Saturday, September 18, 2010

Nikki Tsongas, MA 5 Is Up For Reelection in 2010 – Candidate Profile Jon Golnick (Republican) Running Against Tsongas

Niki Tsongas Puts Pelosi Before Constiuants - image Daily Life

Massachusetts Congressional District 5 Representative Niki Tsongas, who has previously run unopposed will face Republican Challenger, Jon Golnik, in the upcoming mid-term, November 2, 2010. Tsongas, who narrowly won a special election in 2007, to fill the 5th district seat which was held until 1997 by her late husband, Paul Tsongas – she defeated Ogonowski on the message of “Change” against former President George W. Bush, and a year into the 2006 Democrat takeover of the Congress.

That message of change was first used by Governor Deval Patrick, then Tsongas and of course, Obama in 2008. Tsongas, when one looks at the roll call votes from the 110th and 111th Congress is a “rubber-stamp” or reliable Democrat, voting straight party line. So much so, that, as a woman, she threw Hillary Clinton, who won the Massachusetts 2008 Democrat primary by a landslide, under the proverbial bus to support then candidate Obama as early as June of 2008. Which, all things considered was a slap in the face to the Clintons, who avidly supported her bid for election in 2007.

From Health Care Reform to defending ACORN, Tsongas has kept the priority of the DNC Progressives first - meanwhile the Massachusetts 5th District is at 9.6 percent according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

So the question is how well will this “dynasty” rubber-stamp Democrat candidate do against Opponent Jon Golnik? If the special election Tsongas won is any indication not so hot - it featured as somewhat low turnout for Tsongas. In the current economic climate, and her anti-Clinton, pro-Obama progressive voting pattern, one would be hard-pressed to give her positives odds of being sent back to Washington on after the mid-term.

Who is Jon Golnik? According to his website, he is not a politician, rather a small business owner in the district. He is a graduate of Dartmouth, (History), John Hopkins (Masters international studies) and Wharton School of Business (MBA), which said educational history should satisfy those who would berate higher education that does not stem from Harvard or Yale.

How desperate are the Democrats in the Massachusetts elections? Across the board, they are putting every GOP candidate under the microscope, and digging up “dirt”, specifically personal records, in order to find the least little straw upon which to grasp. The find on Golnik was a 2001 DUI, which he has asked and answered. It is apparently shocking when a Republican has one blot on his or her record, however, that particular charge is rampant on Beacon Hill, (Democrat State House), as well as in Washington. Consider the plea deal made by one Kennedy Congressional Representative who had gone on a drunken rampage with his vehicle when Congress was in session – business as usual.

Therefore, Jon Golnik is human and has made a mistake, once, almost 10 years ago –that’s all Tsongas Campaign has. Point of order – two wrongs don’t make a right, however, when it is decidedly uneven – as is 200 wrong versus 1 wrong, one might think that one wrong is forgivable (speaking of equal “wrongs” here). This is especially true, when one finds oneself out of a job, in the Fifth district, and can look forward to Nikki Tsongas voting reliability on every tax increase, every spending measure that Obama can possibly dream up – and there appear to be no limits.

Jon Golnick, 5th District Candidate Against Niki Tsongas - image:MassGOP

John Golnik, in his own words:

My decision to run is a long story but I hope an interesting one.

I had been actively involved in politics since I was a child. My mom's father (my maternal grandfather) was the longest serving/elected city official in Hartford, CT (City Treasurer). His name was John 'Bud' Mahon and came from Hartford's Irish section of town called 'Frog Hollow'.

As a kid I used to spend my summer days with him driving around Hartford to the different precincts. On election years he would ask people for their vote and on off years he would problem solve. My father's side of the family were Republicans. He was a delegate at the 1956 and 1960 Republican conventions. As family we were involved in elections, most active in Nixon's 1972 race and Ford and Reagan's races in 1976 and 1980. We did a lot of stuffing of envelopes and in 1980 I organized the high school kids for push
card distribution for our entire town.

I went to Dartmouth and was active there and then after graduating became very active in the Romney/Kennedy Senate race. Though I didn't live in MA but I came up on the weekends to
help my cousin get signatures etc. I wasn't as excited about Dole but did my share and then worked my fingers to the bone for George Bush. However, after 2000 I stopped 'cold turkey'. What makes a young activist go from one extreme to the other? I felt betrayed. I felt that the party I had worked so hard for my entire life ceased representing the ideas that drove me to volunteer, deficit spending, expansion of the federal government via No Child Left Behind.

I don’t’ want to bore you - I have more about this on my website

Anyhow, after the 2008 elections, while I was disturbed by Obama's election, I did feel his election was historic. However, I was more troubled by Niki Tsongas' running unopposed. Though I lived in Carlisle, a relatively liberal town on MA 5, most of the people I spoke with are right of center. So in January 2009, I went down to Sec State Galvin's offices and pulled all the election returns since 1980 (in MA-5). After inputting them into a
spreadsheet and taking a look I realized that MA-5 is a moderate district with 55% unaffiliated voters, and republicans ran well in the district.

I went back home and talked with my wife. Both of us were extremely concerned about the direction of the country and that our children (10 and 8) wouldn't inherit a country that was better than the way we found it with more opportunities than we had ourselves. Based on this fear and the fact that no one was stepping up, we decided that Niki Tsongas should not run unopposed. In August I hired a general consultant and we started putting things in place. We announced November 22.

I hope I didn't bore you. It is along story but I hope a little

Jon Golnik is far from boring, and is a formidable opponent going forth to do battle with one “dynasty, rubber stamp, incumbent; Nikki Tsongas.

Therefore, expect to see more tags put on Jon in the District media as the race heats up – as well as the national press. In fact, every candidate running against an incumbent Democrat in MA, has already been painted with the liberal “Tea Party Brush”. Which, considering that Massachusetts does not move to sound bites, rather the electorate moves to what it sees happening in their own homes - continued employment, and a lack of concern for the citizens by some representatives. Representatives like Tsongas, who just don’t think the people know better than she does. Given her career, first as a wife of a politician and then on her own, forming close ties to ACORN and Obama. Tsongas would do best in this election by running ad denouncing her affiliation with the above, and running to the right of Jon Golnik, like so many of her Democrat Counterparts are doing now, however, it appears it may be a too little too late even for that ploy.

To find out more about Jon Golnik visit his website: and help him send Niki Tsongas back to the private sector – which, having spent no time there, may give her quite the shock.

Tsongas Points to keep in Mind:
1.Threw Clinton under the Bus against the wishes of her own political party constituents by supporting Obama
2.Threw the district, the Commonwealth and America under the bus by rubber stamping every bill Pelosi and Obama put before her.

Although hardly an “entrenched politician” she has shown no loyalty to anyone, with the exception of the DNC progressive. Is this blog partisan, yes, somewhat, but more tired of those who think that a political office is “owned” and that “they are above the people they represent”.

In the 5th District, you have a choice, visit Jon Golnik’s website and donate, whatever you can, time and treasure –yes we can, in Massachusetts, take our country back and insure that the Congress will be returned to the people - one district at a time, in fine Bay State form.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Barney Frank (D-MA) – in Trouble – Bill Clinton Heading to the 4th District to Stump for Barney Mae – Pushes Richard Neal (D-MA) Under Bus

Former President Bill Clinton, the Democrat Party’s last popular President, will be heading into the Bay State on the 26th of September to help out Barney Frank. The “rally” will take place at Tauten High School at 2:00 pm. Frank, who is facing the first serious challenge of his career from former Democrat turned Republican, Sean Beilat, will need more than a visit from Bill Clinton, to save his career. It is suggested he go to the nearest shrine and start asking for a miracle, because he’s going to need one. Bielat, a Marine, successful businessman and former Congressional page, is the miracle that 4th District Republicans and Independents have been waiting for. In the September 14th Republican primary, Bielat took the essential districts necessary to not only win the primary, but to send Barney Frank on a permanent vacation.

Meanwhile, Hampden 2nd District incumbent, Richard Neal, is apparently, for now, being thrown under the proverbial bus, as his Clinton visit, first brought up in July, is apparently on the back-burner. How many candidates can Bill Clinton save in one day? Apparently, he has priorities. Neal, who is also facing a challenge for the first time, has his hands full with GOP’s Tom Wesley, a U.S. Navy veteran, and international business man. Wesley won a hard-fought campaign against Northampton Doctor, Jay Fleitman in the September 14th primary and has a considerable grass roots game on covering the districts urban and rural areas. Richard Neal, stated plainly, is popular in the District, with the press and with the Unions, and he needed that Bill Clinton visit to up his image.

There are two ways to look at this particular “snub” if one will – Either Clinton feels Neal can handle Wesley, while Frank is of the two, in bigger trouble, or it’s a waste of time (given internals), so why bother? No stranger to the Bay State, Clinton may make a return visit should the almost publically invisible tax man, Neal, beg, or perhaps the task of defending Neal will be left to Obama, which would surely get a thank you note for the President by one Tom Wesley.

In either event, what Clintons’ visit for Frank and snub to Neal at the same time implies is that there are more than one or two competitive congressional races in the Bay State. Of course, the super delegate vote may come into play, Barney Frank stood by Hillary Clinton, while Richard Neal - cast his vote for Obama.

To learn more about the Candidates who would retire Frank and Neal: donate, volunteer, donate! donate, volunteer, donate!

Understanding that there are 10 Congressional district races in Massachusetts this November, and all candidates are equally deserving, these two particular races need special attention as they represent opposition to candidates who have their hands on our finances for decades – The Hampden 2nd, has been studiously avoided by both the local and national press, and, for that reason, if one must choose between the two, please consider the Hampden Second.

Obama Visits Connecticut To Support Blumenthal and Raise Much-Needed Cash – Give’s Gift To GOP Senate Candidate Linda McMahon

Obama made a rare2010 visit to the Nutmeg state yesterday – his mission – to raise much needed cash for the DNC and support Senate Democrat candidate Richard Blumenthal. It must feel like Christmas at the McMahon household, as Obama’s visits usually herald the “kiss of death” to any candidate he approaches.

Blumenthal must be fairly desperate to take his chances with a presidential visit, even in the “blue” state of Connecticut, either that or he’s oblivious to what has happened to Democrat candidates who receive an Obama visit this close to an election. Blumenthal, is already a flawed candidate, having lied about his military record, having an issue with taking some PAC money for his campaign after saying he would not, and an August 26th report out of Connecticut that involve Blumenthal’s relationship with law firms and tobacco settlements that is dubbed as a “national scandal” by the Post. Therefore, a “boost from Obama” may just push the Blumenthal campaign over the ledge.

Connecticut has been noted, much like its neighbor immediately north (Massachusetts), as “Safe Democrat” for decades, due to several factors, one of which has been a lack of contested races, and or opposition candidates who were neither focused or funded – that was then, this is 2010. Linda McMahon has been outspending Blumenthal to the tune of her sister candidates in CA: Carly Fiorina and Meg Whitmen. Although money in 2010 isn’t obviously everything, it has, according to Bloomberg, significantly narrowed the poll gap in the McMahon – Blumenthal contest. One can’t go anywhere in CT without someone knowing who Linda McMahon is – she has made sure of that, and the papers, in their attempt to defend the “popular attorney generalmay fall short of their goal to give Blumenthal a boost. Especially in light of their announcement of a Presidential visit.

About that visit: The Bellingham Herald’s article says it all:

“President Barack Obama swooped almost literally into Republican Linda McMahon's backyard Thursday to raise money for Democrats and the wrestling maven's opponent at a big-money fundraiser in Connecticut's richest town.
Obama joined state Attorney General Richard Blumenthal at a fundraiser in Stamford and then at a $30,000-per-person dinner at the 20-acre estate of affordable housing developer Rich Richman. Richman's palatial home is not only in the same neighborhood as McMahon, but it is also within the same gated Conyers Farm development in Greenwich's exclusive "back country" neighborhood.”

The article goes on to describe Obama as having raised $1 million for the DNC and Blumenthal’s “300 hard core supporters” hoping to raise at least $400,000.

Keywords used by the locals: “Obama swoops” and “Linda McMahon’s backyard” says it all. Linda McMahon has insured she is known in every household in CT., not only by throwing scads of cash at the campaign, but my doing retail politics, door to doors and meet and greets. While Obama’s swooping into any given state to give a boost to a campaign, usually does not pan out as intended (MA, NJ, VA, etc., etc.). In addition, what is missed entirely is the fact that the $30,000 per plate, star studded, mansion set campaign stop for Blumenthal, was actually a visit to the CT elite in order to get cash for the DNC as it battles mid-term races in almost every district in the nation. As these Obama visits across the nation continue, they are based in areas where American’s wealthy class (Democrats) are able to still give substantial funds, rather than rely on the Democrat base, who are mostly out of work, or on the public doll and rethinking party affiliation.

Therein lays the difference in 2010 - $30,000 a plate dinners to raise funds for the DNC versus individual contributions from people who, in today’s economy, don’t have money to spare, giving to Republican and Tea Party candidates nationwide: the GOP may not have as much cash in Millions to spend on individual races, (talking in millions of dollars here) but what it lacks in cash it makes up for in voter enthusiasm. Plus, it has attracted the likes of aforementioned candidates McMahon, Carly Fiorina and Meg Whitman who are in a position to fund their own campaigns.

As September turns to October and the real heat turns up in the last two to three weeks of contests across the country, the handwriting will be on the wall, regardless of the media drumbeat about the “Party of No”. Perhaps because of visits by Obama, the lack of jobs, and the palpable angst of the people against the majority of Democrats either holding office or attempting to hold office, will, in all likelihood, turn into a route. Current polls, although kind to the GOP, regardless of whether the candidate is “electable” according to Karl Rove, will only tell the tale in the last two weeks of October. With so many races to cover, and so many Congressional races being decided by a handful of votes this fall, the winners will be those who have a positive message for the nation, and frankly, who are not entrenched incumbent Democrats with voting records that confirm their dedication to party over the electorate.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Hillary Clinton 2012 Update – U.S. News Picks Up John Kerry (D-MA) Rumored as Next Secretary of State – PUMA and Palin Analysis

John Kerry (D-MA) image bokertov

An interesting blip in the September 15th web edition of US. News and World Reportnotes that John Kerry (D-MA), who will be up for re-election in 2014, is being considered as a replacement for Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State by the Obama administration. The article goes on to note that Clinton has been “hinting” at leaving the post, and as the mid-terms approach and the 2012 presidential campaigns will begin on November 3, if Clinton is to make a run at the White House, and try and save the Democrat Party from implosion, (and by that, the nation by kicking the Progressives to the curb), that announcement should come sometime before or immediately following the installation of the 112th Congress.

Kerry, who is likely to face fierce opposition from the renewed Massachusetts GOP, would likely jump at the opportunity. The Sr. Senator was most recently hounded by the local press for docking his newest “boat” in Rhode Island to avoid paying $500,000 in Massachusetts taxes and after the news broke, relented in time to avoid a Mass. Department of Revenue inquiry on possible tax evasion. Kerry was also one of the first “Democrats” to bring the first-term Illinois Senator Obama into the national spotlight at the 2006 Democrat Convention and also caused a stir among Bay State Dems by coming out early to endorse Obama over Clinton (who won the MA popular 2008 primary vote). Kerry’s chances of reelection after the routing of Obama favorite, Martha Coakley (then summarily shoved under the bus) by Republican Scott Brown in the January 19, 2010 special election are questionable, therefore a post such as Secretary of State would at least extend his public career until 2014.

Hillary Clinton - 2012 Democrat Nominee for President? image top news India

Does Clinton have the support, however, to win a primary? With the Democrats in Congress trying to distance themselves from Obama in the midterms, while being forced by DNC party leaders to find funds, even if it means breaking the law (see audio of Congresswoman calling Lobbyist for funds here), Clinton should have the support necessary to garner super-delegates and take the reins of the Democrat Party in a 2013 convention).

An interesting article on the Tea Party, published by a Clinton PUMA (Party Unity My Ass) supporter, post Republican Primaries is a must read. The article entitled “The Blood of Revolution” addresses the successes of the Tea Party during the September 14th Republican primary, and interestingly enough, gives “bona fides” to the Tea Party as a Movement by quoting Scott Rasmussen article in the Washington Examiner which the Puma article notes “explains the significance of the Tea Party Movement”. Although the article begins with a partisan jab at a list of GOP “Tea Party/Sarah Palin” successes by calling them “losers”, it goes on to accurately depict the movement as one of the people, calling the Tea Party a “revolution”. Also somewhat insightful is the paring of Palin with the Tea Party, as Palin’s popularity with the G.O.P. electorate (not necessarily party leadership who would back a Romney) make her the likely party standard bearer in 2012. These supporters are laying the groundwork now, for a Clinton vs. Palin match-up in 2012.

Sarah Palin with Supporters, image Hartford Courant

As Obama’s popularity among the important unenrolled electorate fades completely, and the Tea Party is drawing from an electorate that is mixed with Conservative Republicans, Independents, Moderate Democrats (thus the revolution), the fact that Palin is at the forefront and acknowledged as being so by Clinton supporters sets up a scenario for, what would be, a grounds breaking American historical event – the choice between one of two women for the top job in 2014.

Suffragettes 1920 not that long ago image constitutional conflicts

What is not necessarily understood about the oppression of women in the United States, (or more to the point, shoved under the proverbial rug) is the fact that until 1920, and the ratification of the 19th amendment women did not even have a voice in government. Palin, has given that voice to an unprecedented amount of conservative women his election cycle, by supporting candidates either backed by Tea Party activists (see Christine O’Donnell’s upset in DE) or GOP party favorites (see Kelly Ayotte’s victory in New Hampshire), while Clinton as a potential 2012 counterpart, has been a stalwart supporter of women’s rights throughout her political career (which incidentally began as a Goldwater Republican (see 2000 article Berkeley article that makes Clinton’s personal believes sound somewhat more conservative than Palin’s (Side note: the Berkley article, although condensed, is similar to information available in the book “”The Truth About Hillary Clinton” by Edward Klein which both conservative (Fox News Bill O’Reilly) and left of moderate’s tagged as a “smear book”, once read, actually invites the Conservative feminist reader to like and understand Clinton – which may explain the pundits aversion to the book on both sides of the aisle).

As a Conservative Feminist who agrees to disagree with friends that stand on the opposite side of the political spectrum (liberal feminists), a Clinton-Palin match up would ensure, regardless of the outcome, a win for women specifically, and the nation as a whole, the media and male establishment in the combined political party’s hierarchy will, undoubtedly do their best to undermine any chance of this occurring, but with confidence in the media (Gallop Confidence in Institutions) ranking right above Congress and Unions, 2008 may have taken the ability of that medium to effect the “masses”. In fact, judging from the growth of the Tea Party and events sponsored by individuals such as Glenn Beck one sees the more the media “tags” Tea Party members/events as radical, the more “revolutionary” they become. The next two election cycles will, in all likelihood, bring change to a broad spectrum of the political establishment in the United States.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Sean Beilat (R-MA) Former Democrat Set to Savage Barney Frank (D-MA) in November General

Sean Bielatpulled off a rather large GOP primary victory last night, and has set his sites on one of Massachusetts more interesting and reviled politician, Congressman Barney Frank. Frank, who won the Democrat Party Primary, besting political newcomer Rachael Brown, will now, for the first time in decades (this is a resounding them in regards to Massachusetts Congressional Races) face one Sean Bielat – The man who will retire Barney Frank this November 2010.

Understanding the aforementioned reads like a tired political slogan, one must understand that the reality of the district, (high unemployment key), and the quality of the opposition candidate (One Mr. Shawn Bielat), makes the slogan more of a reality based statement. From an early age, Mr. Bielat was invested in a family of military background, and politically the family leaned Democrat. The key here is that they were a family of New York Democrats, or what is otherwise known in Massachusetts as Republicans. In addition, Mr. Bielat is already familiar with Congress, as he was a page for, you guessed it, Democrats. Mr. Bielat has a stellar business record, an education to match which makes this bright young, active duty Marine, the perfect match for the current curmudgeon who holds sway over the district and the nation’s finances.

Admittedly, at first, when hearing Mr. Bielat switched to the Republican Party in 2007, the reaction from this blog was one of pure anger and frustration. Both emotions driven by a political motivation to remove Barney Frank from office, no matter how small a contribution one may make towards that endeavor, and here, Mr. Bielat had the most perfect background in order to do achieve that goal, only he neglected to use it to his best advantage, in this humble opinion. Had Mr. Bielat announced his former affiliation and his desire to be a change agent, by not only leaving the Democrat Party, but in addition running against one of the most powerful Democrats in Congress (which, needless to say – is not particularly well liked by conservatives, or those who lean conservative) – he would have been miles ahead of Frank in his quest, pre-primary.

That said, never say never and apparently too little too late does not apply. That is not to say it will be a “walk in the park” for Mr. Bielat, but it will be easier for Mr. Bielat to take back the 4th Congressional District seat for the people, than any other district race in the Commonwealth. To learn more about Sean Bielat, and specifically to donate, donate, donate go to: Sean Send a message to the Beltway (and the media) – the 4th District is far from “Safe Democrat”.

Tom Wesley, Republican Candidate Against Richard Neal (D-MA), 2010 Election Profile and Analysis

Tom Wesley, candidate for Hampden 2nd Congressional District MA - running against Richard "Rangel" Neal

Tom Wesley, a Navy veteran and international businessman, won the Hampden 2nd District primary yesterday and will go on to face, 12 term Democrat Incumbent Richard Neal in the November Mid-term. Not surprisingly, the race has, to date, received little to no attention on a national scale, (or local scale for that matter, example: this race is not mentioned today in the Districts Largest Newspaper, The Springfield Republican. The paper is instead, focusing on the the Hampden County District (Democrat) attorney race and adding other races in more as after thoughts) In addition, Google News alerts for this Congressional District, as of 6:21 am yielded 4 (four) news stories total on this particular race. Interestingly, avoidance of this sort was also used in the January 19th Special election, where Brown Bested Coakley in the Hampden 2nd.

Tom Wesley, now with a primary under his belt, is ready to take one of the most low-profile, dangerous Democrats in the Congress, one Richard Neal. The plus side, is Neal, who ran uncontested, is not viewed favorabliy in the District and although no polling data (other than internals) exists yet, one has to factor Neal as vulnerable, due to the need to bring Bill Clinton in to stump for him and the local Union sending out emergency emails to hold standouts for Neal (running uncontested) at polling places yesterday. (So he would not appear vulnerable). Therefore, Tom Wesley stands a better than even chance of becoming the first Republican in over two decades to rest the seat from Neal and hand it back to the people.

Although an AP story, which is being quoted in articles regarding Tom Wesley (Boston Globe, post primary edition)includes an AP story line released on the 11th of September, about a bankruptcy filed by Tom Wesley for a business he owned in 2000. Businesses, not unlike politics, have their ups and downs, and filing for bankruptcy is no shame in Corporate American. Consider in 2002 KMart filed for Bankruptcy Protection, with the only consequence being the company survived. Therefore, the fact that Tom Wesley, running as a fiscal conservative, filed bankruptcy for a business in 2,000, (10 years ago), is somewhat of a moot point, and possibly the only point that Richard Neal will have as ammunition against Mr. Wesley.

How well will that work for Neal? That remains to be seen (most likely with like minded committed Progressives and union leaders(note: note the rank and file), however, one thing is certain, negative ads will not work in this district (or other districts in the Bay State) – and running on his Record, may be something Neal would rather avoid, given his straight Party line voting pattern for the past 24 years.

The Tea Party and the Pioneer Valley.

Yes the Tea Party was a factor in this primary election, giving Wesley the preferred Tea Party status, which will be helpful to him in the general. Based on the numbers (lower voter turnout), however, Mr. Wesley must now turn to attracting the all important unenrolled voter, and here’s where it gets easier. A recent gallop poll on trust in institutions comes into play in regards to Tom Wesley’s candidacy: The military (extends to members past and present) is the number one trusted institution in the nation, followed by small business, which ranked 2nd, according to the same poll, Congress (see Richard Neal) ranks dead last in Confidence. Therefore, Mr. Wesley scores twice in confidence, where has Neal begins the general with a negative.

Mr. Wesley will be a formidable candidate against Richard Neal and with the support of the Tea Party as well as Conservatives, Independents and, yes, Democrats, he is in a position to best Neal. What Tom Wesley took from the Primary is the need to target Springfield hard (Richard Neal’s Home Town) along with Chicopee, and yes, Northampton. Without those three cities, regardless of the eastern part of the district weighing in, one cannot win a general. Those conservatives in Springfield and Chicopee will look forward to the radio, television ads plus the hip mailers from Tom Wesley, as will those unenrolled neighbors who are critical to the outcome. Therefore, as Mr. Wesley will be working for the Hampden 2nd, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the United States of America, please visit: and volunteer or donate!

Thank you Dr. Jay Fleitman – Candidate for Congress Hampden 2nd Congressional District

Dr. Jay Flietman, a Northampton physician, deserves the gratitude of the people of the Hampden 2nd district, for giving of his time and his treasure in order to run for office. Dr. Fleitman was nothing short of gracious in his approach to the campaign, as was his opponent and the eventual winner of the primary, Tom Wesley, a Navy Veteran and businessman. Both candidates had never run for public office, yet, the campaigns were professional, and did not dissolve into negativity, which is critical to avoid in the Bay State.

It is men (and women) like Dr. Flietman, who put their lives on hold for the “rest of us”, in order to try and help the country, knowing that they will be taking a personal and financial risk, during the election as well as if elected to a state or federal office (as it means a huge cut in pay). Therefore, to Dr. Flietman, a heartfelt thank you and kudos’ on a job well done in your quest to oust Richard Neal (D-MA) from an office he has held for 12 terms (24 years). Although some may argue that the odds are against a Republican from Northampton, (or Hopedale - more on that later), it was and remains, a better than possible safe bet that, yes indeed, Massachusetts is adept at producing miracles, and with the help of dedicated community leaders such as Dr. Fleitman, who has participated in the process, on a scale not seen in decades, made it a joy for those who take pride in our nation, and get out and vote, an up to recently, rare opportunity to have a real choice at the polls.

MA GOP Resurgence Evident in Primary Results – 134 Republican Candidates On Ballot for 2010 Elections

Yesterday’s primary results in Massachusetts yielded 134 Republican candidates for both State and Federal offices. For the first time in over two decades, there will be valid choices in Congressional District races in the Bay State. The majority of the Bay State’s Democrat Congressional Block has has not faced strong Republican opposition in decades – that changed yesterday. According to the Massachustts Republican Party there are 5 Candidates for Statewide Office, 104 Candidates for the Legislature, 9 Candidates for Congress, 2 Candidates for District Attorney, 2 Candidates for County Commissioner, 7 Candidates for Sheriff and 5 Candidates for Governor’s Council.

Jennifer Nassour, Chair of the Massachusetts Republican Party released the following statement following the primary results:

“I offer my sincerest congratulations to GOP nominees up and down the ballot who won their primaries, and thank all those candidates who helped renew a two-party system in Massachusetts. The real work begins now when our Republican candidates take their message of fiscal sanity to Independents and Democrats across the Commonwealth. For the first time in a long time, the wind is at our Party’s back in Massachusetts. Voters are motivated and eager for change because Beacon Hill and Capitol Hill have done nothing to create jobs -- whether it’s the Patrick-Cahill Administration’s eight tax increases or a job-killing health care bill from the Democrats in Congress. I’m confident that voter enthusiasm will only continue to surge for the GOP, and our candidates will pound the pavement through November 2nd with a message of fiscal discipline and real reform.”

One could, in fact, call the results of last night’s primary, nothing short of historical. Although there is little to be found on the majority of the results from major news outlets, and was little prior to the election and during the primary itself (with a focus on Democrat primaries for open seats and or District Attorney races), the fact that there were competitive races that resulted in 134 candidates in Massachusetts is no mean feat. It remains to be seen how long the (local state) media in the Commonwealth will be able to “ignore” the races – specifically the Congressional Races as October brings the reality of a mid-term and the opportunity for many who sat out this primary to get out and vote. The total vote results were fairly indicative of a low voter turnout, and primarily paralleled major party enrollment, meaning that the vast majority of the state’s electorate, the Unenrolled, sat out the primary.

Based on the pundits, one would think that the die has been cast for politics as usual; however, those same pundits cast doubt on the Bay State in December of 09 into the final week of the January 19th special election. It will be a combination of party partisan “red-meat”, and, more importantly, those on the ground who feel enough is enough (the unenrolled, and other party affiliates) that will ultimately make the decision. Although the media ignores, and the pundits from Washington insist the Bay State is solid blue, one cannot bet the house on incumbents retaining their offices past the November general.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Massachusetts Competitive GOP Primaries To Be Held Today – 2010 Primary Season Ends Heralding Slugfest Through November

The changing tone of the Massachsuetts Electorate - Massachsuetts heading towards Swing State Status

Although there has been little commentary on a national or, for that matter, local scale, Massachusetts will hold competitive Republican primaries for both top slot State and Federal congressional federal offices today. The list of those vying for a chance to go to either Beacon Hill or Washington is available here at, and it is, for the first time in recent memory, extensive.

The Boston Globe, reporting on the “last seven states to hold primaries in 2010”, neglects to speak to the number of contests in the Commonwealth, rather focuses on the “Tea Party vs. GOP” matches in other states. The fact that there are very few Democrat primary contests is apparently not noteworthy, rather anticipated.

The most competitive Federal race (D) being between moderate Democrat Congressman Stephen Lynch and the Progressive, Union backed candidate Mac D’Alessandro. There are few Democrat Races that are competitive, barring a few District Attorney Slots, which dominate local news, with a mere mention, as an afterthought, of hotly contested GOP primaries for Congressional seats.

Reviewing Politics1, however, one finds that the GOP primaries in the Commonwealth are of little or no concern due to the consistent “Safe Democrat” ranking given out by Washington based politicos. Of course, one has to recall that those same pundits disregarded a little known state senator from this very same Commonwealth, back in January of this year, noting the “Kennedy” seat was “Safe Democrat” as well. This, while those here in the Commonwealth, on the ground so to speak, were literally screaming from the rooftops for attention – similar to characters out of Massachusetts own, Theodor Seuss Geisel’s imagination - “Who’s” crying out to be heard.

The system used by those pundits, is apparently not foolproof, basing the ability of a particular party candidate to move forward and best an incumbent on both (a) local intelligence, and (b) how the district or state voted in the prior election. With Massachusetts a sea of “blue”, one sitting in Washington asking the DNC how the elections are progressing, will, of course, find the Commonwealth “Safe Democrat”. However, unless one is out knocking on doors, or polling, (no polls, other than internal have been taken for Congressional races in the Bay State), then it is a different story entirely.

Is the statewide Democrat controlled Congressional Delegation at risk? If one were to believe those “outside” the state, not in the least, however, these are the same pundits who felt Coakley was a shoe-in. The interesting thing about the Brown/Coakley race was that it was not considered a national race until 2 weeks prior to the election on January 19th, when the fist of the national pollsters started to weigh in, largely due to the sheer volume of movement on the ground in the state. One has to understand that once today has passed, and those GOP candidates who have been given the go-ahead by both Republicans and Independent voters who cast ballots in the Commonwealth - all bets, as they say, are off.

Will Massachusetts, on the 1st Wednesday of November, remain a blue state, or will the Commonwealth, once again, shock the nation, by adding a bit of red, here and there? One can bet on the later. Therefore, for the thousands of Massachusetts locals searching for polls on races in the 4th congressional district, the Hampden 2nd, the 5th Congressional district and the 10th, just wait until the last 2 weeks of October, perhaps then, when the writing is on the wall, those who sit in judgment on races from their Beltway perch will once again, find that Massachusetts is not as “Safe Democrat” as previously believed.

What has been missing from the news are the passionate debates fueled by local GOP and 9/12 (or Tea Party if one will) supporters of candidates for these offices, something that is, for most of the residents, a first time experience - or more correctly, the chance to relive the ability to have a choice vis a vis the special election of January 19th. Scott Brown, (R-MA) was not an anomaly as those who are still reeling from the shock of a Republican elected to the Senate, rather he was the tip of the iceberg, as many of the Congressional campaigns were already in 2009. For conservatives in Massachusetts, (as well as Conservative leaning Unenrolleds (the majority party if one will in the Commonwealth) and Conservative Democrats, it will be good to have a choice again, going to the polls this November.

The choices for Congressional Races in November will be as follows:
Winners of Today’s primary against:
District 1: John Olver (D-MA)
District 2: Richard Neal (D-MA)
District 3: James McGovern (D-MA)
District 4: Barney Frank (D-MA)
District 5: Nikki Tsongas (D-MA)
District 6: James Tierney (D-MA)
District 7: Ed Markey (D-MA)
District 9: Winner of Primary between Lynch (D-MA) and Mac D’Alessandro
District 10: (Open Seat) Winner of the Democrat Primary

If one were to base the chances of incumbents on the “Scott Brown” races rather than the “Obama 2008 Race” one would be designating the following districts as “Lean Republican”, Districts 2 through (exception 8) 10.

What about the money? Once the primary results are in and the candidates assessed, by both the national party and PACS, but most importantly the people (again see Scott Brown who was not gaining a lot of traction until the last few days from those aforementioned),those with the GOP nod, will find the people will insure that these races are competitive.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Pelosi Versus Dennis - Dennis Ad Cast Pelosi as Wicked Witch!

A scene right out of the "Wizard of Oz" is the latest political ad by John Dennis for Congress. John Dennis is the Republican Candidate challenging Nancy Pelosi for the California 8th District Seat. The ad is a bit hokey, and depending on which way one votes, pretty darn funny - either way it sure does get the point across. If anyone can make Pelosi disappear from the political arena, it would be John Dennis. He's received every conceivable endorsement in the district and Nancy, according to the last FEC filing is a bit short of cash.

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Low Voter Turnout Predicted in MA – Lack of Absentee Ballots Cited - Mass. Has Wavier for New Absentee Ballot Law & Lower Enthusiasm among Democrats

An articlein the Attleboro Sun Chronicle notes that voter turnout is expected to be low – by “Town Officials”. The reasons: non-competitive primaries and:

"I don't believe there will be a large turnout. We haven't received a lot of absentee ballots," Plainville Clerk Ellen Robinson said.”

First, to say that the primaries are non-competitive, especially in Massachusetts, one has to have been living under a rock or in denial. The GOP has over 200 candidates vying for both state and federal offices, while either Progressives or other Democrat factions are actively challenging Moderate Democrats in several races (See Lynch (D), MA 9th, Capuano in the MA8th, both Democrats are being challenged, Lynch by an SEIU Labor Leader and Capuano by a Kennedy, no less. If one looks at the FEC (Federal Elections Commission) filing for 2010, one gets the picture as there is a literal sea of challengers in each of the Congressional District races. In addition both parties have primaries on the State Level.

As to the absentee ballots, one has to question that as well – specifically the military – recent waivers given to certain states, including Massachusetts, to comply with a new military voter’s access law. The Secretary of State’s website insists that the military members will be able to request these documents by email, however, they must be returned via snail mail a system that can take up to 45 days or more. This may be why there hasn’t been a deluge of absentee ballots, specifically from the military.

With the primary tomorrow, one has to look to voter enthusiasm, as the state’s primary is based on a two-party systems, with the two majority party’s showing a rather lopsided enrollment (more Democrats than Republicans), and Independents (or unenrolleds, able to vote, but only if they temporarily claim a political party), the turnout, based on voter enthusiasm may, for the first time, show equal numbers of Democrats and Republicans voting. Polls show that GOP enthusiasm is high, while the Democrats are not as interested in this year’s primary.

To ward off any appearance of a lack of enthusiasm, especially for certain incumbents (D) who are running unopposed, one can anticipate that the Democrat Party (aided by local unions) will have sign holders and rallies on Election Day. The theory goes; that the media will see those sign-holders and automatically conclude that there is a greater amount of support for the Democrat, rather than the Republicans who are actually holding a competitive primary in several districts. An email obtained by this blog here indicates this is the case in the Hampden 2nd, where Richard Neal is running unopposed, yet will have union support at polling places.
One has to assume the same would be true of all incumbents where the union agrees, Lynch being the exception.

One can anticipate more competition once the primaries decide who will be challenging whom in the upcoming election on November 2nd, but the question will remain, can the Democrat forces that now feel ownership of the Commonwealth, make a pre-Brown/Coakley comeback and staunch the anti-incumbent sentiment that is more pervasive today than on January 19th of 2010? Unlikely. One has to factor the unenrolleds who may be more inclined to vote in this primary and general election and are the majority of the Commonwealth's registered voters (51%).

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