Sunday, September 28, 2008

Current Economic Crisis – Democrats No Responsibility.

There is a great deal more to the current economic crisis than meets the eye – especially in regards to who is to blame, and how the media in general has conveniently forgotten what it had reported only a few years ago. Short and simple: Democrats put regulations into place that forced banks to lower borrower standards, causing the housing bubble, which has now burst. Behind every single failed entity are the fingerprints of high profile Democrats. The YouTube video shown below highlights approximately half of the reports available on the web, through newspapers websites as well as through The Senate and The House websites. Red Tide has more on Barney Franks (D,MA) role in this fiasco. Like so many residents of the Bay state who understand what bailouts mean (see Big Dig), the last thing people want is yet another tax burdon - this from the bluest state.

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