Monday, August 25, 2014

Scott Brown Closes in NH Senate Race Polling – The summer-fall of America’s discontent

Former MA Senator Scott Brown, was lagging in polling with incumbent, Democrat, Jean Sheheen in NH up until this past week, when The Boston Globe reports, that a new poll reveals they are in a statistical dead heat.. The Globe goes on to suggest that being close to President Obama may have changed voter’s hearts and minds. Brown is also expected to handily win the NH primary, (Boston Globe) which will give him headwinds going into the final stretch.

What has brought this seemingly sudden change to the Granite State? – Perhaps they have gotten to know Brown, who when he was representing MA, before moving to his family home state of NH, he was a fair-minded legislator – which actually, in part, cost him the MA senate seat.

One might think that he won because Warren was so popular, however, in MA, it is a) difficult to best a Democrat of any strip (See Ed Markey for heaven’s sake), especially when they are riding the coattails of a popular President (in this instance it was MA and Obama bested Romney by double digits). The “woman” vote bought the whole “take away my contraceptives” gamut, and those more stalwart conservatives in the state, refused to vote for Brown due to his extremely bi-partisan voting record. That combination of factors cost – had those stalwarts given him an inch – Brown might have been in a better position. That said, New Hampshire is not Massachusetts (although may have moved from the Bay State, fleeing to the more reasonable Granite State) and those who expect independent thought, can find that in Brown.

One need only look at his actual voting record ( and will find someone who, not only weighed towards the individuals he was representing, he did not vote 100% of the time, straight party ticket. He is sincere in his desire to serve, another boon.

It will, in all likelihood come down to a matter of points, 2 to 3 – and that would be in Brown’s favor. Noting that there is little time to fix what is wrong with the Obama Care law in NH, that has the populace, for the most part, up in arms. Unusual in any reality, Brown won the endorsements of two of the state’s newspapers (so far) WCVB reports that the New Hampshire Union Leader and the Nashua Telegraph have given their editorial nod to Brown.

Massachusetts’ loss is New Hampshire’s and the nations gain – a Senator or Congressional Representative that can see the forest through the trees and get away from party-line votes to serve the people is worth the vote.

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