Nathan Bech (R) Challenges Olver for 1st Congressional District (MA)

Nathan Bech
Nathan Bech is challenging John Olver’s Congressional seat this year. Olver has held this seat for the past 17 years and epitomizes Massachusetts Progressive politics exported nationally. The 1st Congressional District is the largest district in the state of Massachusetts in area, and includes the noteworthy cities of Northampton and Amherst (often dubbed by locals as NoHo and The People’s Republic of Amherst). Those two areas, in particular make up Olver’s core constituency. The rest of district is fairly grounded in reality (considering this is Massachusetts). Bech lists his top priorities as the economy, healthcare and Iraq, with environment, education, immigration, taxes, government waste, energy, second amendment, national security, veterans and the sanctity of life to follow. Note: he takes a strong conservative, yet moderate stand on all issues and is worth consideration: pro-choice, border control, simplified taxes and cutting taxes for the middle class, and of specific interest to this household, tax credits for parents choosing to enroll children in parochial or private schools. To learn more about Nathan Bech and his stand on the issues, go to:
Some interesting statistic on the makeup of the Massachusetts Electorate: From the Cape Code Times a listing by Cape county (a slightly progressive part of the state) shows that the unerolled in the state make up more than 50% of the electorate. A great deal will depend on the state's unenrolled in 2008 - should they vote moderately, those congressional and senate seats currently being challenged could, if supported by the party, export Massachusetts conservatism to the nation - for a change.
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