Saturday Morning Musings

Artillery kills cat in New Jersey Home, from the Star Ledger. A piece of artillery crashed through a Jefferson Township home on Friday, landing on a child’s bed and taking out the family cat. Of course, this miss-firing could have resulted in a fire, or caused severe injury to someone living in the house, but the headline’s focus on the fate of the family cat is somewhat interesting. One may want to look into protective gear for dogs and cats as a sound investment.

April Blizzard in New England
In other noteworthy news, two Massachusetts men tried to hi-jack an above ground swimming pool in nearby Granby, CT. from the Stamford Advocate Apparently, the plan was a to disassembled the pool, transport it and assembled it over the state line. Point of order: it is April in the northeast and temperatures cannot be expected to rise to pool warmth until July. This crime is a direct result of global warming theory taught in schools nationwide as fact.
Other school news:
From ABC2Baltimore A Baltimore high school teacher was brutally attacked in the classroom. The attack was videotaped and then placed on My Space by her enterprising students. Who is to blame? Apparently the teacher – she used a “trigger” word. What is a “trigger word”? When you are about to be attacked and use language to try to dissuade your attacker, i.e. threat of any kind to insure your safety, and that attacker ignores you and beats you to a pulp – if you are a teacher, it is your fault.
This story follows on the heels of other student videotaped beatings across the country. One might ponder what could be done to solve the problem? Should teachers be sanctioned not to use “trigger” words? Should film classes be instituted in all schools so that these would be “Fellini’s” might actually make a living someday outside of the usual fast food establishment? Or should someone, anyone, slap the following people “upside the head”: School administration, parents of these children and the children themselves.

Proposed Student Dress Code (photo from UK Daily Mail)
Never mind filing charges – that seems to be the glory these well educated public school students seek. Here’s a thought, publicly humiliate them: Make them wear signs front and back while attending classes for the balance of the school year (A giant handwritten apology would be appropriate.) Have them sit and write 100 times: “I won’t beat up my teacher, classmate, or school janitor and post a video to “name a site”. Make sure they are placed in actual detention and include community service, (while wearing the sign) – Make their parents do the same - and videotape, upload and distribute through you-tube. One might find this new fad disappear quickly. Additional benefit, this would keep the ACLU busy filing ridiculous lawsuits per normal.
Could it be the elite attitude that pervades our public schools (teachers are the elite, students are the masses) could be tied to the elite attitude of the press when it comes to educating the pubic? From Reuters
Obama under Fire for Remarks made at San Francisco Fundraiser
Once again, some budding "Fellini" at an Obama fundraiser wanted to preserve the words of the same, believing these utterings to be words of wisdom: In speaking about regular people in Pennsylvania, Mr. Obama noted the following:
"You go into some of these small towns in Pennsylvania, and like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing's replaced them," Obama, an Illinois senator, said.
"And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations," he said.
What he fails to comprehend along with his San Francisco friends, is that the people he is describing as bitter, clinging to guns and religion, are real Americans!! According to Obama, one that clings to religion is bitter, and one that takes advantage of and supports the second amendment is also bitter. If someone is interested in protecting our national border, they are anti-immigrant and if one does not want to see an influx of foreign goods, and a decrease in American production, they are anti-trade! The man’s an elitist idiot and he has plenty of company – the press.
Antique copy of the Elite Press - repeat - Antique"
Out of the following list of publications with an online presence, only one chose to run this particular story, and it was more an explanation of Obama’s remarks (insults) rather than the righteous indignation it should have been. These are all, every one, a Pennsylvania news source, and it is fortunate for the residents of the state that there are other news outlets, otherwise they might not know how Obama considers them unfortunate for being so religious and racists (anti-immigrant) and ignorant (anti-trade)
The one paper that mentions the story Allentown.
The list of papers that do not mention the incident.
• Philadelphia:Inquirerand Philadelphia City Guide
• Philadelphia:Newsand Philadelphia City Guide
• Pittsburgh:Post-Gazetteand Pittsburgh City Guide
• Pittsburgh:Tribune-Reviewand Pittsburgh City Guide
• Allentown:Calland Allentown City Guide
• Beaver:Beaver County Times
• Bloomsburg:Press Enterprise
• Bradford:Era
• Butler:Eagle
• Carlisle:Sentinel
• Chambersburg:Public Opinion
• Connellsville:Courier
• Danville:News
• Doylestown:Intelligencer Record
• DuBois:Courier-Express
• Easton:Express-Times
• Erie:Times & Newsand Erie City Guide
• Gettysburg:Times
• Hanover:Sun
• Harrisburg:Patriot-Newsand Harrisburg City Guide
• Hazleton:Standard-Speaker
• Honesdale:Wayne Independent
• Indiana:Gazette
• Irwin:Standard Observer
• Kittanning:Leader Times
• Lancaster:Newspapersand Lancaster City Guide
• Lebanon:News
• Lehighton:Times News
• Levittown:Bucks County Courier Times
• Lewistown:Sentinel
• Lock Haven:Express
• McKeesport:News
• Monessen:Valley Independent
• New Castle:News
• Norristown:Times Herald
• Oil City:Derrick
• Phoenixville:Phoenix
• Pottstown:Mercury
• Pottsville:Republican & Herald
• Primos:Delaware County Times
• Reading:Eagle & Timesand Reading City Guide
• Sayre:Times
• Scranton:Times & Tribuneand Scranton City Guide
• Shamokin:News-Item
• Sharon:Herald
• Somerset:Amercian
• State College:Centre Timesand State College City Guide
• Stroudsburg:Pocono Record
• Sunbury:Item
• Tarentum:Valley News Dispatch
• Titusville:Herald
• Towanda:Review
• Uniontown:Herald-Standard
• Warren:Times Observer
• Warrendale:North Hills News Record
• Washington:Observer-Reporter
• Waynesboro:Record Herald
• West Chester:Local News
• Wilkes-Barre:Citizens' Voice
• Wilkes-Barre:Times Leader
• Williamsport:Sun-Gazetteand Williamsport City Guide
• York:Dispatchand York City Guide
• York:Recordand York City Guide
It begs the question, how smart are the “elite” of this country? Is it any wonder our children (or those educated by the elite for the past 35 plus years) are stealing pools in the middle of April, beating their teachers and classmates, and proudly posting the results to social websites, turning out in droves for inexperienced, yet decidedly charismatic, Al Jezeera adored, candidates, and incidentally firing rockets at family pets (assuming the military is recruiting from the general population).