One view of Massive Tea Party Protest in D.C. U.S.Citizens engaging in Activism - image conservativeamerican.org
Suddenly, a group of parents, grandparents, Independent Voters, disenfranchised Republicans, Democrats, and those generally in favor of the U.S. Constitution and Fiscal Sanity, known as the Tea Party, is the target of professional politicians who’s got their back up against the proverbial wall of a sinking ship – the U.S. economy. In a nutshell, U.S. government spending, which has been over the top since the 1990’s (The last time there was a balanced budget, brought about by President Bill Clinton, a Republican controlled House and Senate, and a reduction in social programs, especially welfare reform.) – the spending has increased exponentially when President Obama took Tarp several steps further, and spent with abandon, on everything from social programs such as the massive Health Care Reform ACT to a auto bailouts, and stimulus programs that failed to produce other than “government jobs”, which have not, in the long run, increased revenue for the Federal Government (it’s like stealing from Peter to pay Paul).
The President, if not, of course, responsible for all of the unimaginable debt that the nation faces, although one has to realize, blame rolls uphill, and the old “buck stops here” applies regardless of true guilt. Those responsible include members of both major political parties, Republicans and Democrats, who rely heavily on discretionary spending, are tied to lobbyist and special interest groups who hold more sway than constituents, and generally run the nation as they would never run their own household budget. There were, prior to 2010, a few fiscal hawks among Republican politicians as well as those “Blue Dog” Democrats, who have a fiscal conscious, yet vote religiously with the Democrat Caucus, which has had the nations credit cards since 2006.
When individual tax payers across the nation started to become a bit suspicious over the amount of spending, starting with Tarp under Bush, and ending with Obama’s midnight run on the Congress to sign a the fiscal nightmare known as “ObamaCare”, a movement began to take shape, a movement which was not specifically organized, had several different “hubs”, and was made up of American’s of every stripe – they were concerned, and they were angry at their elected officials who failed to adhere to the basic principles of economics when it comes to overburdened taxpayers – when the government spends with abandon, taxes and fees rise, to compensate. There’s more to this of course, the misery of sustained high unemployment, (failure to understand that free market economics drive job growth, including tax cuts) the rise in the costs of food and fuel, which is squeezing the middle class to the breaking point (and affecting those who can least afford, fixed income families. These loosely knit groups communicated, they marched on Washington, and they warned Republican’s especially that they would be replaced if they did not adhere to the Constitution and long-held Republican standards of fiscal responsibility. The subsequent 2010 elections saw incumbents from both parties, being booted and replaced by “tea party” congressional representatives, governors and senators, a phenomenon that shook the establishment politicians. These “Tea Party” members of Congress, doctors, business owners, the guy who lives down the street, have managed to stand on principal and the promises they made to their constituents, however, the rest of the group: both Republicans and Democrats, forgot November of 2010, and looked to business as usual.
When both major party politicians, ignoring the warnings from both Standard and Poor’s and Moody’s to significantly cut the budget, well in advance of the artificially created debt ceiling crisis (see Timothy Geithner), made a “deal” to raise the debt ceiling, and worry about cuts later (see bi-partisan Debt Commission), those “Tea Party Members refused to go along for the ride – they voted their conscious, they said no to the debt ceiling increase without substantial cuts in spending. They were ignored, and the resultant deal made by both Replicas and Democrats blew up faster than the Hindenburg. Immediately following the “deal” (touted as a big deal “we saved Washington” fundraising piece by the NRC), the S&P downgraded the U.S. Credit Rating, and they may do so again. Simply, what this does, is impact the cost of doing business, across the board, interest rates will rise (a la President Carter) and no one actually knows how much more damage those who run our nation without a thought to the will of the people have caused. We’re in unknown financial territory – and there is a need for a scapegoat.
The Tea Party! Of course! The group of individuals who admire the constitution, and want a return to fiscal sanity – they are not calling for an end to all taxes; they are, as their moniker suggests: “Taxed Enough Already”.
John Kerry, Democrat and Sr. Senator from the State of Massachusetts, has called out the Tea Party as responsible for the downgrade, all twenty or so members who voted no on a bill that was passed and agreed to by both houses of Congress and both parties, and signed by the President. Kerry, who might be best referred to as a professional leftist politician, (kindly one might add), has gone so far as to call for the media in general not to give equal time to anyone that is a “Tea Party” member. In other words, silence any opposition, or anyone cognizant of the truth of the matter. In today’s Boston Globe, the tirade against the Tea Party by Kerry continues; continues to “fault Tea Party in U.S. Credit Rating Drop.”.
Of course, Kerry is not alone in his finger pointing rant of ages, but he is a high ranking member of the Senate, with perhaps, the closest ties to the President of any politician serving. How well this plays in Massachusetts is one thing, considering that the Tea Party was mostly responsible in 2010 for the election of Scott Brown to the Senate, and in November, ran 1st time politico’s against the heavy Democrats heavy hitters, Barney Frank (MA4th) and Richard Neal (MA2), forcing them to spend money otherwise intended for endangered districts outside of the state of Massachustts. One might call that a fairly strong presence in the Bay State, if one were honest or, in the case of John Kerry, and other professional politicians, aware.
What is most interesting is that outside of the U.S. the Tea Party is given what can only be called as fair treatment (see New Zealand national blog), apparently, those who love a nation’s Constitution and are fiscally sane, do not appear under the heading “terrorist” outside of the Washington DC Beltway.
Speaking of which, CNN’s latest Public Opinion Poll appears to be a warning to those politician’s who are a)name calling, or b) dismissive, of the “Tea Party”. It notes that the Tea Party has seen a rise in unfavorable, 47% of the populace does not care for the “Tea Party”, a rise of 16%, however, they are on a par with and treated as Republicans and Democrats, who both enjoy a 48% unfavorable rating in this poll. In addition, what this indicates is that the Tea Party is seen by those American’s surveyed, on equal footing with both major parties (i.e. Trouble in D.C. Paradise).
In addition:
This is the first time that a CNN poll has shown the tea party's unfavorable ratings as high as those of the two major parties,” says CNN Polling Director Keating Holland. “It looks like the rise in the movement's unfavorable rating has come mostly among people who make less than $50,000.”
Those who see the tea-party movement in a favorable light has fallen to 32%, but that is only five percentage points since December. That means that the movement still has a hard core of support of about one-third of Americans, indicating that the type of anger that sloshed through the American political system last year will continue to be a political factor as Congress tries to deal with a range of budget and fiscal issues.
Examine those that find the Tea Party "Unfavorable", are also lower income, and one could further make the case, that traditionally, those are individuals who, working two jobs, or possibly on the state “dole” (which if one lives in Massachusetts is approximately equal in terms of real dollars), may not have the time or the wherewithal to have access to unbiased reporting on the aforementioned. They may see the protests spread across the states, and continuing, mind you. The Gadsden Flag, flying proudly next to the Stars and Stripes, with signs varying from State to State, Congressional District to Congressional District, placing blame where blame should be placed. They are, shockingly, even producing “newsletters” and “pamphlets” which are printed (not emailed) and distributed to neighborhoods (yes, John Kerry, there is a Tea Party in Massachustts).
Therefore, to the professional politician one can see why these normal, everyday, American’s who have finally understood that standing up to the system is possible, that by holding protests, informational sessions (complete with Harvard Economic Professors), and by voting and especially informing other voters, they might be considered “political terrorists” as these long entrenched politicians careers are on the proverbial line.
It does not go without some notice, that the “Tea Party As Terrorist line” coming specifically from the Democrats (but not without some help from their Republican counterparts, in effect saying nothing to stand up for those who are sincere in following the Constitution and bringing the house in order, before it collapses, which is a fairly transparent and cowardly approach.) that any possible connection to one individual who may draw large crowds, or speak at Tea Party events and have an inclination to run against President Obama, are tagged first in articles by major newspaper outlets, as “Tea Party”. For example, Rick Perry is now being held responsible for “starting the Tea Party”, Michelle Bachmann is a “Tea Party Darling” and Sarah Palin: well, we know Sarah Palin was responsible for insuring the election of a majority of those Tea Party congressional representatives, and, incidentally, the reelection of one Rick Perry (who now is being called a Republican Insider, and had faced a challenge by Republican Insider Kay Bailey Hutchinson).
Therefore, the greatest fear is that the Tea Party will put forth a candidate and that candidate, will not run as a Republican or as a Democrat, but as an Independent, and at this juncture, with the views of the individuals who vote towards elected officials, the unthinkable may happen. In one scenario, an independent takes a small percentage of the national vote and Obama is easily reelected (see Massachusetts model and Axelrod’s theory of what happens in Massachusetts can happen nationally – when applied to Obama.). On the other hand, as other Democrats are seeing this play out, the voters against against both major parties, might see an historical Presidential election of neither, but a well-financed Tea Party Candidate.
Of note: on a recent edition of Fox’s Hannity program, Liberal Pundit Pat Caddell, almost blew a casket over the looming debt crisis: His point, while pounding the text top and passionately explaining in no uncertain terms the consequences of continued spending with abandon by both Republicans and Democrats, that (paraphrasing) “If they aren’t careful, someone like someone like, Donald Trump, could be President!!”
Professional poll readers, understand the implications far better than those who casually observe and or read the parroted pieces coming from the wire services (when a publication or broadcast house, picks up an article and quotes it verbatim). The people continue to be fed up, and since trust in politician’s continues to be at an all time low (See Gallup’s: Trust in Institutions), will Kerry’s deriding of the Tea Party, or any network that repeats, and reports the same, including Fox, do nothing more than endorse those members they intend to deride - perception being what it is.
What those politician’s need to do, from the White House, throw both Houses of Congress, including Republicans and Democrats, is to own the problem they created, and stop casting blame where there is none.
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