Friday Food For Thought
Obama – Just Say No! To More Debates
The International Herald Tribunes article on Sen. Obama questioning the “relevance” of further debates.
From CNN – No More Debates
Meanwhile, MSNBC heaps criticism on ABC Debate
Anyone watching the debate on Wednesday evening was clearly able to form their own opinion. Both candidates looked uncomfortable, Clinton less so than Obama. That said questions put to both candidates were valid, and not overly aggressive. What Hillary Clinton failed to do in this debate, was to come right out and state the fact that she does not believe Obama can take the heat in a general election, regardless of his 24/7 media pass. One can only hope, from a feminist point of view, that the answer she gave regarding his ability to win, was one of sarcasm, motivated by revenge, should he achieve the nomination, that in the general election he would be treated to much the same as any other Democrat – (One could only hope) However,we can bet the house that should this happen, any critique of the Golden Boy will result in an immediate backlash from all major news outlets towards the source (The RNC).
The exchange regarding the ability to take the heat from the opposition took a neat turn when Obama turned to Clinton and sneeringly recalled the criticism she faced as first lady. When Hillary came to the White House, she wanted to expand the role of the First Lady – do more to be involved. The response from the “boys club” was: “You should stay home and bake cookies”. As Obama restated this slur, he did so with a slow smile. The man appears to be both an elitist and a chauvinist.
On the other side of the aisle: Fox News is reporting: GOP Sources Huckabee to Campaign for McCain
There may be Hope yet!