Monday, September 30, 2013

2016 Polling - Democrats Shopping – Republicans Trend Constitutionalist

Most likely not to be reelected or elected according to current polling Clinton, McCain, Reid - Image from AP photo's

Of course it’s too early to start awarding any single “contestant” for the 2016 Presidential Race, but early speculation always fuels the news, and polling suggests trends in the rank and file of political parties as to which way the winds might be blowing – which, of course, are always subject to change. As of this past week two polls emerged – one Republican and one Democrat and Republican. One the Republican Side Public Policy Polling came out of the gate with the newest, high profile “potential” candidates, and the results were: Ted Cruz at 20%, Rand Paul at 17%, Chris Christie at 13%, “11% for Jeb Bush, 10% each for Marco Rubio and Paul Ryan, 4% for Bobby Jindal, and 3% each for Rick Santorum and Scott Walker.” – The pollster noted that Ted Cruz had gained 8% over a previous poll, additionally, on questions of trust, he was the most trusted of the politicians, including Senator Mitch McConnell, and, of course, John McCain was obviously not trusted at all. This particular poll, offered a 734 pool of likely Republican Voters, the majority, 39%, of whom considered themselves “very conservative’, with the next largest group 37% considering themselves as “somewhat conservative” – suggesting that the polling was in sync with any political parties makeup (the balance of those polled, were moderate, liberal or somewhat liberal).

Looking at the poll the trend is obviously toward “new faces” – not so much those who ran in 2012 – or were considered “potentially to run” in 2012. Specifically of interest was the poor showing of Rick Santorum. The reasoning is generally that the GOP has a history of picking the individual who did not make it in the prior election cycle, and boosting that person over other newer entrants. Examples: John McCain, who’s only rival in the run for President multiple times, was Congressman Ron Paul – however, McCain was given the nod over much better candidates in 2008, while Mitt Romney (perhaps a decent man but a horrible candidate for the GOP) was given the nod in 2012. The conventional wisdom of those in GOP think tanks has been and continues to be that any candidate they propose will eventually bring round the base – as well as those independents and a few democrats. This strategy did not work very well in 2008, nor in 2012. It was also, true, that there was not a strong contender in the bunch in both political seasons.

What this poll initially tells the political junkie and those that hope to keep their jobs in DC is simple – the fiscal conservative, Libertarians, tend to do better with the base now, rather than a political heavyweight that has lived and breath D.C.

Interestingly enough, a new poll from the The Des Moines Register Poll, on Political Ideology suggests the same results as that of Public Policy Polling on the GOP side – that Fiscal Conservatives and Libertarians will be the major players in 2016,

On the other side of the aisle – the Democrat polling found similar results Alhtough Hillary Clinton leads by 41%, the numbers are split on the type of figure they would like to see as a constant – 49 percent suggest someone not of Washington, while 48% would choose “Washington Experience

Therefore, to a lesser degree, but at least to an extent, the GOP rank and file and the DNC rank and file are both trending anti-Washington Experience, the Republican’s to a great degree.

As times marches forward, towards 2014 and 2015, the polls may change slightly, the faces certainly will change, but the underlying trends, pending a reversal of positions on both sides on listening to Constituents, the strong candidates will be – new faces. One might even go so far as to suggest more Libertarian minded positions – or at least those who would compromise – the key.

Although the media is beating their breasts over Ted Cruz, and maligning him to the umpth degree, what is making Cruz so popular with the base is his lack of regard for DC and his desire to help the people, he also is known to praise both Democrats and Republicans (with the exception of those in the McCain mold), similar to his Democrat Counterpart - Tom Udall, of New Mexico, who stood with Rand Paul, on common ground with ideology on the use of Drones on US Citizens.

This is what the nation is seeking – those who might not tow the party line, rather step of from under the shadow of Harry Reid and Company – As Majority Leader in the Senate, Reid, and his counterpart Boehner are truly the most powerful individuals in the nation. Reid more so as the House can pass all the bills it desires, and Reid has the power to move them forwarder in the Senate, or not. He uses that power without a thought to compromise, and has done so consistently throughout his tenure.

One might think that Cruz is perfect for Presidential contests, however, there is another position to which he may be better suited – Majority Leader of the Senate – one is under the impression the august body of the Senate would return to debate rather than the stalemate that has existed since the Daschle regime was ousted and the Reid Regime took control.

Regardless of who sits in the Oval office, all of that person’s power rests in the hands of the two aforementioned positions in the Congresses. Therefore, the real races will be those for reelection of the Senate and the Congress – and those will be the races worth watching. It will determine who fares well in the 2016 presidential race, should the old guard be ousted for new constitutionally, and progressive faces, then one should not be surprised.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Another Step in the Direction of National Health Care at the Hands of the GOP – What is a Government Shutdown? – CA Unions Funding Republicans!

Today is another emotional day for the millions of American’s who are hoping against hope that their erstwhile elected officials in the Senate, will once again, vote “Nay” on Cloture to give them breathing from furthering the start of the Affordable Health Care Act. The tweets at #MakeDCListen are no longer trending on Twitter, yet, they are active, and they are desperate. It is a question of how many people who are not on “twitter” who are silently and sadly waiting for the other shoe to drop – they are neither partisan one way or the other, merely afraid of their own government and what it will do to their health care.

The fault, according to the GOP Senators on the Floor is all Ted Cruz’s, the Senator from Texas who dared to buck the system in an attempt to tell the world for as long as he could, the reasons why Obama care should be brought back to the table and amended (fixed) – but the House Majority Leader Harry Reid, refused and has the unlimited power to do so. Those railing against Obama, as the President, should choose another, more culpable individual – that would be Harry Reid, who is in more powerful position than the President. One might guess that there will be a challenge to Reid in the next election cycle he faces. One might also guess that with his support of this bill, he will join Tom Daschle. He and McCain and those colleges of Cruz, Lee and whoever dared to step on the toes of the Washington ruling class.

Those might think it is just the “crazy tea-party” that is concerned over this ridiculous bill – not so:

The open letter from Jimmy Hoffa, Teamsters Union President, (click here to read), sound word for word, as if it were taken from part of Senator Cruz’s 22 hour and 19 minute call to his Senate Colleges to stop this bill in its Tracks. Those are strange bedfellows one might think.

What is even more startling is what some might see as an upheaval of sorts. The Unions looking towards Republican’s to bail them out of the muck and mire of the economy that this present course of action by the Democrats has wrought. From the Sacramento Bee – the headline screams Teachers union, SEIU open wallets to California Republican Party - , the article godson to point out that both unions (local to CA and that specific area), are donating heavily to the CA Republican Party.

What so many Republican’s have done is the past is despicable – they have railed against the unions, or played down endorsement requests, to their detriment. There is a broad divide in all unions between the national office (which is hard line progressive) and those many field chapters who are the “regular folk”, working class, suffering just like those non-union members. On a local level they may want to endorse a rising national Republican figure, or a local figure yet, add yet, those have, to a majority refused the invitation to “walk “with the local members – This is a symbolic gesture that cements a relationship between the candidate and the local –one that shows the individual by walking with the members, is in solidarity with them, and understand their needs.

How foolish of so many candidates – so fearful of the wrath of the GOP, that they would deny the members and themselves a benefit of mutual understanding – the GOP and the DNC would be reversed.

A source, in the SEIU, (ok, a relative) suggested that the one-time Presidential Candidate, Mike Huckabee, when asked to walk with a union (SEIU local) in the Pacific Northwest, declined, so they endorsed the Democrats. What a shame – Huckabee, in 2008, could have save the GOP from the embarrassment of John McCain.

Now, those union members are giving to Republican Parties in CA, and one wonders if there are any candidates on the horizon on the Republican ticket that would get off their behinds and go to that local and show support – and then ask for more –in every state, at every level, at every local.

They might find more support than they bargained for – regardless of the fact that the unions are in decline.

Today, the defeatist in the GOP will undoubtedly do exactly what the people are afraid they will, roll over.

To avoid a “Government Shutdown” that isn’t a Government shutdown at all – They are voting on a bill or continuing resolution which only applies to discretionary funding – not the funding of the Federal Government that is set in stone in the budget. Yet they use that as a means and way to vote to get along and the heck with the constituents.

Ironcially - it was those very same Senators, slamming Cruz, Lee, and all who support them, that wanted to shut down the Government in 2009. Short memories – while those who insulted Cruz, like his fellow Senator, Cornyn, are sending out fundraising letters based on their ability to STOP Obama care – really? – They don’t intend to stop anything. The article from Red State, entitled lies, dam lies and republican senators is worth the read.

Also, if so inclined, call your senator and give them a tip on the job at hand and whether or not you want Obama care to go through – pro or con, it allows you to actively participate in the process – the call is free for most of us: the capitol switchboard: (202) 224-3121 – just ask to be connected to your Senators office.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

What is a Libertarian and What Does the “Tea Party” Mean to the Current Political Parties? Why Not become Unaffiliated!

There’s been a dust-up and a battle brewing these past few years, put the date the real awakening began circa 2009, possibly before. This divide as some call it, wrongly, is the difference of political ideology between those “Tea Party” groups and the GOP. The reason it is not a divide is that the Tea Party and the GOP or standard Republican Party are not one in the same and never have been. The Tea Party is comprised of people of all political ideologies, most of which could be categorized as Libertarian in nature. The Libertarian is a stalwart defender of the Constitution, generally anti-war, and non-interventionist, a self-made philosophy when it comes to free-markets, and the true purpose of the Federal versus the State Governments as outlined by the Constitution of these United States. Some Republicans, lately, have referred to themselves as Jeffersonian Republican’s or, in essence, Libertarians who are working on the Republican side, mainly as the two-party political system has left, in the past, little room for the formation of a larger, robust and politically competitive Libertarian Party.

The Tea Party, which, again comprised of so many variances, is an anomaly as it is not yet, emphasis on yet, a true, separate political party, but more of a movement born of frustration and the lack of disconnect between Washington DC (the Elite) and the people they represent. It began over the growing tax burden and national debt in 2009, and with nationalized health care on the table in the House and Senate, the movement exploded. The reaction from the Political Class and the Media was one of instant hostility on one political side, and the other saw an opportunity to “cash-in” on similarities. That would be the GOP, but there was and still exists a deep schism between the two.

The question is why? The standard GOP politicians is not that much different than the standard Democrat – while going about the day to day business of Washington B.S., in the end, they tend to agree on most everything. Case in point – Obamacare.

Ted Cruz, the Senator from Texas is being much maligned in the media and by member of the GOP, especially John McCain of AZ, simply because he wanted to bring attention to the multiple issues. One might read about how the Senator is positioning himself with the “base” or the “extreme right wing” base of the Republican Party – or the “Tea Party”. Now recall, the Tea Party is not the Republican Party, and never has been. That “Tea Party” label attached to Cruz and other politicians and the Party is meant to be a warning bell for the potential voter to “stay away” – It is synonymous with “crazy”, but is that truly the case? It is the same as calling Ted Cruz an opportunist for standing 22 plus hours on the well of the Senate Floor, passionately asking his fellow Senators to do their job. He railed against Obamacare, which will, in the end, lead to socialized medicine and will destroy the economy. That is an opinion based upon some research on the Bill, and its continued growth, both lack of freedom to choose and economics.

Cruz, for his part, is appreciated by members of the Tea Party movement, he is also, one would easily guess, appreciated by Libertarians, and by voters who, may not care for the way Politician’s have risen to a “royalty” status, whiel the people mainly pay the various “Lords” their dues through taxes – with little return. A bit of a feudal system has developed. There are few Knights and no round table. What happens next with Obamacare? It goes into effect, with the help of John McCain of Arizona and Lindsey Graham and those Republican’s where, without the GOP label, one might think they were Progressive Democrats. John McCain and others of his ilk, feel that there is simply no hope – the Best thing to do is to let the bill start, and when the people are so much more oppressed economically, they will turn around and love the Republican Party, the bill will self-destruct and all will be well – That is what is called, in most circles – gutless.

Men and Women, like Ted Cruz, believe that one might have fought to stop the process known as “cloture” – which allows a vote to go forward on a piece of law as is. The reasoning: he wanted to have a debate, and possibly add amendments to the Affordable Health Care Act. That Act might be salvageable, but not in its present form, and not without debate.

Yes, John McCain, spoke of the many Republican Amendments to the bill and how they worked to smooth it out, a bill a large percent of the American People did not want – in other words, John McCain and those GOP Senators in the 2009 Senate, were responsible for Obamacare, just as much or if not more than the Democrats.

What Cruz was pointing out was that with a bit of debate, and some quick fixes (of which many have been suggested in the house that make sense, but were summarily kicked to the curb), that would have benefitted the public and the government as a whole, but due to his brassy attack on members of his “own party”, he was maligned, by both those members and the media, and especially the democrats.

Therefore the lesson this sends is that no one individual who has been sent to Washington to represent their state, or district, should step outside the boundaries of their Political Party, and do what their conscious dictates – abide by what the individuals who sent them to Washington ask of that Senator or Congressional Representative.

That, in essence is why our founders were so dead set against the formation of political parties. They felt that the political parties would cause a divide in the people, and allow a very few to rule over the “masses”, in grand style.

That is what has happened, unfortunately. If one thinks about the political party they are affiliated with for a moment – it that party truly a membership. To be a Democrat or Republican is nothing more than a label, and guarantees on no special privileges than any other citizen. If one is a Democrat, does one even know his or her representative, and how they are working in Washington on their behalf, or a Republican? The same would apply.

There is an option for those who are fed up with the two-party systems that is choking the life out of this nation – become an unaffiliated voter. By doing so, one is liberated from the label, and one is not bound (mentally) to vote for someone based solely on a party membership that has zero value in the real world.

Listen to what the individual is attempting to say – not the slogans, but where they stand on the issues, and if one agrees, regardless of whether the candidate is a Democrat, Republican or – shock, Tea Party, Libertarian, or otherwise, then vote for that individual.

Don’t’ send a dime, red cent, or nickel to any political party. If one has a candidate one likes, give to that candidate directly.

What Cruz was doing was begging his colleagues of all political affiliates to-do their job. He was disgusted with the disconnect between those who rule over us in Washington, and what we, as a nation, truly need.

What this nation needs is 400 more Ted Cruz’s, Democrat, Republican, Unaffiliated, Libertarian (especially Libertarian), Green Party, etc. Take the social issues out of the equation. One has to understand that the social issues are thrown into the political mix purely for emotional effect – and have little to do with what happens either pro or con on any social issue once those two political parties meet in D.C. After the dust has settled, there is still abortion, there are still injustices and there will always be until – the parties are not two, but three or four or five, with the capital of this Republic filled with the voices of the people it represents. That is what the founders envisioned, and the plan was a fine one, it is the law of the land in its truest sense. It would allow true representation, rather than a ruling class.

Those members of the Tea Party get this concept. This is why there is a divide in the GOP – which again, truly does not exist – as these are two separate political entities, one is a party (GOP) one is a movement (TEA) and they are not simpatico.

It is true that members of the Tea Party have run on the Republican Ticket – mainly became it is a simpler way to gain access to party funds and to find a way to break the barrier against alternative ideologies. This is also true of the Progressive Socialists, who run as Democrats and are now in the Political Class. There is little written or discussed on that scope, but it exists. The lines between the two parties are so blurred, that one has to step back a moment and think now about the individual. Unaffilate. There is no membership in any party that is worth the cheap paper card one’s name is printed on.

Imagine in the message it would send, if the nations voters shed the political party image and actually voted for the individual who made sense, to them personally, it would be chaos – for the political class.

Note: if you read it on the internet, or in the paper or hear it on the evening news, unless it’s a train wreck, with 8 X 10 color glosses and live video providing proof, have a bit of skepticism, its healthily. Who to believe? Attend a meeting, a political meeting – either a Democrat Party Meeting, or a Republican Party Meeting, or better yet, find a Tea Party Meeting or Libertarian meeting and see which one of those groups most closely align with your own personal beliefs. The experience might surprise you.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Where Are Your Senators? Ted Cruz – Still Standing On Senate Floor- #MakeDCListen – Trending Twitter 13 Hours After Start of Filibuster – Why Cruz is doing His Job

Some may call the epic Filibuster of Ted Cruz against voting for Cloture on the Continuing Resolution without the one amendment to that bill, put forth by the Congress to Defund Obamacare grandstanding on the part of this Senator from Texas, but they, themselves are confused, or arrogant to believe that the only purpose of a member of the Senate or the Congress for that matter, is to tow a “party line”, or to put themselves and their political futures above the people who sent them.

Senator Cruz, still making sense after standing for a ridiculous and painful 13 hours, is battling for the Texans who sent him to the Senate. He is battling for the “lost generation” – those 18-25 year olds who are working part time, at lower wages, without the hope of having a home of their own, or an ability to move forward, get a better job, pay off their student loans, and participates in what once was referred to as the American Dream. He is fighting against the ability of one man, Harry Reid, the Senator from Utah and Majority Leader of the Senate, to run roughshod over the American people, time and time, by refusing to allow discussions on the subject of the monstrous bill made law – The Affordable Health Care Act.

Senator Cruz does not, at this point, appear to give a whit about what the media, or care about his political future, he is speaking from the mind and heart about the rights granted under the Constitution, for all citizens, both Democrats and Republicans. He is speaking of the reality of the economics of the Affordable Health Care Act, which some in the GOP and the DNC are politically avoiding voting against, as it does not apply to them personally – as they are the Political Class. He is speaking as a Patriot of the first order. Having read the Federalist Papers, and the biographies of the founders, Hamilton, Madison, Jefferson, and their peers, as a history geek who learned to love the nuances of historical and political poetry at the feet of a grandmother who had emigrated to this great nation as a sixteen year old, following her dreams of prosperity and rights not available in an increasingly volatile Europe, it is difficult to imagine in today’s America, the fact that there are not more Ted Cruz’s to defend each and every citizen in this nation.

Those who rail against the establishment of a political class, so wealthy and powerful that the divide between the have’ s and have not’s is palpable, are considered by those who are part of that political class or wish to be, to be either “dangerous” or mentally less understanding than they are, or simply ill-informed and less educated. They are both Democrats and Republicans or Unaffiliated politically, they are educated or not, they may or may not have Ivy League degrees, they may or may not have wealth or jobs or careers that are tied to Washington’s largesse, they are simply put, in disagreement with the policies, and the bureaucracy and the Political Party System (so loathed by our founders), running roughshod over the Constitution of the United States and not giving a whit about the individual and the liberties granted under the Document that grants each and every one that is privileged enough to be a citizen of this nation, the rights contained therein.

Senator Cruz, and his peer, Senator Mike Lee of Utah, standing alone in the well of the Senate, speaking after hours and hours into the dawn of the day that the Senate must take up a vote of Cloture, begging, daring those absent colleagues to vote No on Cloture – they are asking for an up or down vote on the Legislation of the Act known as “Obama Care” – the Affordable Health Care Act. They understand, clearly, they are railing against the “system”, and it is not for political gain, it is for the people who sent them.

There is a reason that the founders felt that the formation of political parties, who might grow and obtain so much power that they would, in deed and in purpose, outstrip the values of a free Republic, and undermining the liberties granted under the Constitution.

These two Senators standing are impressive, historically, they are not stalwart followers of a Political Party nor a political class, they are, in words and in actions, following the paths of those long buried and most often forgotten founders of this nation.

Whether or not one would agree, politically, those who are avoiding this debate, those who the people from their State sent them to the Capitol to do their bidding, should be debating these gentlemen, and doing the job that, according to the Constitution and the laws upon which this nation has been founded, bound to take up.

The American citizens of these United States of America deserve to have those they sent, regardless of whether they are Democrats, Republicans, Socialist, Libertarians, or simply unaffiliated, stand up and fight, not for their political party, or their own political futures, but for the citizens of their given state; with honesty and integrity for their deeply held belief, one way or the other on this issue of the Funding of the Affordable Health Care Act, or any piece of legislation put before them.

It is true, that the odds of the aforementioned behavior happening are slim to nothing, given the sad State of this Union and the elected political class, but what a fine day it would be for all of the United States citizens and those hoping to become citizens, if that very scenario would occur. We all, regardless of political affiliation owe a debt of gratitude for the Senator’s Cruz and Lee, who are doing what their colleges should be doing. A few of them did, notably, Sessions, Rubio, Rand, and Durban, and they deserve the credit, not those who have done nothing, regardless of which “party “to which they subscribe.

These Senators standing make this individual, first generation, American year for a day when this call for debate is a norm, not an anomaly.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Ted Cruz Battle for Self Gain – Doubtful – The Big What if – He Is the Rare Sincere Politico? – The Real Risk-Takers of the GOP are the McCain’s and the Reid’s.

Ted Cruz, the newsworthy Senator from the State of Texas is coming under fire this week from certain arenas – specially the GOP Leadership, the Democrat Leadership and the Media. His crime is his attempt to defund the Obama Care legislation – by any means he can find. Does anyone really want this bill to continue as it was written? Yes, those on the extreme left, the politicians who signed onto the bill to appease the Administration, and the Administration – the rest of the nation, not so much – and that includes union groups such as the AFLCIO, better known as a bunch of Democrats, who termed the legislation as “disruptive” to their health care plans. Kaiser Health Foundation is screaming from the rooftops the fact that the plan, meant to cover the poor and middle class, is going to leave up to 500,000 children without coverage due to a snippet in the legislation that notes the employee must be covered, but not the family – who will also not be eligible for the exchanges – and will also most likely be eligible for the fines, as they will not be covered as mandated. That will mean each family that must be insured and find insurance – if they can – as private insurance companies are no longer offering health care plans that are remotely affordable. USA Today

Even the exchanges are pricey – take the State of Massachusetts for example – if one is earning a mean salary of $40,000 per year, after deductions they are living off more than the average SNAP recipient in the state. If they are seeking coverage though the States Health Portal, for a family or individual plan, they must be inside the open enrollment period(MA Health Connector), and if they do qualify the lowest level plans for families are not cheap. A family of 3 seeking coverage has a choice of 8 plans, the Bronze Plan being the least expensive at $609 per month for a family of 3, or unaffordable to most average working Massachusetts families.(Mass Health Care)

Therefore it should be deemed the “unaffordable health care Act” – yet, Cruz is taking heat for wanting to defund the program, thereby delaying its start – and shockingly the ones that are most against his attempt are the “Greybeards (Cruz term) of the Senate –or those most comfortable with their positions of power – for now.

So what’s a bunch of irate GOP insiders to do? Hammer Senator Cruz as a over-reaching smart guy, who knows he’s lost the battle before it began, and is in the fight for his own gain – i.e. the popularity of the base. (Washington Times)

Although that might just be a side effect, this popularity, it is most doubtful that this is the root cause. It appears that Senator Cruz is one of those rare birds who arrives in Washington, stays a year, and continues to have their integrity intact. If he wishes to debate and use procedural means against Harry Reid, the most likely to be the next Ted Daschle, and holder of the key to the Senate, so be it. It is the job that Cruz was sent there to accomplish. It is going to pay dividends. Although Cruz might not be popular with the media (including those Fox News personalities and their counterparts on MSNBC and CNN), he is with the people who sent him – which is all that count. He is also popular with those that have read the constitution and understand that Mr. Smiths in Washington, are now to be found only in a select group of Conservatives and Libertarians, the rest of those holding office appear to be there for personal gain.

How important is the Tea Party? One might want to ask Lois Lerner the IRS official who “resigned” after targeting Tea Party Groups through 2010 and 2012 - some believe at the behest of the administration. (ABC News). The Tea Party, much maligned as it is, has a value that is more viable than the Republican Party or the Democrat Party – one might just want to ask the members who are former members of both parties, as well as libertarians, Green Party, etc. This targeting began after the strumping taken by both parties in 2010 - and one would hazard to guess, Lois got her directives from the both Political Parties.

What they all have in common is their desire to return to a more constitutionally based government where one’s self-reliance is applauded not derided and the federal government is less wieldy.

Cruz, although associated with the Tea Party, has a pedigree that is suitable to appoint to the Supremes (as in Court), while John McCain and the rest of the Rank and File GOP are suitable for the country clubs, and not a great deal more. There are those political animals, one sees them at the local and state level, that just reek of self-serving platitudes – constantly on stage, and not a wee bit humble about it, then there are the public servants – who are a tad more humble, yet fight battles as if they were in a fight for the very freedom of the nation.

That’s Cruz, whether he enters the 2016 presidential sweepstakes (otherwise known as the primaries) is not at issue, what one might want to watch for, is Cruz building blocks of integrity, and kicking that leadership that is so out of touch with the people and the Constitution to the curb, by grass roots measures - becoming elevated to a loftier position in the Senate.

Remember Ted Daschle – the untouchable?

It is time, historically, for a shift in the political power base, specifically in the political party power base, which has not occurred since the formation of the Republican Party in the 1800’s – Now is the time, and as more people shift away from the regular party politics – they may find three or four, or five Republicans and Democrats whoa aren’t acting like the “rest of them” – those are the leaders that deserve a second look.

This is why, those in the media and the power brokers in Washington are seething – the upstarts with integrity just might upend their lofty positions and just might win. Those who vote against defunding Obama Care or attempt to block Cruz within his own Party – will still be popular with the media and may even become pundits after they are no longer in the position to call themselves peers. – The do, after all, hold elected positions. It might behoove those who are political animals to smell the changing winds and understand that there very political lives for which they worked so hard to protect, are now hanging on a balance – it won’t be Senators Cruz, or Paul or Lee, it will be their constituents and the most Cruz/Lee/Paul like candidate that challenges them in their home states that sends the reeling into retirement.

Meanwhile, Cruz will be in the Cat Seat in the Senate, or wherever he chose to be.

Just a thought - should one be of a mind to truly fight the battle - one might consider defunding their national party, until and unless it brings their senior players in line with principals. Putting the extra $5.00 or $10 into "trust" for those who are most likely to fight for one's rights.

Monday, September 23, 2013

A March Towards the Mainstream – Liberty Minded Candidates Scaring Both Major Political Party Establishments.

A Cartoon worthwhile - from the site The Rightly Guided

Watching the debate in the House and the Senate over debt ceiling and defunding the Behemoth Obamacare that, frankly bothers both Democrats and Republicans of reasonable minds, one begins to find not a legislative battle as one would suppose, but a battle for the minds and hearts of the general public, rather than those who would stay the status quo for the sake of “Good press”.

To wit, speaking of that rascally Senator from the State of Texas who has the Republican Main Guard (otherwise known as pundits from the Bush Administration and multi-term Senators who prefer to retain, a go along to get along, ergo, reelected, positions, in an uproar.

When it was mentioned that Cruz was to appear on Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace, those stalwart defenders of their own best interest within the GOP sent opposition research on Cruz to Wallace, the host – who then deferred to Karl Rove for an explanation! Apparently Rove has suggested that both Cruz and fellow Senator Mike Lee, did not consult the McCain’s of the world, before going about the business of the people. (Politico). When one thinks rationally about the situation, what it boils down to is simply: Cruz is doing what he promised to do – uphold the constitution, and vote and defend in the Senate what his constituents asked. McCain and his ilk –whom Cruz refers to as greybeards, are doing their upmost to sabotage this type of Libertarian behavior, as it disturbs their balance between the “gentlemen’s club” of the Senate that is in favor of whatever the polls are suggesting one week to the next, rather than take one for the American public. Not so Cruz. McCain, most likely to retire shortly, might not have read the Tucson Citizen who are lauding Cruz for keeping up the good fight.

The gist, Cruz wants to gather the likeminded Senators, in an effort to pass a spending measure that funds everything but – Obamacare – a bill that was written so badly, it needs time to tweak – if it was such a wonderful bill, Congress would be the first in line to sign-up –but they granted themselves waivers, the AFLCIO, also wanted out – along with a variety of states, both Republican and Democrat, who understand that fewer individuals will be covered, and the cost to employer will result in unemployment – one Democrat referred to it as a “train-wreck”. Therefore, on a bi-partisan basis, not many support the bill, but, the power play that Cruz is making is upending the get along to go along playbook.

Therefore, everyone is screaming about (media and congress) the looming government shutdown. The Whitehouse is scaring the elderly regarding a loss of income – as no social security checks will be mailed, the essential services of the federal government will shut down, ad nasueam – The Republicans are looking at decades old polling and worrying out the public point of view – so they cast aspersions on those that would defund the program.

Enter the shock of it all as explained is good measure by the AP via the Detroit News and Free Press - there simply is no truth to a government shutdown- actually shutting down the government. – The article goes on to describe the variety of shutdowns, especially during the Carter Era, followed by the Reagan Era, and so on – before popularity was the main objective of those erstwhile senator like McCain, and co. – Senators and Congressional reps behaved like – Ted Cruz!

The big problem with a shutdown is the “Debt Ceiling” – which they need to raise yet again, or face default.

That’s the gist of it – Should the forces of sanity – Cruz, Lee and company, succeed in forcing their hands, and the president refuses to sign off – or the House (which holds the purse strings), then the only thing that is threatened – is Wall Street – Therefore, Cruz, Lee and those of like mind are interested in helping the people, and the McCain’s, and stalwarts such as Harry Reid, are worried about the return on their investments.

On another Liberty Minded note- “Blow me over with a feather” – The New York Magazine, with Frank Rich, of all left of center trumpeters – has lauded, with a caveat, (the word Republican), none other than Rand Paul, the Senator from Kentucky – the title of the article: ”It’s Hard to Hate Rand Paul” is worth the read –(New York Magazine), not because it approves of Paul’s stance, but because it shows that there is grudging admiration for those of Libertarian bent in both parties and the middle.

Should Cruz hold fast, regardless of what the Senate does in the end, and the disaster he is suggesting strikes (and it will), those holding the blame will be those Republican Senators and those Democrats who let this monstrosity go on as scheduled (which it is not ready to be implemented) – imagine the backlash by the voting public in 2014-and 2016 – It will not be against Cruz, or Paul or Lee or any others who were thoughtful enough to fight on the basis of the Constitution and their constituent – it will fall on the heads of those Greybeards, and that is from both parties –those Clintons, and Biden’s and Pelosi’s, and McCain’s and Grahams. In either scenario the future of American political parties hangs in the balance – there may well be a third, more independent and liberty minded party that ends up besting them both – or at the very least, those who hold those same principles, holding sway neither of the

Friday, September 20, 2013

The Pope – In All His Wisdom – The Jesuit Interview - Mischaracterized by Media – “If they have ears, let them hear”.

Pope Francis, the wise and humble Leader of Catholics - image AP via NYTimes

Pope Francis is clearly a breath of fresh air, if one is an evangelical and holding that the way to life and God is through scripture – however, certain media and social groups have a tendency to take the Pope’s intent out of context: The New York Times is a prime example. In an article about an article in the Jesuit Journal the New York Times led with an article titled– “Pope Says Church Is ‘Obsessed’ With Gays, Abortion and Birth Control” – going on to imply that the Pope feels that the one who is involved in a gay marriage, or supports abortion is doing just fine.

The pope’s interview did not change church doctrine or policies, but it instantly changed its tone. His words evoked gratitude and hope from many liberal Catholics who had felt left out in the cold during the papacies of Benedict and his predecessor, John Paul II, which together lasted 35 years. Some lapsed Catholics suggested on social media a return to the church, and leaders of gay rights and gay Catholic groups called on bishops to abandon their fight against gay marriage.

In the actual interview available at Thinking The Pope’s meaning becomes perfectly clear – on all subjects – as it is rooted in the Gospels, and he relies on Hebrews, in part to form his opinions – read the entire article here. In interpreting the meaning of the Pope’s wording on the subject one finds that he is referring to the call of Christ, and the early Church fathers (including St. Paul) to heal the sinner, and not judge them, regardless of what they eat (referring to Paul-Romans). Clearly, Jesus came to call the sinners, as they were in need of healing. Clearly God, in whose image man is made, loves each one and offers each the opportunity of redemption in several levels – Therefore, looking at this humble and brilliant Pope’s stance on the issue, it is in common teaching within the biblical context. First one heals the sinner, then the sin. In speaking of the confessional – and the confusion that is caused by pastors who are either too strict or too lax in consoling those who are ‘confessing” their sins (think of pastoral therapy with a sacrament rolled in for good measure) – should an individual confess an abortion to a priest who is too rigid in doctrine, there will be no hope offered, and if the priest is too lax, there will be no chance to speak to the saving grace of God, should one renounce the sin, and seek to live a whole life.

Therefore, first, heal the rift between God and his child, and then heal the sin.

The man is brilliant and perhaps the world has a Pope who understands the Church and the Politics behind religion, which tends to get in the way of salvation.

The writer is a Catholic by birth, an Evangelical by logic and the gift of the Spirit.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Neighborhood Crime Statistics: Massachusetts 8 Cities that Rank in the top 100 Most Dangerous

From the website: Neighborhoodscout.comcomes the “rankings of the most dangerous cities in the U.S. They use the following data to reach their conclusions:

Our research reveals the 100 most dangerous cities in America with 25,000 or more people, based on the number of violent crimes per 1,000 residents. Violent crimes include murder, forcible rape, armed robbery, and aggravated assault. Data used for this research are 1) the number of violent crimes reported to the FBI to have occurred in each city, and 2) the population of each city.”

The cities in Massachusetts that rank in the top 100 are:

  • 95 Lawrence, MA MA

  • 91 Worcester, MA MA

  • 85 Holyoke, MA MA

  • 77 Springfield, MA MA

  • 57 New Bedford, MA MA

  • 42 Fall River, MA MA

  • 41 Brockton, MA MA

  • 11 Chelsea, MA MA

  • The most dangerous city, East St. Louis, Ill, on the bottom of the top 100 list is Sarasota, FL.

    Other States in the Top 100 List include: WI (1), CT, NC, CA, MI, IL, NJ, AR, MO, NY, SC, CA, IA, AL, DE(1), PA, FL, TN, GA, MD, OH, OK (1) LA, TX (1), DC(1), RI(1) , NM(1), IN, NC (1), MA and WV(1)

    Considering a move to another state, the list to avoid is shown above.

    For all statistics, rankings, refer to:

    With the exception of one state, high unemployment in these states should also be considered as a factor.

    Tuesday, September 17, 2013

    Rick Perry – Taking the Message of Prosperity to Blue Maryland Businesses

    From the Baltimore Sun: Texas Governor, Rick Perry, is in Maryland attempting to woo businesses to Texas, in yet another Blue state. It appears that so far, no matter which tax burdened blue state the Texas Governor has set his sights, he has generally brought home new businesses and new jobs to Texas.

    The message of less regulation, lower tax burdens and a willing and able work force are among the pitches the Govenor can rightly claim – which also makes Texas a jobs search destination.

    The mission usually involves a bit of back and forth between the fiscally conservative Rick Perry and the given tax friendly Democrat governor of Pick-a-State. It never ceases to amuse - the premise being that the company might say in say, Connecticut, without the wherewithal to increase profits, and hire additional staff, or move to Texas – and succeed – there’s “state loyalty” and then there is common sense that can only be found in the private sector –Businesses generally are run on the common sense, bottom line approach in order to be successful.

    It’s anyone’s guess as to how long those Blue States that are being targeted by Perry and who knows which Conservative Govenor will be the next to jump on the bandwagon, will ever see the error of their tax till one drops ways. Best bet – when the states occupants vote them out of office.

    Monday, September 16, 2013

    Chevrolet, Apple Pie, and Miss America – The Tradition Continues – Miss New York, Nina Davuluri, wins Scholarship and Crown

    Miss New York, Nina Davuluri, now Miss America - image

    One might ask why a Conservative Feminist is writing about the Miss American Pageant – to be perfectly honest – it’s personal - In my final senior seminar at the Elms, I was tasked with taking the side of the pageant, and convincing the class of the validity of that pageant – from an historical perspective. That required some research – and what I found was somewhat shocking. (More on that) One might also note that my child competed in talent pageants, replete with makeup, costumes and hair and makeup – it ran against my grain – but it was the way in which she was allowed to pursue her own “agenda”, and that also opened my eyes to the good and the bad. When one is of an age to remember watching Miss America crowned on a black and white set, the show was what all women tuned into once a year – one might wonder why that one “frivolous” show was so important.

    It was, simply put, liberating. Historically, the pageant was begun as a way to extend the summer holiday in Atlantic City, bathing suits at the time were far from revealing, but those women who competed in the first Miss America pageant were escaping from a Victorian era that strangled one both in body and soul. In the ensuing years, the pageant offered scholarships, as well as job opportunities in the entertainment field (Hollywood). The program became and remains single the largest scholarship organization for women in the United States. Without the Miss America Pageant, the women’s movement would have gained little to no steam – had a group of feminist not made repeated attempts at disrupting the program, got lucky enough to catch the eye of one reporter while waiting for results, the “controversy” of the feminist movement might not have finally got significant press. It was a program of fists, and that included diversity, it has and remains one of the most inclusive of organizations, specifically when it comes to women. Therefore, as bad as the talent can become, as much as it riles some that the “fitness” segment is a swim suit, and the questions asked and answered seem banal and painful at the same time, it remains a tradition that has allowed women to further their career goals. They are not seeking a modeling job, they are seeking a means to continue their studies, and or pay off their student loans. They are aspiring doctors, lawyers, many of whom are Rhodes Scholars.

    Therefore, when Miss New York was crowned as the first Indian-American (or Asian) Miss American last night, it was in keeping with the organizations history.

    However, lacking understanding of what the pageant represents to Americans and American women especially, the media had to play it up – CNN lead with a story about racism and the results. Apparently, several individuals took to Twitter and suggested that a “real American” should have been crowned – it is somehow taken to be something that someone from the right would suggest. One might understand that regardless of the ethnicity, race or state of the final winner, the tweets would have been – malicious. It has little to with being right or left (although one might understand that some of the most racist individuals are from the left); it is about rooting for one’s team and sour grapes.

    Miss American, Nina Davuluri and her bio can be found at the website (here).

    For those young women who are considering ways in which to pay for college, one might want to buffer their scholarship with an appearance at a local Miss American pageant. The scholarships begin on the local level and continue to the state and national stage. It requires a talent and fitness competition as well as what some might consider an “issue of concern” – any prom dress will do. Unlike other pageant systems, the first in the nation does not require hefty entry fees, or plastic surgery – it requires smarts.

    One other note: The Iconic Program, is now Back at Atlantic City, the birthplace of the Organization. It is as American as – Apple Pie, and so is the choice of Miss Davuluiri, who hopes to become a physician, just like her father.

    On a personal note, I may have failed to convince the majority of the class of the validity of the pageant – women’s study majors, however they did grant me the “A” – for presentation and historical accuracy. – Go figure.

    Thursday, September 12, 2013

    The Colorado Gun Restrictions – Dem’s Loose two Seats – Is it About Guns or Civil Liberties?

    In a recent upset during a recall election in Colorado, two Democrat state reps lost their seats at the table, when the supported strict gun control legislation. According to the New York Times article – both Angela Giron of Pueblo and John Morse of Colorado Springs lost seats to Republicans in their respective districts. The Times points out the money spent by both sides of the gun control debate, as well as one of the districts voter registration make-up, being slightly less Democrat than the other – there was no other explanation of what the resounding defeat in an otherwise Democrat state might have been the cause (New York Times)

    Colorado has passed more “liberal” leaning laws, including lifting restrictions of the use and sale of Marijuana (and then promptly taxed it to the extent that there are now protests! (Huffington Post). Seriously, what did they expect? In a state where the Democrats control the legislature, one might anticipate a tax on just about anything that moves – (See Massachusetts – tax on Dogs) – therefore, the legalized marijuana offered an opportunity for more – taxes, to fund more schools, ebt cards, programs, programs, programs.

    That said, in such as state it is more than being outspent on advertising that ousted two Democrats who were in sync with the party line of “control the guns” – It is a growing distaste by the American Public for one more rule to follow and one more tax to pay. Little by little there has been an erosion of our economy, big-brother is constantly watching, fishing is regulated down to the recreational level, and one might pick any other subject that interferes with Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness to find it has been taxed, removed or trampled upon.

    That might be the reason why there is a sudden interest in those who are more “Libertarian” in nature, a growing sense that neither major political party has the “right stuff”, nor perhaps, just perhaps, it is time for something new. In cases where one sees the opportunity to vote the individual who’s party represents the remove of rights, (the Democrats), then they look to the opposition. If that happens to be a Republican (most often in DC, one can’t tell the difference between the two), then so be it – if that individual is a Jeffersonian Republican (i.e. Libertarian) all the better.

    The Libertarian’s scream Liberty – it’s in the name, thus truth in advertising – and for all the common sense about throwing a vote away in favor of a party that has dose not stand a chance at a national office – (thinking 2014 and 2016), then one might look towards those Libertarians who are co-opting the Republican Party. They are Tea Party and Progressive at the same time, and a bit difficult to figure out for most that have to neatly stick a politician under one or the other category – left or right – they are – more – Independent.

    This is why the media tags Senators Rand Paul (R-KY) and Ted Cruz (R-TX) with the “Tea Party” label as often as possible lately – knowing they are both potential 2016 candidates. The “Tea Party” label may have been the “kiss of death” in 2012, but..that was then and the entire nation is not as narrow minded or gullible as the east and west coast elites and especially the political class.

    In the gun debate, it is not the right to shoot whomever one pleases or own tanks that is at issue, it is the concept that drives individuals to the polls, even those who never intend to own a gun, are now looking at the issue as ever increasing Federal encroachment – even at the State level. One cannot otherwise explain the rush for gun permits by thousands upon thousands of individuals in the wake of the announcement that Gun Control was part of the national spotlight.

    Background checks are always on the table; one might be insane to think that would not be reasonable. If one is looking to carry concealed, then surely a fingerprint test at the local PD would be sufficient to determine if that individual was – oh – dangerous. To reduce the number of bullets one might put in a magazine does nothing – one bullet, one knife, on baseball bat is all it takes to kill someone, therefore, the over the top reaction to “keep the children safe” (while adding more regulations and of course, taxes and government jobs (even more taxes), and licensing) may have been partly well meant, but a simply crafted legislation on the state level modifying any loose ends as far as identifying who might be buying a gun (i.e. the simple background check) would have kept those two Democrats safely in their seats.

    The panic over Obama care – now evident on both the right and the left, allowed a small group of Liberty minded (Libertarian) lawmakers to postpone voting on the budget apparently, there is a split in the GOP, according to USA today, but they fail to mention the Democrats who have become increasingly reluctant to go forth with the law. (USA Today) This is simply because it has reduced our liberties – nothing more, nothing less. It has costs jobs in the private sector, and increased jobs at the IRS, it does include those darn death panels, and restricts access to health care, especially for seniors. It was a badly crafted bill from the get-go – and now individuals are growing increasingly aware and they are not happy.

    From fraud and abuse by those on entitlement programs, to the increasing costs of food and fuel, to the general malaise that has settled like the ghost of Jimmy Carter’s presidency upon the formerly fruited plains – something has to give. It started in Colorado, and one might suggest it will not end there.

    Wednesday, September 11, 2013

    President Obama’s Speech on Syria – Failure to Convince – Analysis – The President Needs a New Speechwriter

    Monday morning quarterbacking is always the rule of thumb for both amateur and professional pundits and with the President’s speech on Syria last evening, there is plenty of fodder available – thus adding two cents is a natural inclination for this blogger.

    Understanding the text of the speech as written here: at - the first mistake was not having another speechwriter take a crack at it.

    It was apparent from the beginning of the delivery to the final painful minutes that the President did not particularly believe what he was saying – in parts of the speech, specifically as it related to actual “war”.

    As the speech sent two or three messages – from the need to attack, the actual fact that the U.S would attack (Syria) to the President playing nice and asking Congress for permission to attack – and it was with immediacy – then switching gears and speaking to the Putin’s rescue of the world, back to having Congress not vote on authorizing force – yet keeping the military at the ready – it is no wonder that those watching were somewhat confused! (Ft. Way News Journal –AP)

    Therein lay the problem mixed messaging delivered by an individual who appeared totally uncomfortable about the message – two things were striking. One, that the children were the important aspect of his interest in the Syrian matter – that is without a doubt a moment of sincerity, and secondly, that he was not enamored of war at all and would prefer a peaceful solution. Other than those two instances – it was difficult to believe that the President believed a word he was saying.

    This is the takeaway from a personal perspective. The man has been in office for two terms, he has never preferred military action, and is not familiar with the workings, relying on advisors, he prefers to wait for an answer to come – an epiphany if one will to any given global or local situation that deserves of military intervention. That epiphany may take weeks, or months – it is not that he is a coward, or that he has no ability, he appears to be a man who does not wish to dirty his hands with conflict and would wish anyone else would make that decision. The aforementioned explains a lot – as to why we were a dollar short and a day late on Iran in 2009 – which would have quelled the nonsense in the middle east, had those opposing the regime been supported and allowed to have their way. Then Libya, Egypt, etc – world leaders supported, then abandoned – much like Staten Island in the wake of Hurricane Sandy.

    It is the crushing weight of the decisions to make, and not have made in time, that appears to weigh heavy.

    If only the speech had touched on the following points: There is evil afoot in Syria, they have used chemical weapons on their own people. I had contemplated a strike on Syria, which I feel would have been justified. However, understanding the lack of support by the American People and the willingness of the Russians to intervene, we can rest a little easier tonight. The Russian intervention was likely due to my saber rattling, and for that contribution we are grateful. The Syrians have decided to come clean to Russia, and the world, and will allow the destruction of their chemical weapons. WE will make sure of that. Should they pull a fast one – then our military will be able to strike. I don’t plan on a ground war, rather, I’ll lob one of those pin-point targeted missiles we own (remember Saddam's sons?), right at the Regimes living room – that will end the problem – for us. Now I can move on to domestic issues. Thank you and goodnight.

    That would have been more believable.

    Right now, this late in his Presidency – he needs to take care with his speeches, and to make sure that he is who is really is at all times – so that he is comfortable and therefore believable.

    This is all tongue in cheek, as anyone with sense knows that the man is a Politician – and that few if any politicians actually say what they mean, but – there is hope – it always springs eternal – He needs a new speechwriter. – or he should start writing his own.

    Tuesday, September 10, 2013

    The Use of Dating by CE – Confuses – Comments on Jerusalem Gold Find at the Temple Mount Spur Debate!

    Apparently the modern use of the abbreviation for dating are somewhat confusing to some – the more modern use of the CE/BCE (Common Era – Before Common Era) are dates aligned with the abbreviations AD/BC – or more commonly After Divinity and Before Christ – A discussion (Comments) regarding this date format came up in an interesting article at Ynet news – “Rare golden treasure found in Jerusalem” – discussing a find of gold coins, a gold menorah and such found at the Temple Mount and dated at approximately 600 CE – (or 600 AD).(Read entire article here

    The Ynet article goes on to discuss a period where the Jews, Christians and Persians were living in Jerusalem and the Persians and Christians then ousted the Jews. (A period that was well before the crusades – therefore a more local disagreement.) As the finds suggests the Jewish people had been in Jerusalem consistently throughout history and solidifying their claim of ownership in the City/State.

    There is more under and at the Temple Mount – the “holy site” where the Jews will build a third Temple, however – it is currently a Muslim Holy site – when the Muslims conquered Jerusalem several years after the death of the profit. There ensued a bit of a war between the Meccan’s and those from Medina who were fighting with the Syrian Muslims. A Caliph (ruler) from Syria, suggested that they make Jerusalem a substitute place of pilgrimage and built the Mosque of Omar in 691, followed in 715 by a mosque built on the Temple Mount. History of Jerusalem

    The comments are not about the fabulous find, rather they are more religious and educational in context, as some are not sure that Christian’s expelled Jews from Israel, and suggested that the Romans were feeding both to the Lion’s – History suggests otherwise – and the CE confuses. What has been declared by many educators as the dummying down of America is perhaps, a worldwide phenomenon as History and basic civics are no longer subject matter in lower grade levels, and sometimes merely glossed over as an overview course in secondary schools and college. There are, sadly, many that do not know where we (globally) came from, or for that matter do they care, as History is a boring subject – so one might think.

    However, those who are vested in the subject, find that more often than not, patterns develop over periods of time, and that the repetitive nature of man to make the same mistakes over and over again, is deeply rooted in historical repetition. A case in point for introducing the subject at an earlier age and more in depth for those students who wish to avoid the downfall of a nation, for example.

    Monday, September 09, 2013

    The Great History Debate – Religion and Politics from the Right – and the Left – Who’s Right?

    From Politico comes an interesting article regarding a man known as an Historian from the right - ” Historian remains key ally of right”, offers some insight into Historian, David Barton, who suggests that the U.S. was founded on Christian Principles, and goes further in a book written on Thomas Jefferson, which suggests that Jefferson was looking for a state that was not separate from religion. The man is an advisor past and present to key political figures on the right – Huckabee, Cruz, Santorum as recent.

    One has to understand that the different theories regarding the science of History is subjective according to the Historian’s take on a specific period (which would include the individuals of the time). It is a science in so much as one must have letters, artifacts, and accounts of the period in order for form an educated account/opinion of what had taken place.

    As regards to our founders, the arguments surrounding their religious affiliations as well as their intent in writing the documents that would form the basis for our nation are readily available, both in the documents themselves, as well as letters written back and forth between the men who wrote said documents – easily found in the “Federalist Papers”. Dry reading to some and in a form of English that is most likely not understood by today’s students (for the most part, given the dismal state of education in this nation). Suffice it to say, that when one looks at the formation of the nation from Jamestown to Plymouth, there were actually two driving factors – the first was money –the second religion – a Christian religion. Like it or not, that is a fact.

    Those that came seeking freedom to practice their religion as they saw fit, without interference from a crown that demanded one form of worship – were financed by individuals seeking a return on their investment.

    The Pilgrims at Plymouth brought with them a harsh brand of Christianity, so much so that the State of Rhode Island was formed by those wishing to practice a different brand of – Christianity.

    In writing the Documents that formed our nation, the writers were – different sects of Christens.

    It is without question that the laws brought down by Moses factored heavily in the creation of document founding the Republic under which we live.

    However, one might not get inside the mind of a centuries dead founded, unless one has access to the letters written by that individual – and those are readily available to those who would be able to – read.

    Some religious consider this proof positive that the intent was to have a biblically based society – which, in essence, it was so – however, as Christian sects are consistently bucking one another as to which is “right” and which is “wrong “about religious specifics – those founders suggested that there be no one religion established in our nation - (i.e. a theocratic republic) rather that the choice of religion would be left to the individual rather than the state – thus we have “Separation of Church and State” – most often misunderstood and misinterpreted or manipulated- one can take their choice.

    Therefore, to have the Historians who lean conservative (of which there are few and far between), one must understand they have a penchant for researching the letters and books written by said founders and forming an opinion - so do those on the left, who may do the same, but, as is the nature of Progressives, make the story a bit more in line with their ideology – otherwise known as – rewriting history.

    The only way to really get to the bottom of a certain Historical argument, one must read the books/articles/letters – to form an educated option, - boring, true, but to get to the actual gist of the facts one must learn to do so – finding those on the right, with their quirks, are not called “right” for nothing.

    The nation, One nation Under God, had its humble beginnings invested in all things Godly – that’s an indisputable fact – as we are a young nation historically – the documents exist to support the science. The Progressive School of thought is that the “masses” would not be able to handle the “truth of history” – as it refers to the political agenda that drives the movement – rather than enabling all to be educated, one might be able to control a group of individuals that were – less than educated in the facts of history – as one is first given to understand – History – repeats itself – given time.

    Thursday, September 05, 2013

    2014 Charlie Baker Will Run for Massachusetts’ Governor’s Office – Second Run Announced Via Social Media

    NECN Reports that Republican, Charlie Baker, will make a second run at the MA Governor’s office. Baker made his announcement via social media rather than the expected Press Conference. Baker who ran against incumbent Democrat Governor, Duval Patrick in 2010, lost by a small margin of 6 points to Patrick – both faced former Democrat, Tim Cahill who garnered 8% of the vote, with the state split between Baker and Patrick by county. Head to Head, Baker won heavy population counties, Essex, Plymouth and Worcester by 4 or more points, Norfolk by .1 point, and Barnstable, a lower population county by 3 points. Patrick took Bristol and Middlesex by 5 plus margins, Suffolk (Boston) a smaller county by 20 points, lower population areas, Dukes and Nantucket by a larger margin, with the Western side of the state, Hampshire, Berkshire and Franklin County coming in by 20 plus points, and Hamden, the most populated county west of Worcester, by the lowest margin of 5 points. (New York Times)

    Massachusetts, however, tends to turn red on occasion, and Baker has shown strength in the 3 way 2010 race. Moderate Democrats tended to lean towards Cahill, who swayed the race in Patrick’s direction. Without a stronger, high-profile Democrat turned Independent in the race, and a likely more Progressive Democrat running against Baker, all bets will be off until the dust settles.

    Massachusetts, known as the “bluest state” is home to Cambridge and Amherst, Progressive conclaves that are locally given the moniker “the People’s Republic of…”, the balance of the state tends to be Independent, with 50% of total registered voters noting a status of “unenrolled” in either party.

    Wednesday, September 04, 2013

    Should we Stay or Should we Go – Mixed Emotions On Syria – Clouding Moral Imperative – Opinion

    The debate has been raging for far too long, be it the administration or those forces both right and left who are weighing in on a pending strike in Syria over the regimes use of chemical weapons on its peoples. Regardless of one’s political aspirations and/or bent, it is always a fair manner in which we, as a nation, have weighed use of military force to free a people of a madman. The evidence is growing (and has been there for sometime – that chemical weapons were used in the Middle East, be it in Iraq, when Saddam Hussein murdered the Kurds, or now, in Syria, as a means to eradicate the rebel forces. The innocents suffer – that’s the end of the game.

    French intelligence is insisting that the use of chemical weapons on innocents is taking place as reported by the French – The Local, the government is now sharing images with the public – and they are disturbing. The U.S. has been bickering over a military strike, as Britain’s usual backbone crumbled, and the Russians are warning against a strike on an area of the world in which they actively arm those that support cruel regimes.

    Therefore, as the UN is now wondering what Lebanon is going to do with a million Syrian refugees and that agency is weighing which political moves made be at hand to stop the murders (Financial Times) – our President has politically stepped back to get an approval from Congress, and those members who are, for political, not ideological reasons, bucking Obama, should knock it off – and now.

    There is a great deal at stake here for the U.S. as it stands in the world, and should we, as a people, or our leaders, more specifically, show division and distrust in our leadership, over party politics at a time when innocents are being murdered – it will send a stronger message to those who would harm their own, and us as well.

    For one, never being a war-monger and as a mother, always praying for deterrents - it is those images of women and children that always haunt and bring out the U.S. A. in a soul. If we, as a nation, have the ability to stop murder, then we should use the full force of our military to do so. That does not mean putting boots on the ground, but a sustained and massive strike on strategic targets (airfield, palaces, and military command centers) would be a great start.

    There will be risks, to be sure, perhaps a few Russians who are helping the regime might fall, or perhaps, once the dictator is no longer, a more militant group will be in power, or perhaps, just perhaps there will be fewer civilian deaths, and those contemplating similar action will think twice before proceeding. One must prefer the later. We, as a nation, are not the world’s policemen, which is often the argument used. However, we are, are at least appear to be a moral nation, one which, when shown atrocities, move to prevent father harm to the innocent.

    Timing and decisiveness may not be the strong suit of this Administration, where in 2009 in Iran, an opportunity was lost while the world, waited and waited to weigh in, giving the Mullah’s time to bring in reinforcements to put down a massive revolt. That said, an opportunity to right a wrong has existed for months, and as the evidence is at hand, the I’s dotted the t’s crossed, it is time to put politics aside, and do the right thing.

    It really makes one wonder, if the left (i.e. Pelosi and Reid) are suddenly Hawks, and the right, (pick a name, any name) are suddenly Doves, something smacks of political gain all the way around. The public may not have a taste for war, but this is not war, per se, it is a rescue mission. Again, it is a moral imperative that a nation with as many resources at hand as has the U.S. – intervene.

    Note on Title, loosely based on lyrics by the Clash – appropriate in this situation.

    Tuesday, September 03, 2013

    2016 Presidential Speculation on Cruz and Clinton – Longshoreman Opt Out of AFLCIO over – Obama care

    Image of Senator Ted Cruz and article from Western Free Press - "Ted Cruz Close to tie with Hillary Clinton in CO

    Ted Cruz, the Senator from Texas, as of now, garners more headlines than any potential (speculated) 2016 candidate for President. The latest, an appearance at an event hosted by the Tea Party Group, Americans for Prosperity, in Tampa, FL. The Washington Post suggests in an article written over the Labor Day Weekday that Cruz enjoys a clear edge among tea party activist, at this particular summit. Cruz, who is not particularly shy about telling those in the media what he thinks, (and why he’s right) is one of the most compelling potential candidates with a Libertarian leaning. (One which dictates smaller federal government, more states rights, a peaceful rather than Hawkish approach to military involvement (unless directly attacked). In other words, a perfect example of someone the nation’s founders would have embraced. The more one hears from Ted Cruz, and the apparent heartburn he causes the establishment GOP (i.e. the McCain’s), the elite media, and the White House, the more his stock rises. Cruz has given no indication of a run for the oval office, as of yet.

    Hillary Clinton - Image from where one will find a - Ted Cruz Vs. Hillary Poll

    Hillary Clinton inspired an op-ed that seems to make the most sense one might have read recently. From the Pittsburgh Tribune, Douglas Mackinnon, noted as a former White House and Pentagon official, opined that its’ “Too early to crown Hillary” He suggests that the National GOP and the media have gotten it wrong re: Hillary Clinton’s strength as a candidate in the not so distant past – i.e. 2008 – where Barack Obama came out of “nowhere”. He also correctly asserts that Elizabeth Warren may be a challenger.

    If one were to bet on anything, it will be that the National GOP sticks its head in the sand, far too long to recognize the real challengers (i.e. the Warren’s), while prepping what they feel is a suitable candidate (one can bet it will not be Ted Cruz). It is hoped that with all hoopla that surrounds a Presidential Primary season, that Cruz, or someone who is similar in stand and clear chutzpah, will give both the National GOP and the Progressive Wing of the Democrat Party a real kick in the pants – all the way to the White House.

    Cruz has been one of the strongest opponents in the Capital to Obama care – wishing to stop it by defunding the program – He is not alone in his angst regarding the disaster that is “Obama care”- Surprising Company, according to Labor are the members of the Longshoremen Unions, who recently split form the AFLCIO – over Obama care and Immigration.

    n a surprise move, the 40,000-member International Longshore and Warehouse Union announced its disaffiliation from the AFL-CIO yesterday. The news comes just a week before the federation is set to hold its national convention in Los Angeles, the nation’s biggest port and an ILWU stronghold. –

    Lockstep with Obama

    “[The AFL-CIO] wants to organize these big conventions, and rally to pat themselves on the back, doing nothing to promote the working-class,” said ILWU Coast Committeeman, Leal Sundet, who supported the union’s decision to disaffiliate.

    The ILWU supports a national single-payer health care system, while the AFL-CIO is “in lockstep with Obama,” Sundet said. He criticized the federation for being unwilling to discuss the shortcomings of the Affordable Care Act, which discriminates against union Taft-Hartley benefit plans and will impose a so-called “Cadillac tax” on generous benefit plans.

    Sundet also chided the federation’s position on immigration reform. The AFL-CIO is backing a bill that he contends will only make things harder for working-class immigrants, because it is “designed to give [only] highly-paid workers a real path to citizenship.”

    Letter re: ILWU Disaffilation - here at

    Strange bedfellows indeed – but that speaks volumes about those elites pushing the Program regardless of the harm to the nation’s health care delivery system.

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