Herman Cain, speaking at crowded event - image World News Blog
On Friday evening, 2012 GOP Presidential Candidate, Herman Cain, was a guest on NBC’s “Tonight Show with Jay Leno”. Both Leno and his counterpart on CBS, Letterman, have been slumping in the ratings lately (NY Times) , therefore, Leno took the step to attract the rest of the available late night audience which may not be overly “left”, with an appearance by Cain. The last time both Leno and Letterman had sky high ratings was when they opened with guests: Mitt Romney and Sarah Palin in early 2010 (LA Times). Apparently, lost on the networks (or those booking for the shows), was a spike in ratings when one brings in the Conservatives – and Herman Cain would be no exception, as he certainly has the momentum in the race at this point.
One knows that Cain’s stock is rising when Democrat “strategists” start playing the race card! (Real Clear Politics). Apparently, to a Progressive Democrat, (i.e. Socialist), Cain is a bigoted racist. That mind boggling remark is sure to be added to other less brilliant or original attacks on Cain from the left, due to the fact that his presence and his rise in the Republican Race, doesn’t’ fit neatly into their mantra of “All Republican’s are white Racists” – wait – that’s where they got it. Apparently, whether one is Latino, a woman, African American, and a Conservative, one is suddenly a "rich white man", in the eyes of Socialists Democrats. How well that plays is well, up to the electorate.
Unfortunately, Cain being embraced by the GOP and Tea Party knocks out that age old theory, so they either have to attack him on his plans, his experience and or his personal life – they’ve got nothing – so, they use what seems to have failed in the past (which explains the current administrations fascination for and implementation of for Carter’s foreign, domestic, and economic policy).
Cain is likeable, and he’s smart, and he’s got a sense of humor. He’s been able to pick up the appropriate tone in the debate arena, faster than any politician’s one has seen in a long time – for someone who is clearly not a politician – His remarks regarding his economic plan are solid, and he backs them up with facts, from a businessman’s perspective. Not a lot of hubris being thrown out there by Mr. Cain.
The highlights of the video clip below (in two segments via NBC):
Cain on the other candidates: Mitt Romney: Good Hair, New Gingrich: Brilliant and Ron Paul: Grumpy Old Man shows a sense of humor that is peppered with honesty.
When asked about the comments by Palin regarding his being flavor of the week (which was a speech not on Cain per se, rather on the media, which concept has gotten lost somehow (last word rhetorical) Cain noted correctly that Palin had called him Herb (and he forgives her now), that she lends a great deal to the national debate, but that he doesn’t feel she’ll enter the race.
Overall it was a good foray into the late night show talk circuit lion’s den, and one can anticipate more appearance by Cain in the future (specifically if Neilson gives the green light to Leno in ratings next week – one can expect additional GOP candidates to be in the rotation.)
Cain is a breath of fresh air, and although one might argue that he doesn’t have experience in “government’ – that’s more of a plus than a negative, whiel his forty plus years in executive positions gives him credibility, the man would be more capable of hiring the right people than any politician to take the reins since the founders – that’s something to think about heading into the primaries.
The Tonight Show with Herman Cain Part I
The Tonight Show with Herman Cain Part II
To learn more about Herman Cain visit his website: www.hermancain.com