Mitt Romney? Indeed! Image
In the latest GOP 2012 poll conducted by the very non-partisan group at ABC and the Washington Post, indicates that Mitt Romney is tied with Barack Obama, before noting that Romney is actually beating Obama by two points. In addition, the poll places Romney in first place with 21% out of a field of six, including Sarah Palin, who places second with 17% and has yet to announce whether or not she will join the fray. The Post reiterates the mantra – that no voter is thrilled with the GOP field – and although Obama is skewered by the 1002 randomly sampled adults in a telephone survey, somehow, those randomly sampled see the current President as a strong leader.
Does the public really need these types of polls? Perhaps, as entertainment – however, anyone who is paying rent or a mortgage, utilities, and has managed to maintain a job (in the private sector mind you) is most likely too busy or depressed to give these types of polls much credence. It is no longer a fact that if one organization prints/broadcasts/blogs a “fact”, it will eventually sound true enough to the targeted viewer. It's hard to admit when the "honeymoon" (or "revolution") is over.
The problem that some fail to see (though not all) is that overall, Obama has lost his mojo – he’s no longer “cool” with College students (See Atlantic article.) Of course, one can easily find out just how cool the next crop of 2012 voters feel Obama might be by asking; the results, across socio-economic, ethnic, racial and gender lines basically result in the same data – he’s last year’s news. Not that one should rely on the youth vote, perhaps, but Gallup’s last poll on the Presidents approval on a state by state basis showed he was above 50% in 10 states based on 2010 approval rankings. One has to wait until the 2011 rankings come out sometime next April to see if there has been any improvement – perhaps he’ll pick up a state or two, but that scenario at this point, appears unlikely. (This screams: unelectable)
Reality: although the GOP field of contenders for the Office of the President may appear to the respondents to the Washington Post/ABC News poll, and similar polls taken by media outlets and Universities with political science polling programs as "lackluster" – when push comes to shove, one of those individuals will become the next President. This is beyond 1980 apathy and distrust of a public figure, this has morphed into an “anyone but” situation, with no time for recovery.
The “Leader of the Pack”, one term former Massachusetts Governor, Olympic Saving, Health Care Plan inventing (for Massachusetts only), Fee, not Taxes, “Perfect Hair and the Guy in High School one just could not stand”, Mitt Romney, appears to have risen to these new heights due to a remarkable makeover: Romney was spotted by the Boston Globe, of all tomes, sporting Jeans!! – the Tie was gone! This is breaking news! In a recent guest spot on WRCN Worcester’s Wesley and Weston Review (airs from 6 to 7 am Saturdays), this humble blogger suggested that Mitt become a bit more … the rest of us, let his hair get a bit ruffled, roll up his sleeves and well, be a little less perfect. Apparently, it works.
The reason that Romney, Massachusetts Budget Busting, Individual Liberty removing, Massachusetts Health Care Plan and Club for Growth Issues aside (They just are not “feeling it”) , is better received, is his “less perfect” persona. Jeans work, he now needs a tee-shirt – just saying.
To those Massachusetts residents who are horrified at the thought of exporting yet another disaster nationwide, there is still hope that Sarah Palin will still run and offer, if not merely entertainment, an opportunity to vote for someone who is less “Mitty”. Massachusetts, not exactly known for embracing conservatives, regardless of race, gender, or if one of them suddenly walked on water, are actually eyeing Palin. It is the media’s best kept secret (along with the Mass GOP and other Romney supporters in the Bay State), and here-in lays the kicker, young, old, male, female, Palin's best attribute to a Massachusetts Independent or Democrat, or Republican (there are a few who prefer Mitt in a suit), is that she appears to be able to take on anyone or anything – plus, she’s cool, like Donald Trump cool. These are Howard Dean leaning liberals, who are convinced Palin can beat Obama, and they are not going into therapy, they are hoping she runs. Somehow, they are under the impression that she fixed some problems in Alaska, and well, she didn’t care if someone was a Republican or a Democrat, or Big Oil, she threw them all out, and then gave everyone in the State of Alaska a piece of the action. (Movie reference to Stephen K Bannon’s – The Undefeated - (*like here on Facebook) a look at Sarah Palin and what she actually can do (as opposed to what has been repeated “reported”), scheduled to run in key GOP early primary states, and coming soon to a theater new you .
The biggest point to take away from the film (based on reviews) is that Palin, not unlike Ronald Reagan, was eviscerated by the media and the GOP establishment – and we all know how well Reagan did, especially since he took the Blue State of Massachusetts – twice. (That is the only comparison, from what reviews are available, between the Palin and the aforementioned Gipper).
Satire aside, (what fun is there in that?), Romney, Palin, a mind-changing Mike Huckabee, and Donald Trump to boot, in a debate, would induce skyrocketing ratings - This is not to diminish other candidates with less visibility, however, in a perfect political world, it would be mind-blowing entertainment to watch Romney in Jean’s and Tee-Shirt (think West Side Story (banned in Amherst Massachusetts as “racist”), Sarah Palin in whatever she wants to wear, Mike Huckabee, sanctimoniously preaching about twelve ways to fix the economy, and Donald Trump telling it like he sees it! Any bets on who would win that debate? Smart money in on the Barracuda.
What of the Media?
Perhaps NBC’s nightly news anchors would not have to do 30 second promo’s begging those watching to “TiVo” the news, if they somehow cannot find time to watch it! (Seriously that’s actually running.)
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