John Dennis, Republican Candidate running Against Nancy Pelosi, image
Addendum, August 18, 2011 - Pelosi will be up for reelection in 2012, 2014 (if reelected in 2012)- Congressional Represenatives, except in very rare instances must face reelection every two years.
Addendum October 4, 2004: An anonymous comment was left today noting that neither Nancy Pelosi nor John Dennis' names appear on the ballot. In reviewing information available at the San Francisco County Website, both names do appear on the ballot, a sample of which can be found here”.
A list of all qualified candidates can be found here at the CA Secretary of State website
To find out where to vote in San Francisco County go here to the San Francisco County Website.
Should someone be in receipt of a ballot that does not contain the names of neither of these candidates it is suggested that one contact both the Dennis and Pelosi campaigns.
End Addendum
The Hill Blogran an article on a Pelosi “fund-raiser” which asks supporters for donations to stop the GOP in November. One might, at this point, see this as throwing good money after bad, as the Lead Singer of the Democrat’s in Congress, is not exactly at the top of the charts, nationally or in her home district. Meanwhile, Her Republican counterpart, John Boehner (D-OH), House Minority Leader has given a pledge of 1 million dollars to the NRCC (National Republican Congressional Committee). Nancy is going hat in hand to supporters, noting that the GOP will spend all of its time investigating Obama, and so, they must be stopped. Recalling 2006 and forward, the Congress, under the leadership of Ms. Pelosi, spent all of their time investigating George Bush and company, getting little done, up until the Democrats took control of the White House. This virtually gave Pelosi a blank check – which, the outcome is evidenced by the economy laying in near ruin. Boehner, on the flip side, is a fiscal conservative, so one can imagine that hefty donation is being considered a worthwhile investment – the man is no fool.
In begging for donations to help reelect the current Congress, (despite evidence to the contrary, at this point, that the House is going to be lost to Pelosi), in order to stop investigations of Barack Obama, Ms. Pelosi may be a little too late. The proverbial train has left the station, be it the “lack of command” (Chris Matthews, MSNBC) shown during the Presidents recent address vis a vis the Gulf Oil spill, or more importantly, the trial taking place in Illinois, where Blagojevich and company, have set the stage for realistic calls for investigations into high crimes and misdemeanors.
Most important however, is that Nancy is facing opposition in the San Francisco 8th from John Dennis(website: Dennis won the recent Republican primary, defeating a fairly well financed Republican, Dana Walsh. Since the primary, Dennis has been actively growing his war chest, the last FEC filing shows the majority of his campaign donations coming from the individuals. Additionally, he has endorsements from the Log Cabin Republicans, Ron Paul, and Barry Goldwater, Jr., among others. Not that endorsements' mean a great deal, unless the candidate is capable of winning the battle, and Dennis appears both confident and capable, which are two terms that hardly describe the current 8th District Representative.
Nancy Pelosi has not faced a serious contender for her seat in decades, so that is a negative (lack of experience). Of course, the media will most likely call this seat “safe”, but one gets the impression that Nancy knows better. Nancy has received a mere $1.8 million in donations since 2009, which, for a Democrat candidate, one who is House Speaker, is somewhat paltry. The majority of those donations again, are coming from Corporations and every conceivable union By comparison, Dana Walsh, the former Republican challenger, had, as of last filing, received $1.7 million in donations, these came, overwhelmingly from individuals who are most likely to throw their support to Dennis. In addition, the NRCC is actively targeting the Speaker in advertisements. Conservatives, again, as a rule, do not throw good money after bad, and although one must understand that money does not make or break a candidate in certain scenarios, it is the who is donating, not the amount of cash on hand that carries the day. (Additionally a fiscal conservative can do more with a third of the money amassed by someone who has been used to being given blank checks).
About John Dennis:
Dennis, who lives in Liberty Heights, is a businessman and entrepreneur. Born without the silver spoon, he hailed from Jersey City, growing up in public housing and put himself through Fordham University. He then built several successful businesses, and, like so many independent minded Republican’s running this year, he had decided to put his life on hold in order to better the nation. His success in the CA 8th will depend a great deal on how well he brands, and it appears, that given his experience, he is the most viable candidate to best Pelosi. Pshaw? No – Pelosi has alienated her base in California, she had no support from those who even moved slightly to the middle. The LGBT local has criticized her for a failure to appear at meetings, and between winery executives and the fringe Progressives, Nancy has little else to rely upon. This will be another race to watch.
To learn more about John Dennis: visit:
Good write-up. I wouldn't be surprise if John Dennis wins the seat...I say his odds are 50-50 for this year, any other year...70-30.
I didn't even know her seat was up for re-election. That is how lame the lame-stream media has gotten in this country.
This is the woman who tried to tell our country that unemployment was the best thing for job growth!!
She needs to go. I hope her constituents vote.
Hello, judging from the number of visitors received (from the Bay Area alone) over the past several months and increasing daily - the number one search "when is Nancy Pelosi up for relection" - (or is...)and who is running against (or is anyone runnig against Nancy - so people may not be getting the information from the news - it doesn't mean they aren't looking for it and aren't aware - there's hope. Dennis' odds may be better than you think - no one is happy with her, not the right, not the left.
How could you not know her seat was up for re-election. All House seats are up for re-election every two years.
Hi Anonymous, You would be surprised the number of people who have no idea that there is even an election going on - especially primaries, where there are multiple Republican's running, in some states, for the first time in decades - They no longer teach civics - Once upon a time, 4th graders were expected to know how our government operated - from the Administration (Vice-President, Cabinet Members), to Senate (name your own senators and the Majority and Minority Leaders), the Congress (name all districts in your state, who the representative was, and again, the Speaker and the minority leader) and name all members of the Supreme Court - voting ages, when elections occurred - I believe about 50% of that information is required as knowledge on our tests for citizenship - but....think about how many people you know who have no clue who the vice-president is, can't name one supreme court justice, and never mind who represents them in Congress or the Senate!! What I am finding is that most of my search requests are for information on if an incumbent is up for reelection or when that might occur, can I vote for a Republican if I am a Democrat, is my vote secret and can I vote for who I want......
Don't denigrate, celebrate the fact that people are looking and finding out what is going on around them!
How come Pelosi is not on the ballot and neither is John Dennis?
Pelosi and Dennis are most certainly on the ballot – a sample ballot is available here:
and a list of all qualified candidates is available here
To find out where to vote in San Francisco County go here:
and simply fill out the info – you’ll also get a sample of the ballot – which includes, again Nancy Pelosi and John Dennis as well as a Peace and Freedom and Libertarian candidate.
Please do not misinform, if you have proof otherwise that there is ballot issues use the email form to contact this blog directly and or send a copy of the ballot without Pelosi and Dennis’ name on it to a news organization that you think you can trust, or to the Dennis Campaign (which I’m sure would make National news) – you can do this anonymously.
I was aware that House of Representative terms are only two years but I have seen nothing on TV about Nancy Pelosi running for re-election...and believe me, I've been looking. Where can I find the election results?
Nancy Pelosi kept this race so far under the rader it was invisible with few reporting - results can be found here at the CA Secretary of State:
The powerful and the entrenched both in CA and in MA played similar campaigns, unless forced either by the candidate, or strong grass roots activists - in both cases, however, the media all but ingored the Congressional races in both states.
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