Friday, September 02, 2011

2012 Roundup Palin Heads to NH & IA Labor Day, To Speak at World Conference in Korea, Obama Fumbles Job Speech, Rick Perry - Trojan Horse?

Will Palin Announce in Time to Join the Debate? image newsrealblog

As the President’s job speech and the timing thereof, appear to have caused a bit of consternation amongst all politicos, the appearance of lack of control over a simple speech, further indicates an administration in a campaign that is imploding. First, the President had schedule his “Jobs creation” speech at the same time as the September 7th Republican Convention. After some kickback from within the Republican ranks, as well as pundits such as James Carville, Democrat Strategist, who termed the timing out-of-bounds, noting that the preference of viewers, including himself, would be the Republican Debate, Team Obama decided that a better time would be might be during the NFL Opening game, until there was more dissent, and the final time choice became the pre-game warm-up.

Meanwhile, Sarah Palin is headed to New Hampshire and Iowa to speak at Tea Party Events over Labor Day Weekend. On Monday September 5th, Palin will be in Manchester New Hampshire, following an appearance in Iowa on the 3rd, where she will be a keynote speaker at a Tea Party Rally in Indianola. Speculation has grown as to when the former Alaska Governor and 2008 GOP VP Nominee might announce her intent to run for the Presidency – or not as the case may be – the latest date being the end of September. However, it appears to some news outlets that former GOP Front-runner Mitt Romney, will be in both places at the same time, obviously overshadowed by Palin and or a Palin announcment.

Further, speculation that the announcement must come fairly soon is evidenced (according to some pundits) by Palin’s appearance at the South Korean World Knowledge Forum 2011 which features multiple speakers including Heads of State and Global Business Leaders. One would think that this type of forum might be a place where a prestigious U.S. Presidential Candidate would fare quite well, setting the foreign policy, global business bar fairly high for other candidates. The conference is also scheduled during a GOP debate, which begs the question: will Palin announce her intent to run, or will she be a cheerleader for the eventual nominee? Smart money is on the announcement, the timing of which no one but Palin and her family are privy.

Although asked and answered a million times about an Iowa Tea Party announcement, not one question has been brought to bear about a New Hampshire Tea Party announcement. Therefore, it behooves one to speculate on that particular aspect of a possible announcement in New Hampshire post Labor Day Weekend. The reasoning: timing and taking the sails out of the pundit’s winds, such as Karl Rove who had chosen Iowa. In addition the New Hampshire landscape will be chock full of politicians, including the aforementioned Mitt Romney. Of special interest, her New Hampshire speech is schedule right before the Presidential Debate on the 7th, giving Palin time to possibly join the party at the Reagan Presidential Library. The Debate is hosted by Politico and NBC News. Why would Palin be able to attend at this late date? She may have received an invitation from

Former first lady Nancy Reagan (who) sent an invitation to the presidential hopefuls who meet the eligibility standards, which require that a candidacy be formally announced and that a candidate captures at least 4 percent in one of eight national polls.

This insertion into the Debate Schedule which also is Rick Perry’s debut, would turn this debate from a “barn-burner” (quoted: James Carville) into possibly one of the highest rated debates in history. Other candidates included are Romney, Cain, Bachmann and Paul (all of whom have done well in one or more of the eight polls In addition, it would be a coup for Palin to knock out one debate ball park before heading off to Korea’s World Knowledge Forum as a bona fide Candidate for the U.S. Presidency. Again that’s speculation and her announcement may come simply via You Tube (or a quick press conference) from her home in Wasilla, Alasak sometime before the end of October. That said the former (although speculation) would place Palin in a key position to upend the pundits, dominate a debate and hit the world stage running.

What of the current front-runner, Governor Rick Perry? An interesting op-ed piece at Politico by Paul Goldman and Mark Rozell puts forth the theory that Perry’s candidacy actually may help Michelle Bachmann. The scenario is laid out in such a manner that should Bachmann best Perry in the Iowa Caucus, she may go onto take the nomination, not unlike Obama, Carter and Clinton. However, there is another point of view vis a vis the relationship between Perry and Palin that bears some scrutiny. Perry, who is billed as a Tea Party Candidate, and has bona fides in that respect, is also known in Texas as a career politicians and aggressive campaigner. Moreover when Perry appeared to be on the verge of losing the governorship to Kay Bailey Hutchinson, Palin stepped in and rallied the base – which put Perry in the position for this run. Perry is viewed on the national (media) stage (by independents and Democrats) as someone who is far right of the mainstream, mixing religion with state politics (true or not, the Prayer rally for rain may have given that impression), his views on seceding from the Union, his views on Social Security as a Ponzi scheme (although he may have hit the nail on the head), all lead to a candidate as frontrunner who is just not acceptable to the all important independent voter.

Additionally, front runners lose that status as new challengers emerge, especially one that would, by virtue of Rick Perry being Rick Perry, appear to be the middle ground candidate, one who has the peoples interest in mind, one who has governed effectively, one who has succeeded in ridding her state of corrupt politicians, from both parties – one Sarah Palin. Perry, in his extreme right state of appearance, gives Palin the appearance of moderation. In addition, Perry has taken the wind out of Romney’s sails, so to speak, and should Palin announce, there would be the potential for Perry to drop in the polls. Should this occur, Romney would also decline, in theory, following suit, giving Palin, with the highest name recognition of any candidate, the lead. (The same can be said vis a vis Bachmann and Perry.)

What is certain, the incumbent will be a one-term president, the poll numbers continue to decline, and Democrats are praying that Hillary Clinton resigns tomorrow and mounts a challenge. From Vermont’s Sander’s to the Los Angeles Times looking for clues in a recent White House Press briefing, all eyes are on the former first lady, to take a stab at saving the brand and the White House. That said, it is doubtful that, with her close association with Obama (be it forced or a case of “keeping ones enemies closer”), it would allow the GOP opponent to cast Clinton in an Obama light, which regardless of her popularity, would render her unelectable – perhaps.

Thursday, September 01, 2011

Gallup – Obama Approval Slips Amongst Women – What are the Odds? Clinton, Bachmann, Palin. Polling on the Street from Dallas to Miami

Any on of these women is the preference in 2012 among a broad Demographic - non-scientific blogger poll - image political news now

From :CNS News, comes an article regarding the Presidents approval among women, slipping as he round out 2012. The Polling data from Gallup shows that Obama among Women has slipped 4 points since July of this year, to a low of 41%. The old adage, the “buck stops here”, applies, both in terms of the President’s poll numbers and the working women’s pocketbook. As costs rise across the board on food, housing and clothing, one can anticipate that those numbers will decrease, especially with more than one woman in the race for the Presidency. As of this moment, Michelle Bachmann, is the only woman who has formally announced her candidacy - and a recent Quinnipiac poll suggests that, although Rick Perry and Mitt Romney lead the “pack” for the Republican primary vote, both Sarah Palin (unannounced) and Bachmann, come in third and fourth..

However, is it truly a boy’s club situation, when the nomination of the next GOP presidential candidate, along with a possible run by Hillary Clinton against the incumbent, Obama, rests with the nation’s largest “silent majority”?
Palin, has yet to announce her intent, (Washington Post)although the most recognized “candidate” in most polls, she has a ways to go as far as her favorability amongst core Republicans and Republican leaning Independents. According to a Washington Post article today, Palin will be in Iowa and New Hampshire to address Tea Party groups, yet will not formally announce until end of September. (This is plenty of time, al la Ronald Reagan). Although her polling to date, shows her in the field, lagging behind front runners, that may be due to the fact that she has not announced, rather than any other factor.

Rumors of Hillary Clinton getting back into the Presidential political fray and challenging Barack Obama have resurfaced. With Democrats growing increasingly skeptical of Obama’s chances of reelection (fading), looking for the candidate who a)should have won in 2008, and b) would have done a better job with the economy, etc., makes Hilary the obvious choice. So much so that a Facebook Pace of Clinton Supporters has emerged, and they are taking donations - $20.12. The page fan site is currently low at 1400, however, it goes without saying that Clinton remains extremely popular among Democrats, especially women, and has cross-over potential among both Independents, and some Republicans. She has, however, continually denied any ambition to challenge Obama in 2012 – that said, with pressure mounting, and her party and the nation is a shambles, one might have to ask, would she stand on the sidelines?

Is the United States ready for a woman to lead? According to a recent Rasmussen Poll 73% of the participant would see a women elected within the next 10 years: missing from the questions – would one vote for a women in 2012?

As the President’s polling numbers show, across multiple pollsters, that he is most likely unelectable in 2012, the field of potential GOP becomes one for scrutiny across all party lines, as one will most likely be the next President. At the moment, Rick Perry, Governor of Texas leads the field, with Mitt Romney, a close second, and as noted both Bachmann and Palin (unannounced) in the mix. A recent survey (unscientific) on this bloggers part, took place over the past few days, traveling from Massachusetts to Dallas Texas, to Miami and back. In the process, asking preference for 2012 and specifically questions regarding the Governor of Texas while in Dallas, this is the general consensus. A good percentage of the queried in Texas find their current Governor to be a “career politician”, and indicated that their preference would lay elsewhere, although with no clear signal as to which candidate in cases where the respondent was a male.

However, among women, especially Latinos, there was a common theme – it is time for a woman to take the helm. It was not a question of which woman, at this point, and these women queried, focused heavily on the economy, giving poor grades to both Presidents’ Bush and Obama, prior to noting that Bachmann seemed competent, a few who knew of Sarah Palin, would give her the grade, and several hoped for a Clinton return to the ring. The most comprehensive interview given, brought up the fact that women were leading, and moving the economy in the right direction Latin American. The choice was, any women that has governed, would be the preference for this Latina, who spoke of the rising costs of goods, the fact that she and others were working and paying taxes while there was a huge percentage of Americans who did not, and that it was time to give someone else a chance. The idea that giving a chance to a woman was most appealing, and that this individual was expected only to try and fix the problem, was interesting in the pragmatic manner in which this particular respondent viewed the political fortunes of the current and future Presidents. What was particularly astounding (given the Media reports and Demographics) is several of the Latino’s queried, sounded more “Tea Party” than independent, and that the focus on fiscal responsibility, entitlements and job growth, was in step with those asked in Massachusetts in recent months. (Tea Party)

Again, although spot polling of men and women, virtually on the street, gives one a sense of what people may be thinking in one part of the nation or another, and is, again, non-scientific, those queried do belie the prevalent media think –additionally, one finds that those queried, specifically of Hispanic/Latino decent are extremely patriotic, are not interested in seeing Obama get a “second chance” and are interested in looking at which women are running (this also crosses gender demographics.)

One would hope that those women who are announced, or yet to be announced, make good use of internal polling, specifically the growing Hispanic/Latino bloc, as well as a general poll, similar to Rasmussen. Finally, regardless of who receives the Republican nomination, that individual, in 100% of those queried, will receive the vote. Finally, do not ignore Massachusetts, although thought to be a strong “blue state” and “Safe Democrat”, it is not a winner take all state, and goes towards delegates at the national Republican convention. There are two specific reasons: one to pick up extra delegates (needing only 15% of the primary vote to qualify for delegates), and 2) should the primary produce significant numbers for Massachusetts it would broadcast a strong signal to the balance of the nation that a Reagan tip election is at hand.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

President Obama’s Uncle Arrested on DUI in Framingham, MA – Second Relative Found in US Illegally – In State of Massachusetts

Obama escorts his Aunt (deported in 2004), to hearing in Massachusetts post election - image The via AP

It goes without saying that the United States is a great country and that our nation is made up of immigrants trying to make a better life for themselves and their families, and in many cases trying to escape the tyranny of dictatorships, or the specter of famine and disease. Many of the “tired, wretched and poor” come here through a long process of legal immigration, which is costly to boot. Others take a slightly different approach – they simply come here and set up camp. The fact that one’s nephew is now the President of the United States, appears to be a bonus for those Kenyon’s bent on escaping whatever deplorable conditions exist in that nation. Once here, they somehow manage to obtain public assistance, illegal social security numbers, and drivers licenses – especially if the state of choice is the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

In 2008, Zeituni Onyango, the Presidents “aunt” (half-sister to his father) was found living in Boston Massachusetts on the public dole. (CBS News) “Auntie Zeituni” had given to her nephews’ election fund (funds returned), and after her arrest (the second time she was politely asked to leave (i.e. deportation), the President appeared at a hearing and she was summarily granted asylum.

It appears the President will be heading back to Massachusetts, as his Uncle suddenly surfaced, in police custody, in Framingham, MA:

Official records say Onyango Obama, 67, was picked up outside the Chicken Bone Saloon in Framingham, Massachusetts, at 7.10pm on August 24. Police say he nearly crashed his Mitsubishi 4x4 into a patrol car, and then insisted that the officer should have given way to him. A report filed with the Framingham District Court said that a breathalyzer at the police station registered his blood alcohol at 0.14mg/100ml of blood, above the state limit of 0.08mg.

The President, as with his Aunt, most likely has “no knowledge” that his Uncle is also in the Bay State – however, when arrested, Onyango Obama told officers in Framingham his one call would be to the “White House”.

Uncle Omar like Aunt Zeituni will most likely stay in the Bay State, regardless of the fact that he had been deported once before (whether he left or not is not stated).

According to one passage in President Obama’s book, “Dreams of My Father”,

Two thirds of the way through the book Mr Obama’s half-sister talked about Africans who had emigrated to the West and were never heard of again, “like our Uncle Omar, in Boston . . . They’ve been lost, you see”.

This gives rise to speculation as to how many of the President’s relatives will surface between now and October 2012 – talk about an October Surprise!

In all seriousness, the fact that individuals come to this country and obtain illegal documents, (one must have a valid social security card (only given legally to U.S. citizens) in order to obtain a Massachusetts license), live on public assistance, flagrantly break the laws, and then, to boot, pull the “my relative is the President get out of jail free card”, is a bit over the top.

One has to feel almost sorry for the President – his poll numbers are in Carter territory at 38% approval (Gallup), and suddenly criminal, illegal immigrant, relatives, come popping out of the woodwork (otherwise known as Massachusetts). There is an old saying, one can choose one’s friends, but one cannot choose one’s family – most appropriate here. That said, should his Uncle enjoy the same largesse from the people of Massachusetts, and a direct intervention on his behalf by his nephew, the President, it may not play well in the press, perhaps especially in the Bay State.

Monday, August 29, 2011

2012 – Trashing Rick Perry – From Conspiracy Theorists Attacks on Personal Life to Education, the reality of a Strong States Rights Candidate

Rick Perry, Governor of Texas, Sticks to his Guns (image: sodaheadblog)

Rick Perry, the Governor of Texas, and, at the moment, at or near the top of polls for the 2012 GOP field, has taken a lot of flak from the press for his positions on everything from States Rights to Education. There are those who may try to tie Perry to former President Gorge W. Bush based on geography alone, when there is little basis - other than both men are from Texas and both are designated as Republicans. It is a fact of modern media, which has a vested interest it appears, in promoting candidates of choice, rather than merely reporting unbiased facts, that parsing of a phrase, or the unwillingness or inability to research thoroughly, allows for blatant falsehoods to appear, in print, the airwaves and digital media. It is not Perry alone, as it applies to any conservative that rising in the polls, and who appears able to unseat President Obama.

A recent Gallup poll shows the President with a 38% approval rating, the lowest, to date, of his career. In addition, generic ballots pitting the President against an unnamed Republican gives a 5 point advantage to the Republican. This makes any Republican or Conservative Candidate a target.

From off the wall to Mainstream:

Politicotakes a look at what Rick Perry may or may not have said regarding Social Security as a “Ponzi Scheme”, specifically in his book, “Fed Up”. Perry’s book, the article notes, has been gone over with a fine tooth comb by both opposition research and the media (is that one in the same?) for any hint of inaccuracy. Perry is sticking to his guns, Texas Style, and unlike other GOP candidates of the past, he is giving clear and direct answers, unapologetically standing up for what he believes and what he has said. The Gist, a Perry spokesman gave an interview to the Wall Street Journal, in which is downplayed what the Governor might have said about Social Security, and how he feels about the issue now (as a Ponzi Scheme). Not to be deterred, Perry addressed critics, telling them that he has not changed his mind, and if they want a reference to read the book. (He then goes on to correct them as to what is contained versus what is reported.) Politico closes the article:

“The whole episode underscores how difficult "Fed Up!," which strongly favors states' rights and is getting picked over by reporters and opposition researchers alike, will be for Perry to explain on the trail.
Discussions of major changes to Social Security are alarming to seniors, and while there hasn't yet been public polling data on how the "Ponzi scheme" point plays in Florida, there likely will be.
For Perry, saying a version of "that's not what I said" is unlikely to do the trick.” (Politico 8/28/11 (latest update)

One might not like it when a Politician tells the truth, in pure straight Texas Talk, however, Perry makes his point, and makes it well – he also does not just say “That’s not what I said”, he specifically points to what was written in the book, or smartly, tells those naysayers, to go and buy a copy.”

From the Dallas Blog comes another angle of insanity when it comes to “opposition research”. ”Who's Behind 'Perry a la Clinton' Myth?” by Tom McGregor outlines, in detail, the ridiculous antics of someone who may or may not be playing with all 52 cards, and or, knows exactly what they are doing, vis a vis the “opposition”. a Texas based, member of the GOP, one Brandon Morrow, has been emailing whoever will listen (especially MSNBC), regarding Governor Perry and attendance at Strip Clubs, which, when confronted, with emails sent in the past by this particular person, regarding former President George Bush Sr., involved in a sex ring (seriously), the obvious crank, blocked Dallasblog’s email. However, Dollars to Donuts, MSNBC, and any nutty professor, will be spouting this as truth. After all, the person sending the emails is allegedly a Republican, so it must be true – however, as anyone with any sense understands political parties, like any other organization are made up of an entire body of people, some of which are well, less stable than others, and constantly seeking attention. Watch for this story to gain some legs, but given Perry’s obvious talent for standing up for himself, it will likely be very short-lived and confined to the Campus and MSNBC.

From My comes a different take on Perry being like former President Clinton, in a positive spin (no kidding), the article “Perry comparisons: Thompson, Clark or ... Clinton?” by Peggy Fikac reviews the comparison of late to Perry’s quick rise in the polls (see Thomas and Clark and Clinton), of the three, Clinton and Perry are compared by Ms. Fikac, comparing and contrasting campaign style and strategy, specifically when it comes to the all important south, where other GOP candidates cannot have a difficult time of it. Fickac’s article is supported by the 2008 election, and the fact that both Thompson and Huckabee played a part in knocking out one Mitt Romney, who did just fine in the northern tier states, but could not hold the south (and that is still open for debate – in a GOP contest, not a general election). It is that all important South and Midwest that brought Clinton the Presidency and it will be the same for the GOP candidate that can claim an affinity for the south and or its cousin the mid-west. '

Although, this blogger is Massachusetts born and bred, with a penchant for “Commonwealth Pride”, the reality of another “Kennedy-in GOP clothing” (or any nominee Republican coming from this particular state or points north) is limited. This due to the fact that on both fiscal and social issues, those politicians in the northeast, must, in order to gain election in the first place, compromise conservative issues to the point where, they no longer resemble conservatives – giving rise to the moniker: RHINO (Republican in name only). It is hardly fair, specifically when there are qualified candidate, however, it makes Romney’s road to the White House, a bit more difficult.

From Texas to Massachusetts, Education and Rick Perry.

So much has been written and touted about the press regarding Rick Perry as the destroyer of education (apparently shrinking the size of the State Government, cutbacks to teachers, and butting heads with the Teachers Union equals lower grades in Texas than elsewhere). Unfortunately, one can easily find that the facts are further than the “Truth” being spun by the usual oppositions (The Press and Pundits, and the Teachers Unions).
One particular source came from NBC, parent company of MSNBC, all owned by General Electric, which CEO has an “in” at the White House with the current administration (conspiracy theory – or Fact?)

NBC in connection with the national PTA (parent and teachers association), has a website that allows one to find out how their school district is faring on a national average. The project allows parent to see which schools are faring better than others, and gives a wealth of information on the nation’s public schools, as well as a scorecard. When one uses this database to find out how a school district is performing, one notes a huge difference between Massachusetts (which state allegedly has the best nations score card out of eleven states that competed for Federal Funding) and Texas? Texas schools Massachusetts in this particular “competition”.

Going from State Capital to State Capital:

Boston East Boston High School has a graduation rate of 55%, while Austin, Texas , Austin High School, has a graduation rate of 88%, or above average. Going through Massachusetts mid sized cities one finds the following: Springfield Central High School, graduation rate 78%, Holyoke High School, 64%, New Bedford: 58%, and Lowell, at 75%. Texas, on the other hand: Dallas High School is at 56%, Corpus Christie at 78%.

Therefore, one finds the same fluctuations in results from district to district and school to school, between Texas and the 10 States (9 and D.C.) that received extra Federal Funds in
Race to the Top Program with similar results. Therefore, throwing money at the “problem” apparently does little to “fix it”. (Given the fact that these results are based on 2010 results, and Massachusetts latest scorecard is, in a word, dismal, in that the average student in 10th grade scores in the 50% percentile in reading: (See Article on Illinois Drops Standard Test Component, compared to Massachusetts 2010 released scores),

Therefore, one can kick that can down the proverbial spin road, as Texas Schools under Perry apparently are as good or better than those states receiving “extra funds” (i.e. stimulus!!) for education. Frankly, that plays in Perry’s favor.
Again, it is too early in the 2012 contest (although some might argue the opposite) and there are other candidates that may still enter the race (September), which would change the front runner, or give them at the very least fits (be it Romney or Perry), however, it is refreshing when candidates stand up for their records, are adult enough to admit when something that they proposed did not work, and stand firm in their beliefs when they are questioned by an obviously hostile and biased press.

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