has to be slightly unhinged and very patriotic to want in the first place. This is especially true for a Republican who knows that they have to fix everything in short order, constantly bucking a media that will turn on them as if they were the anti-Christ as soon as elected (ok, before they are elected).
This blog makes no secret that Gingrich is the preferred candidate, history professor, former Speaker of the House, does not use a teleprompter, and has, contrary to the hype, imploded due to his own lack of control – he is at a steady pace, and was likely not to win in Iowa or New Hampshire to being with, put to place respectably which he has. It is South Carolina where the nominee has been predicted time and again, so, this blog will keep its powder dry and call it like it’s seen until that point. If there is another minuscule lead, that will not be considered a mandate (see Iowa), and it will be business as usual through Super Tuesday. At that juncture the field should narrow and one should see either one or three contenders going forward. They are all capable; they just need the funds to carry it off. Of course, the more human Romney appears, the more likely he’ll attract voters – outside of New Hampshire, Wyoming, the Congress, the Beltway, CBC, FOX ad nasuem.
Going into tomorrow’s New Hampshire primary, the results may, in the end (given the number of undecided as of yesterday) make placement in NH a moot point for Romney, or for that matter any of the “runners” up – NH is another state where everyone wins.
It will be the winner take all states come Super Tuesday and beyond that will allow for a clear nominee, unless of course, there are two, then the GOP would be assured of intense coverage of their Convention. If anyone knows this, and understand that history repeats that would be Newt Gingrich, the man most likely to take debate to a new level, which would, in the end, be the most effective weapon in his campaign chest, and what, to this mind, make him the most electable as well as the best choice, (given his record) to run the country.
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