The Hollywood Exodus is threatened!
Sarandon: “If McCain is Elected, I’ll leave the Country”
It begins yet again, Liz Smith, New York Post, has reported (seriously), that intellectual heavyweight and movie actress Susan Sarandon is threatening to leave the country if John McCain is elected. article here Susan has decided that both Canada and Italy would be the preferable place to live while the United States is under the control of John McCain.
When G.W.Bush was elected, one relatively famous, yet forgotten, writer or historian (cannot recall which), left the country is a huff, and never returned – dieing on foreign soil (cannot recall, but believe it was France).
As a result of the 2004 election, a face-off between John Kerry and G.W. Bush, many had to put up with the malaise of co-workers who were afflicted with what was tagged by certain media types as “Bush Derangement Syndrome”. This was normally three or more days of mourning, crying, wailing, gnashing of teeth (behind closed office doors), and a complete and utter loathing of the lone conservative (author) in the place. Four years later, the country is still standing, all dire predictions have not taken place, the sky has not fallen and now the focus of these same people has changed from the laughable John Kerry to the Progressive and possibly more impaired Barrack Obama.
Susan Sarandon may be a good actress, but intellectually she might need a little help. The President does little more than lead a party, if that party is not in the majority, the president can do little. She has chosen to support Barrack Obama who has made several gaffes regarding geography, including the much ballyhooed 57 state remark,
the fact that he has no clue which states border Illinois (where he resides), and, of course, my personal favorite: Massachusetts is pronounced with a “Th" not the traditional “s’s".
It could be argued that these mistakes were made while the candidate was exhausted from the trials of the campaign trail, or, he could be lacking some critical background - basic geography. With Reid and Pelosi just itching to have Barack at their beck and call, the aid of notable Hollywood Actress might be just the ticket they need to yet further the People’s Progressive Party (previously known as the Democrats). Then again, these types of endorsements failed to help both Al Gore and John Kerry.
Sane and reasonable people, even those who understand that the above scenario may just become a reality, do not threaten to leave the country, except on vacation. Those are generally known as conservatives, or independent voters who understand that the worst that can happen is a return to the dismal days of the Carter administration, followed by a total sweep of the congress, senate and white house by anyone other than – a Progressive Democrat. It may be what the RNC is banking on.