Thursday, July 28, 2011

2012 Update – Mass. Democrats Begin Campaign Against Scott Brown (R-MA) Use Cut, Cap, Balance “Vote” To “Vote” on the Budget Plan – No One Has a Plan!

Brown known to cross Party Lines: See Boston Globe:Kerry Brown image

From the Attleboro Sun Chronicle: Massachusetts Democrats are digging deep and getting a little help from their “fact-checking” friends: (Reporting on the Democrats :)

Democrats are waging a two-front war against U.S. Sen. Scott Brown over the debt ceiling issue.

On one front, they are knocking Brown, R-Mass., for voting for a Republican plan called Cut, Cap and Balance that Democrats claim would devastate Medicare and Social Security.

The Problem is that Brown never voted for a “Plan” he voted to against Sen. Majority Leader, Harry Reid’s Plan to “table” the House Republican “Cut, Cap and Balance” plan See ABC News blog: Reid had decided on early the week the House voted to pass the bill, that it would not gain support in the Senate from Democrats.

The problem with the bill from the Democrat’s perspective was the fact that it a) allowed the President to raise the debt ceiling, b) called for budget cuts that to Congressional Discretionary Funding, one which would be spread over ten years, and c) included a Balanced Budget Amendment with riders in place to override a Balanced budget should a national security crisis arise.

Senate Democrats are against a balanced budget bill, a bill which, if passed in the Senate, would then go to all fifty of these United States for individual State Votes, there would need to be two-thirds (a majority) of the State’s voting to accent a federal balanced budget before it could become law and an actual amendment to the Constitution. This process can take decades.

Which when one understands that Democrats controlled both the House and Senate from 2006 to 2010, and maintained control of the Senate only in 2010 forward, cutting back on spending was not the rule, rather, spend with abandon is the Party mantra. It is not only the Democrats in Congress from that period forward that are to blame, Republican’s before them similarly spent the taxpayers’ dollars with abandon, however, the level of abandon was ramped up a bit (that’s sarcasm) once the Democrats took over both houses. When Obama was elected as our President, with a like minded Senate and Congress, it was debit “party time”.

Brown, who is known to take his time before making known is stand on a position, which anyone with an once of brains understands that Brown is studying the particular bill, looking at the Commonwealth of Massachusetts first and assessing the benefits for the people, not the Republican Party or the Democrat Party. He has voted for and with Democrat plans, and for Republican Plans since entering the Senate – which frankly drives everyone a bit batty (the media, the Tea Party, the Republican Party, and especially the Democrats!). Brown has an independent streak and thinks for himself.

Back to that “vote”: Reid forced the Senate to vote early on allowing the Cut, Cap and Balance to even go to the Senate floor and be “debated”, it was not an actual vote on the bill itself - it was a bill to allow debate on the plan. The Democrats, to date, have not put a budget together for the past years, (that’s right, years), rather continue to run our country on a procedure that pushes a budget down the “road” and then allows continued spending. They have no plan on the so called “Debt Ceiling’ other than to raise it and make a few billion dollars in cuts. In fact, Cut, Cap and Balance was criticized by hard-line conservatives for not going far enough!

To get the story straight and recap:

Brown voted to allow debate on a bill, he did not get a chance to actually vote for or against the bill called Cut Cap and Balance.

The Bill did not take away anyone’s entitlements (Medicare or Social Security not in danger, never were), other that Congress, allowed the debt ceiling to rise for the President (that’s called a compromise), asked for cuts that would be spread over ten years (compared to the immediate rise in the debt ceiling), and to the shock and horror of the Democrats led by Harry Reid and the President, asked that a Balanced Budget Amendment with safeguards in place, be allowed to be voted on, voted on, not passed. The Balanced Budget Amendment would then, again, take possibly decades to become law because it would have to go to each state to be voted on, would require a two-thirds majority of states voting in favor of a Balanced Budget, before it could become law.

The sad part about today’s political rhetoric is that those members of political parties that are “entrenched” (meaning one cannot pry them out of their taxpayer funded jobs even with dynamite), use flat out “lies” to slam opponents. This appears to be particularly one-sided and one can take a stab at guessing which party is guilty most of the time. (Allowing for the fact that there may be a Republican out there that acts like a Democrat – or worse, Republicans and Democrats (most often those darn “Blue Dog” Democrats (not Progressives), who cross the aisle on occasion when one party or the other has a good idea. This is, of course, infrequent.

The Cut, Cap and Balance bill was a good idea, but was killed by a straight Party Line vote in the Senate by Democrats. The Cut Cap and Balance Bill was also very popular with the American People, one can take a look at a less than Republican friendly U.S. News report “opinion” blog, on a CNN (another non-conservative news outlet) poll:

A CNN poll released Thursday shows that nearly two thirds of the American people support the "Cut, Cap, Balance" plan that passed the House of Representatives Tuesday, throwing a monkey wrench into President Barack Obama’s plan for a deal of grand design.

Therefore, Brown looked at a House Bill, that was supported by a clear majority (this is a CNN poll mind you), and voted only to allow debate in the Senate on Cut Cap and Balance - which may be why Brown continues to be popular in the state with the state’s majority of voters – unenrolled, or independents! Democrats control the majority of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, all ten Congressional Seats (which will soon be all nine due to redistricting and people fleeing the State to get away from the usual high taxes and uncontrolled spending that residents are over familiar with and that has been exported nationally), and the State House, Senate and Governorship. Massachusetts has a lot of deadwood on the voters rolls (literally dead and moved individuals) which the Democrat Secretary of State refuses to remove. One can imagine why these dead and moved voters might come in handy – see 2010 election and several districts that were won by Democrats, in the waning hours with an enormous “get out the vote” effort.

In other words, they’ve (The Massachusetts Democrats) got nothing on Brown and so, they have to manufacture something!! If they have to run against his actual record, the majority who already support the Senator would be increased. The simpatico press, is going to run articles without correcting factual errors, either because a) they are clueless of the actual procedures (which is entirely possible), or b) they all happen to be Progressive Democrats. Both may be possible, which is why the Gallup Trust in Institutions poll suggests that the majority of Americans (close to 75%) do not trust what is written or broadcast.

The old adage "The Inmates are Running the Asylum" is apropro in regards to the current Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the Senate of the United States of America.

Trust in Institutions - See where Media stands with Americans from Gallup Polling: image

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