The Original Rebels of 1773 - Tea Party - image from
The Boston Globemakes no pretence of lack of objectivity in their article on the Debt Ceiling “alleged” crisis (alleged as the date continues to move at the whim of Tim Geithner and the Democrat Controlled House, up to the elections in 2010 either had no budget or blocked any attempts at a reasonable budget under Pelosi and Reid’s watch – 2006 bears repeating). The article begins:
Inflexible House Republicans forced Speaker John Boehner late last night to put off an expected vote on legislation to raise the country’s borrowing limit, dealing a stunning blow to the GOP leader’s authority just days before the country is set to run out of money.
Read that twice. In the real world, Boehner did have a plan that compromised more with President Obama’s plan to spend through the roof, and cuts to the budget were dramatically reduced to billions. The House Republican’s that are considered “Tea Party” are fiscally conservative and were perhaps looking for something with more “Teeth” in it, as regards any chance of getting the debt under control.
The last bill that the House put together (to solve this very same crisis) was rejected by the Democrats in the Senate, not even making it to the floor for a vote! Obama insisted he would veto legislation that called for cuts to the budget, a onetime rise in the debt ceiling, and a start to a balanced budget amendment to the constitution. (Bill Clinton with a Republican Congress led by Newt Gingrich balanced the budget - therefore, it can be done.)The President’s preference is obviously to run without a clear budget, continue to spend, and continue to raise the debt ceiling, which effectively lowers the US dollars worth. Go figure.
The Tea Party, fiscally sane conservatives, want to effect positive change in the way those juvenile delinquents that are currently entrenched in Congress spend other people’s money. It is, in effect, a log-jam.
Obama won’t sign a bill unless it includes limited cuts to spending, while allowing him to raise the debt ceiling enough through 2012 so that he can comfortably get back on the campaign trail.
The Republican’s led by Boehner, are trying desperately to come up with a compromise and have presented several bills, all of which the President refuses to sign if they pass the Congress anyhow.
Tea Party members, see this happening, and figure, they might as well just stand firm and continue to give their constituents full attention, and do exactly what they were sent to Washington to do – stand up against insanity regardless of which Party happens to be involved in the lasted mess.
Reuters, is now calling those members of the Tea Party Caucus Rebels! It is as if those members elected in 2010, because of the financial crisis, sent to Washington to stop the spending, are somehow out of touch with reality. More to the point, they are in touch with their constituents, and it is Washington, the Beltway Pundits and their media cheerleaders, who clearly don’t understand jack (you know what.)
It is the word Rebels, being used by Reuters, which calls to mind the original intent of the Tea Party, and the original Tea Party Rebels of in the year 1773, were also called rebels, and later revolutionaries a point that should not be missed by those who live within the safe confines of Washington Think! It was about taxes then, and it is about taxes now. Overburden the people, and the people “rebel”, It might be predicted that at this point, the more the media maligns the Tea Party, and lays blame, that they are, in effect, creating a notoriety which a good percentage of thinking American’s (and they exist) find appealing.
Meanwhile, the Democrats and their leaders Pelosi, Reid and President Obama, continue to cry “Bush!” as they lay blame for the current conditions on the past. As Bush left office with a crumbling real estate fiasco (caused by whom in Congress? Who controlled Congress in 2006?), and ran with the limited TARP program (which was, incidentally opposed by most Conservatives), he put into effect a stop gap, that should have been enough of a rise in the debt crisis of 2008, to set up a lovely and easy to manage scenario for incoming Obama – had Obama not followed former President Carter’s economic and foreign policy to the letter. Unfortunately, he did, growing government, increasing the payroll for an ever-growing crop of government employees (through the Stimulus), and wondering why the private sector was not hiring? Additional large scale social programs also insured that businesses would be wary of hiring, there was no fix to the housing crisis (see Fanny and Freddy) rather, the administration and Happy Nancy just threw more money at the problem, hoping for a correction. It kept going; one spending project after the next, all without a budget, no budget, not one budget during the entire time the Democrats and President Obama had the reigns of government.
Now, these much maligned “inflexible” and “rebellious” members of Congress, sent by and for the people, are taking heat for doing the job that all Republicans and heck all Democrats should have done, but not unlike a herd of Ostrich, stuck their heads in the sand.
Also, just a note to the media: Globe in particular, although it appears that Boehner did not have the support for yet another bill that he came up with versus, one very shady backroom deal under Reid, which would have been vote now, we’ll let you know what’s it in later (recall the Health Care disaster), and they call is position “weakened”. Give us the proverbial break. Recall the deals, begging, pleading, midnight votes and calls to the White House to those poor “Blue Dog” Democrats who finally jumped on the Obama Health Care vote, a midnight vote to nowhere. It was not as if they had control, they had a plan (that no one could read), they wanted it done, and they held Congress in chains, until the vote passed, on straight party lines. The Democrats have their divisions, which are rarely spoken of in the media, their Progressive arm (i.e. Socialists who have taken control of the party) and the “moderate democrat” – who looks more like John McCain every day –or vice versa.
It is refreshing to see debate, and it is refreshing that some of those sent to Congress have a clue, it is refreshing that, although, yet another crisis looms (see Obama under Boy Cries Wolf), that some members, regardless of being called names, are standing up to principal, while, Beltway Republican’s attempt to play nice with Obama, and Obama pouts and refuses to move away from his Progressive roots, thinking there is no way out but tax increases across the board, and a continued rise in the nation’s debt ceiling.
If one thought that 1793 was a bad year for Progressives, as was 2010, just wait. The majority of Tea Party Members are not, repeat, not Republican’s (although they vote with them and run as Republicans due to the allege fiscal conservatism that party represents), but Independents and, get this, Democrats, as well as some disenfranchised Republicans. Rebels yes, a Revolution yes, at the ballot box in 2012, which, if this continues to be a pre-school scenario (or high school, hard to tell the difference and with the decline in education in the nation, between a 3year olds knowledge and that of one about to graduate high school, and God Help us! vote!!!) of Congress and the White House, it will be a rout across the board. It is not, therefore, unthinkable, that a third party candidate, would put themselves forth, should the Republican party nominate one more McCain like Republican (one who wants to be a conservative, while assuaging every Democrat they meet, and of course, retain their popularity with the press.)
Therefore, when the sky doesn’t’ fall on the 2nd of August, and the Wolf never arrives at the door, and yet another plan is proposed in Congress, which will be vetoed by Progressive of the Year, President Obama, life, will go on – The blame for all of this lies with those in Washington despite acting like a bunch of 17 year old girls (and any parent with a 17 year old girl understands what that means), even despite Party, being unable to get their act together. It is the job of Congress to take charge of the nations purse strings (See U.S. Constitution), it is the Presidents job to create a budget (which he has consistently failed to do, since the Brilliant Obama took office), and it is the peoples job to vote.
Does it really matter if the only checks being cut in Washington got to Social Security, and Medicare? Does it really matter if the Parks department, the EPA, the TSA cannot pay their employees? Will the people miss the pat down and lack of profiling done unless one is an aging grandmother or 4 year old boy? One might call this naive, however, with the focus on one’s own declining revenue of what little paycheck is left for those working in the private sector, focus on Obama’s difficulties in getting another rise in the debt ceiling and Boehner’s’ inability to control members of Congress who are, literally, more Republican than those incumbents who sit in that August body. The personal pocketbook, or lack thereof, will place the blame where it belongs – and that will be on those who were supposed to have gotten “the message” but refused to listen. In other words, the Tea Party has a point, and as one of those who is sick of Party politics as usual, and looking at the Unenrolled status as a badge of pride, it is only disgust one must feel, for the continued one-sidedness of the media, and the same old crap coming out of DC for the past eight plus years.