Lizzie Warren, Progressive for Senate and Scott Brown (Republican Incumbent) - image: ABC News
The Progressive PAC (Political Action Committee), American Bridge 21st Century, (See About Section on Website: www.americanbridgepac.org/who-we-are), went bleating to the press (Boston Globe), regarding a huge “mistake” (possible scandal!) made by Scott Brown, Republican Senator from Massachusetts. The Globe and the rest of the major media and local affiliates ran with it – the accusation: Brown plagiarized Elizabeth Dole’s website, specifically a page on personal reflections on academics for students. The problem with the reporting by news outlets such as ABC, is that the headline is somewhat misleading (as is the PAC), in that it does not mention the fact that Brown, upon election, had a staff that worked on every aspect of his website. The website in question - one that was modeled, with permission, after one Elizabeth Dole’s (also a Republican) site.
The problems: one page, (or possibly more) were not changed; rather, Dole’s original message(s) were left. What Brown had was a “staff problem”, and the fact that he hasn’t, to anyone’s knowledge and or reporting, fired anyone, really goes to character. It was reported on the Springfield affiliate of ABC in the evening news, that Dole’s spokesperson thought it was a lot to do about nothing (paraphrasing) (at the very end of the report which featured a photo of Brown in the background and one line "Plagiarism?" , which is exactly what the PAC, a progressive (i.e. socialist arm of the Democrat Party) organization, is most guilty of – having nothing on Brown of much substance, given their support of one useless candidate, Elizabeth Warren.
Apparently, Brown is also not allowed to have a sense of humor, Warren, when asked about the old news – Brown’s posing for Cosmopolitan when he was trying to pay for college, 30 some odd years ago – quipped (paraphrasing) that she would not take her clothes off – Brown, who has a rather typical Boston sense of humor, shot back: “Thank God”. A huge hue and cry against the one politician in Massachusetts who has done more for women and children from a legislative standpoint than any other, went out from every media outlet – and the people – especially the all important independents – are laughing with him – (See ABC link for entire, “Wow, Scott Brown is a Truly Horrible Person story (in conjunction with a “Democrat Super PAC) for partial sourcing. If Ms. Warren can’t take a joke for what it is, she has no business trying to be a Senator (and one might question her actual “experience”- other than “Obama Appointee”. When the Democrats in Massachusetts have a weak candidate (and they do), they will stop at nothing to try and unseat the most popular Senator the state has seen in decades – that’s Scott Brown.
Brown is maligned by the left and the right, so therefore, Brown is doing something right. As the Progressives claim that Brown votes straight party line, can be debunked by a trip to the U.S. Senate’s “Roll Call” page(s) – starting with his first session, through the next, one finds that Brown votes both sides of the aisle, and is a Republican – Independent, more in the mode of say, Olympia Snow than say a “Rapid Republican” - pick one.
Does Brown always please this blog when he casts a vote? No, and he should not, he votes in a manner that has been consistent with his time served in the Massachusetts Legislature, crossing the aisle when it was a sane proposition and not so much when it was something ridiculous. This is the clue, that Brown’s a moderate, Weld Republican, and that Warren and the Progressives and their Pals at ABC, NBC, and every other disingenuous outlet are desperate.
Also consider who has been elected, time and again, in the State of Massachusetts that most will die in their “lofty positions” (see Ted Kennedy) – while the other fifty look on and shake their heads in disgust – it is the constant “How do you people keep electing these….. (Fill in the blank, add name and expletives)” – The answer: “We try not to – there is either no choice, or a limited choice, mostly no choice.” When there was competition, the whole state went upside down, in 2009 when Brown ran, the entire state was covered by media (only after they figured out Brown was going to win) and activists, from Tea Party to Republican to Concerned unaffiliated came from across the nation to keep an eye on voting (Where is Jimmy Carter in fair elections?) here in the Bay State and uncovering multiple instances of cheating, by, you guessed it, Democrats, reporting minute by minute, until the final tally revealed Brown as the New Senator. (Unfortunately, these individuals, PACs and so forth were nowhere to be found (understandably) during the midterms in 2010 – and we all know the results there – incumbents, unlike elsewhere, managed to not so soundly eke out a win, with little help of 30,000 extra votes in 13 hours from “Community Organizations”.
Therefore what we have is one Scott Brown:
Accused of personally being guilty of plagiarism, until one gets to the end paragraph, and it’s noted that it was a “staff error”, (which by the way, is now being touted by this group – key word Progressive – as throwing his staff under the buss – lifted from their website, see link above). Consider this: Does anyone really believe that when an individual is elected to the Senate that they first run and put up a website - themselves? Does anyone believe that the Senator had the time to parse the website for accuracies and/or inaccuracies? Given the state of public education today, (as well as private) does one honestly expect an intern (paid or unpaid staff for that matter) to be error free?
Here’s the real deal: This group has had at least a year (if not more) to dig into Brown’s background as they stump for Lizzie Warren, and this is all they were able to come up with? Seriously, that and the tired (misleading) “he votes with Republicans!!” Here’s the deal: when one is a Republican they are expected to, on occasions, vote with the other Republicans because the share similar ideology. Not unlike Democrats, who vote consistently along party lines. Except Scott is different from the rest of the Massachusetts Congressional members (both the House and the Senate) in that he actually has, in his short career, cross the aisle more times than: Richard Neal (MA2), John Kerry (D-MA), the infamous Barney Frank (D-4), the rest of them from Tsongas to Capuano, who never stray, never move an inch off that party line? If one thinks this is not understood by the majority of voters in Massachusetts, one should think again.
Scott Brown was not elected by the Massachustts Republican Party – or the National Party for that matter – both of those organizations came rather late to the dance. Brown assembled a team that included disgruntled Democrats, the largest voting bloc in the state – Unenrolleds- and then the Republicans. At any one of his field offices during the campaign, one could find more Democrats, Green Party members, Libertarians and the like manning the phones for Brown – one can hazard to guess, with the exception of a few Tea Party (although they are a fairly large part of the Massachusetts political scene which no-one covers (due to being too clueless to do so) that these same individuals are still in Brown’s camp. Moving them over with cries of Sexism and Academic Plagiarism will only fly in say Amherst (if it isn’t being Occupied and the collective aren't busy that day parroting one another’s latest brilliant turn of a phrase).
The only way Brown will lose reelection in this Bay State, is if the rest of the world isn’t watching and the Brown Campaign does not invest in poll watchers in every precinct in every city, hamlet and nook and cranny of the state, in order to make sure that the vote is on the up and up. Even then, without that kind of oversight, it may be difficult for the Massachusetts Democrats to come up with enough dead people, those who are no longer sure if they are voting or singing off on lunch (referring to activists who troll nursing homes to “help “individuals vote Democrat – this is by experience and constant letters to this blog of individuals who work in these institutions) by stuffing machines that appeared only in the last election, designed to allow individuals from every possible language barrier, to vote (specifically in areas where there are few if any individuals to take advantage (for example, large wards in Chicopee and other 2nd District larger cities, had these voting aids, which were kept in storage until the mid-terms, and distributed to districts that were, let’s say, less than diverse).
Therefore, expect it all, especially if one is not watching, because as of now, they have nothing to go on, and even with the help of the Boston Globe, and the National Press, and the local Press (has anyone read any polling data on trust and the media as of late?), it is doubtful that Brown won’t easily hand Lizzie Warren her comeuppance.
Of course, living in Massachusetts, one has learned to never say never – the land where even the most corrupt and incompetent of politicians continue to be reelected, where upon indictment and incarceration, are then given posts at Massachustts best universities, or another department, in order to maximize their pensions. It is what it has always been – best book on the subject: The Bluest State – available in paperback on Amazon.
Therefore Brown is going to need a lot of help in order to get elected, mostly votes and poll watchers, and those who would watch the alley ways and side streets where “activist” are helping individuals vote (outside of the polling station).
Here’s the skinny. Although a fan of Brown’s when he was a State Legislator (wishing this blogger lived in his district at the time), and believing he’d be a solid conservative voice in the Senate, while also believing him when he said that he would vote in the best interest of the people of the state, not the party (and he has), there is a reason – his record, the man can stand on his record.
One last note: anything from this Super Progressive PAC on anything else Scott has penned? Easily no, and one would think if they truly had something on Brown, it would have come out long before – so, to the PAC that loves Lizzie (because she’s an Obama Appointee and avowed Progressive, insuring she will vote with Nancy and Barney and Harry at every opportunity), keep digging – and good luck with that. All of Massachusetts, especially the 51% of the electorate that decides (those who are moderates and unenrolled) are probably a little more miffed at Brown for voting with Democrats from time to time, but when faced with a Progressive Democrat, man, woman or what have you, which way do you honestly think they will cast their vote?
Does the Good Senator, with a sense of humor, have a shot, you betcha. To those Tea Party members who feel that a vote for Brown is against their principles of purity – would you rather have a repeat of the 2010 elections? Think again – get off the couch, go and vote, even if you have to hold your nose – imagine Lizzie Warren as the next Progressive Socialist Democrat Senator from Massachusetts – would you want to personally be responsible for that nightmare scenario?