Incumbent Richard Neal - Facing Forced Retirement - Gets a Little Help from Organized Labor - image urbancompass blog
Incumbent Democrat Richard Neal is feeling the heat for the first time in decades. The Congressional Representative from the Massachusetts 2nd District is in trouble. How much? First, The Atlantic Blog reported that Bill Clinton was coming into Western Massachusetts to campaign for Neal; considering Neal is running unopposed on the Democrat ticket, this speaks volumes. Neal is facing a challenge from one of two Republican’s: Dr. Jay Fleitman and Mr. Tom Wesley. Both men will face off in a primary on this coming Tuesday; the winner of that primary will go on to challenge Neal for the Hampden 2nd Congressional House Seat.
Second, an urgent email from the Pioneer Valley AFLCIO was sent to members telling them to stand out on polling place on primary day to give the impression that Neal is not vulnerable. The email sent this past Thursday noted the following:
Subject: [Street Heat] Stand Out for Rep. Neal 9/14
Congressman Richie Neal needs our help on Primary Day, September 14, at all Springfield polling places. We need to send an early, powerful message that Richie is not vulnerable. He has a tremendous labor record and now he needs our visibility.
The problem: Neal is is running unopposed on the primary ballot according to the office of the Mass. Secretary of State.
Therefore, the ploy to have standouts for Neal on Primary day is a direct message to the media and perhaps Democrats or Independents who may think otherwise, that Neal has strong support in the district.
The problem with this scenario is he clearly does not. Three separate copies of the “Urgent Action” email were forwarded to this blog by recipients on Friday through Saturday, early morning; September 11th - clearly the honeymoon, especially with the rank and file – is over.
Therefore, this brings up the question. How much is Neal willing to spend on Labor to hold signs for him at a primary? Recall the Coakley-Brown election and the video where Union members were paid to stand out for Coakley? (Shown below)
Keep in mind that when you see people (Union Reps) holding signs for Neal at a primary where he is running unopposed, that the winner of the Republican Primary, will, in all likelihood replace Neal. Internal polls, hinted at but not forwarded, clearly indicate that Neal is in trouble.
The fact that Mr. Tom Wesley has made national news as of late for failing to disclose a financial faux pax (Boston Globe) insures that those who would prefer there be no Republican candidates in the Bay State are hard at work trying to discredit them. (See Sean Bielat "outed" as a Democrat - Beilat's entire voting record was placed on display. However, the ploy appears to have backfired.
It is doubtful that the Western Massachusetts unions will employ buses to bring along “Neal supporters” for a primary, but when going to the polls, those holding Neal signs will also be wearing “the Union Label”. There is nothing inherently wrong when Labor supports one candidate over another, normally a Democrat, as that was the Party that stood for labor and jobs, (notice past tense). What is ethically wrong, is when that support crosses the line to “give an appearance” of a candidates strength, when that candidate has no opposition on their party ballot.
In addition: In past elections in Massachusetts, Republican ballots at some polling places were in short supply, therefore, voting early and by absentee ballot is suggested in order to make sure your right to vote is not compromised. This stands for all races across the Bay State.
YouTube Coakley “Supporters”
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From: streetheat-bounces@lists.pvaflcio.org [mailto:streetheat-bounces@lists.pvaflcio.org] On Behalf Of Pioneer Valley Central Labor Council
Sent: Thursday, September 09, 2010 3:49 PM
To: 'Street Heat List'
Subject: [Street Heat] Stand Out for Rep. Neal 9/14
Congressman Richie Neal needs our help on Primary Day, September 14, at all Springfield polling places. We need to send an early, powerful message that Richie is not vulnerable. He has a tremendous labor record and now he needs our visibility.
Contact the Campaign at 737-6325 and brendanneal@hotmail.com.
In solidarity,
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Suggestion: This blog personally supports Dr.Jay Fleitman, www.jayfleitman.com, however, whichever candidate emerges from the primary will have the full support of this blog against this incumbent, Richard Neal.
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