President Trump? Image via
Donald Trump is not pulling any punches about his intention to run for the Office of the President, as of yesterday, Trump had hit the news and talk show circuit from “The View” to Fox to CNN. Trump’s in-your-face, reality based style is driving show hosts such as Bill O’Reilly to quip that he’s (paraphrased) genuine, but likely to put up a golf course at the White House! In O’Reilly follow-up interviews on Trump with political analyst Karl Rove and comedian-pundit Dennis Miller, Rove apparently was stunned over O’Reilly asking if “The Donald” had a chance. Rove could not say no, but appeared somewhat uncomfortable, in that beltway, insider, I know it all, Rovian style. Miller on the other hand was straight up and appeared serious when he said Trump had his vote.
Watching Trump is, in a word, refreshing. At first, one might have been taken aback, and quite frankly could not comprehend Trump as a GOP frontrunner, let alone a Trump Presidency. In fact, this blogger was wondering what other candidate Trump might be trying to help by appearing to enter the fray. After yesterday, and reviewing clips of the usual circuit, the fact is clear: Trump is serious and Trump wants to be the President.
What’s wrong with Donald Trump? He has a plenty of history, of which everyone inside and outside the United States is aware – the good, the bad and the ugly. Trump pulls no punches, and has fans on all sides of any aisle – he’s a threat to the established GOP, and is certainly entertaining. As to Rove’s wondering aloud if Trump would have the experience necessary to run the Oval Office, in light of the present administrations lack thereof, and subsequent state of the nation – Rove believes the American People are looking for the experienced politician - seriously.
Apparently, those who think an inexperienced, nationally and internationally known personality, who has the intellect, the money and the straightforward manner of Trump, might not have the backing of those would voted in the last election based on a “rock star” image, think again.
Trump is no dummy, he’s straight up, shoots from the hip, and does not shy away from the subjects that most of the “frontrunners” or those experienced politician’s might, he’s speaking to the people, those that do have questions regarding where the President might have been born, those who would like to see soldiers on the border, those who think we do have a world-wide “Muslim Problem”, and the list goes on. Trump is not only throwing the proverbial red meat to the rank and file conservatives, he’s got the Tea Party Points down, and the taxpayers points down – he’s taking no prisoners and he’s making no apologies. He speaks in such a manner as to say something that one might think outrageous, until Trump lays it out and suddenly, realizing he’s sincere, he gets points for being straight forward and making sense out of something ludicrous. That man is no dummy.
Now that Trump has taken it upon himself to step it up, one has to wonder when those who have been sitting on the sidelines waiting for summer to roll around before announcing might not want to show their hands a tad sooner, if, and this is a big if, they had the intent to run at all. This includes Sarah Palin and Mike Huckabee, two of the front runners in most polls. Mitt Romney, already in, but not officially, will, in all likelihood, fare about as well as he did in 2008. Not that Mitt Romney is not sincere about his quest for the office, nor is he lacking the intellect, business, or governing experience that might appeal to Karl Rove, however, that’s the point. The individual that breaks out of the box in this 2012 pack of announced, semi-announced and yet to announce candidates will be the non-traditional candidate. The atmosphere of the nation has not changed; it if nothing less it is more anti-big government than in the 2010 elections. All one has to do is ask those sixty some odd freshmen members of Congress with no experience that swept into office in a group in November of 2010 if someone who is unknown, but has the smarts, convictions and love of nation, can get elected.
The State Column is reporting that Harris Interactive has Trump tied with Romney and behind Palin and Huckabee (who have yet to announce) . In addition, The State also indicates Trump is in the process of building a team in Iowa. Although one may be reading this in total disbelief, think back to 2008 when it was apparent that Hillary Clinton, with her experience, and the popular vote would surely be the nominee, and then along came Barack (granted propelled by the Super Delegates at the DNC rather than by any popular vote).
Trump, is going to be the one to watch in the GOP primary, and the debates will be most likely be the highest rated programs of this sort, since Neilson began rating. Imagine the following line-up, Pawlenty, Ron Paul (assumed as he always runs), Palin (if she enters), Bachman (Tea Party all but announced), Romney (and yes, they will all go after Romney care), and Huckabee, and the few unknowns (That are either out there but not on this blogs radar yet). Talk about entertainment! Is it any wonder the media (networks) are in a state of convulsion as so few have announced and they have debates schedule as early as May of this year?
Donald Trump current social media links:
Donald Trump Facebook Like!
Donald Trump Twitter Follow
Fox News O’Reilly Interview
Trump on CNN:
CNN Piers Morgan Trump and Weiner (D-NY) video (Embed Disabled by CNN) talks policy
Trump on Ingraham
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