Dr. Jay Fleitman, Running against Democrat Incumbant Richard Neal photo tommydevine blog
Congressman Richard Neal (D-MA) has held the office of the Hampden 2nd Congressional District Representative, virtually unopposed, since 1988. During that time, the former Springfield Mayor has operated as an almost invisible Democrat Party Representative, until recently when Charles Rangel (D-NY) left the Chair of the House Ways and Means Committee under the cloud of ethics violations. And Neal began to “lobby” for the Chair. However, House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi, decided to appoint Sander Levin (D-MI) due to seniority. Neal’s pork record here shows a disparity in “bringing home the bacon” with the largest cash outlays going to support Ireland and a California University. Therefore, the Hampden 2nd has a Congressional Representative who is a “reliable party vote”, and one who has been passed over for promotion by none other than Nancy Pelosi. This type of entrenched politician whose interest in political party supersedes the interests of the district he represents, should, logic follows, be replaced.
On the 14th of September (this coming Tuesday), voters in Massachusetts (and several other states) are holding rather late primaries. In this upcoming primary, there are two men vying for the Republican slot to run against Richard Neal. Dr. Jay Fleitman was endorsed today by the Springfield Republican over GOP rival Mr. Tom Wesley. The endorsement by the Districts largest print publication, is worth noting, even though the endorsement is featured the end of the article, almost as an afterthought. Of course, daily print publications, with very few exceptions, normally endorse left, and one can bet the house that once the primary is past, Richard Neal with receive a ringing endorsement by the same paper. Although, this blog could be wrong, the Republican, at the last hour in 2008, broke with the industry and endorsed Senator John McCain, basically “Hell Froze over” - can it happen twice - yes.
The endorsement makes sense, as Dr. Fleitman is the stronger of the two candidates running for the office. Dr. Fleitman, who has held elected positions in the City of Northampton, until recently resigning to run against Neal, produced a stellar performance in a recent debate featured on WWLP Springfield. (Note: the debate was held at an odd hour, and then brushed under the rug by the NBC affiliate.) A recent interview on one of the Districts most popular morning radio shows, Rock 102’s “Bax and O’Brien”, gives one the impression that Dr. Fleitman not only can “go the distance” against, what one of the radio hosts described as (paraphrasing), an entrenched politician that might need to be removed with the “Jaws of Life”, but will be a leader with the needs of the District and the nation in mind. The interview, which can be heard here is worth the five or ten minutes, as it highlights the character of Dr. Fleitman, a man who has a keen wit, sense of humor, pride in the nation, and the qualifications for the office he seeks.
Additionally, one gets the impression that Dr. Fleitman will not be spending taxpayers’ dollars on pork projects, rather focusing on bringing more jobs to the district. Although Tom Wesley, who is running against Dr. Fleitman in the primary, is an honorable man, in reviewing the debates, it is the confidence that Dr. Flietman brings to the table, along with ideas and a plan, that make the choice rather obvious.
Although the Hampden 2nd has not received any national press as regards this particular match-up, with the focus mainly on the Massachusetts 4th (Barney Frank) and the MA 10th (open seat), one can expect that to change immediately following the primary.
One has to ask the question, why would a successful physician, living a peaceful and productive life in Massachusetts mini-Greenwich Village (only apt analogy), as a Republican (that has to be brought into the discussions, goes to electability), take a chance on getting a job that offers little glory, and a huge cut in pay? Dr. Fleitman, in running for office, is doing so for his love of our country, for his children, our children, and our grandchildren. When looking at Congress, the citizen that should be sent, is one who holds those qualities, one that is not self-serving (as in a “career politician”) rather one that is performing self-less act in hopes of bettering the lives of others and this great nation in which we are privileged to reside.
To those outside the district, Neal is perhaps in a position to be even more dangerous than Barney Frank, (or equally as dangerous), visit JayFleitman.com and donate either time or treasure. It is worth the effort.
Fleitman is liberal, I would consider Neal over him based on social issues. Vote Tom Wesley for U.S. Congress!
Dear Anonymous,
I humbly agree to disagree with you on that point. As far as being a Conservative, Dr. Fleitman has the right credentials. That is not to say that Tom Wesley does not, however, I've based my opionion on what I have seen as far as ability to oust Neal (take the debates into consideration please), and by far Fleitman appears to me to be the stronger of the two. Incidentially, the lastest out of the AP, regardless of the source, calls Mr. Welsey's creds into question: I refer to the article here: http://www.boston.com/news/local/connecticut/articles/2010/09/10/mass_gop_hopeful_avoids_talk_of_own_bankruptcy/
I suggest you rethink what is best for the nation at this point. As stated, however, in my articles (which I treat Mr. Wesley with nothing but repsect), that I will support whoever clears that primary. Support your argument with proof please.
It appears that both men are fiscal conservatives. The 2nd district may also be moving more socially conservative, perhaps driven there by those grandchildren that you mention (and that I now have). Electability is an issue, but I have heard people say they would sooner vote for a deaf, dumb, and blind chicken than Neal. Wesley has years of international business experience on a large scale and has been a "change agent" in large organizations. Sounds to me like what Congress badly needs. Yes, there is the AP story, but as we know, the AP works for the DNC, so that is no surprise.
Frankly, the AP does not work for the DNC, as far as I know, they run left, but then again, they have a record of running some fairly negative stories on the current administration, it is up to the newspapers or networks to pick up and run with a particular AP story – so..There you have it – I don’t believe that the “people” are ready to vote to just anyone, they need someone in whom they have confidence. A bankruptcy is no shame, understanding that the man lost a business. That said, it is not his personal difficulties that have led me to endorse Dr. Fleitman, it was the message and after watching the debate, it was extremely clear who had the upper hand (the debate is featured on this blog, or at wwlp.com Also, can you please point out how Tom Wesley has been an agent of change?
As far as social conservatism, seriously, Dr. Fleitman is a social conservative, I’ve had discussions with him regarding parenting, and the man is family focused. Seems to me, that it is not enough to be socially conservative, one has to have the whole package - and you must keep in mind that the individual who comes out of this primary must pick up both Unenrolled and Democrat votes in order to beat Neal. Fleitman has proven he can do that, which makes it a no-brainer in my book. In any event, should the vote go to Mr. Wesley, he will have my support, if the vote goes to Dr. Fleitman, my question to you is – does the good Doctor have your support? How grand is it to be able to have a spirited primary!!!
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