President Obamais asking his Democrat controlled Congress to spend another fifty billion dollars on a “Transportation Bill” to create jobs before the November mid-term elections. Insisting the additional debt added to the taxpayers already ridiculous $120,905 per taxpayer current deficit payoff (subject to change – source national debt clock) is needed to create “transportation jobs”, the President’s plan – create a Federal Bank which will be a “Transportation Bank". This is an idea that Obama thought might work when he was a one-term junior senator from Illinois (prior to being elected President).
The problem President Obama faces, according to Obama, are those pesky Republican’s – who he recently dubbed , for the umpteenth time, the “party of no” at a Milwaukee AFLCIO union “Labor Day “function.
Of course, stimulus dollars in 2009 were needed to create jobs for road and bridge projects, which, unless the English language has changed dramatically are considered to fall under the transportation heading. Of course, the massive stimulus bill which was subsequently passed by Pelosi and Reid’s combined congress and Senate (with the Republican’s noting it would not work and, for the most part declining to participate – thus the “party of no”) did not work.
In fact, the unemployment rate remains a 9.6% - helping those who may be thinking Obama has a point, that obviously the Stimulus I did not work. The President’s plan to create a “government run bank” is a stretch at best. The obvious question, what makes Obama seriously think that a Government run bank would work? (One that involves a combination of private and Federal input) We already have the government run student loan industry (see bills tacked onto the Health Care Reform Bill no one read), and Freddie and Fannie, who are the prime example, of what happens when the government and private sector collide to play with taxpayer money.
Anyone believing that this administration and this Congress can “create private sector” jobs through another stimulus has got to be smoking something – make that opium. All one needs to do is take a look at the national debt clock here at to get a real feel for what Obama and his Congress have done to the American people. (Thanks to Dr. Jay Fleitman for the tip) Which is why those who oppose passing on this huge burden to their children, whether they are Republican, Independent, Tea Party, and yes, even Democrats, are voting Republican, many of them for the first time.
How bad is it? Barney Frank (D-MA) of Freddie and Fannie Fame, is facing his own primary race on Tuesday September 14th, against a woman, Rachel Brown, who called him out on the first stimulus, and was subsequently subjected to Frank’s famous tirades. Brown a Democrat has met Frank for one debate where, Ms. Brown made more sense than Frank. ( See Rachel for On the other side of the 4th District Aisle, meet Sean Bielat at Sean, who was a Democrat up until 2007 when he realized the party was heading in the wrong direction (he was a Congressional page and therefore understood that the Congress under Democrat control was a problem), Mr. Beilat is challenging Barney Frank from the Republican side.
Other high profile Democrats who are facing serious challenges this November are:
Richard, “rubber stamp” Neal, who hasn’t met a stimulus bill or tax he doesn’t like – will face a stiff challenge from Dr. Jay Flietman who has a few outstanding ideas to get the debt udder control (see You tube video below)
Nancy Pelosi, ringmaster of the circus, is facing John Dennis John Dennis, who stands a better than even chance of taking the 8th district.
Even Harry Reid is facing competition for his seat from one Sharron Angle a women he describes in less than stellar terms (spending millions to do so) who may have made a gaffe here or there, but is simply – not Harry Reid, (nor is she as out there as say Deniss Kuchinich) and won’t spend your great-great-grandchild’s last red cent.
Therefore, it is strongly suggested to support all of the above, in an effort to stop Obama and Company from being continually economically clueless.
Of course, this blog endorses Dr. Jay Fleitman who is running against Richard Neal in the Hampden 2nd District of Massachusetts. Dr. Fleitman makes sense and has the experience necessary to be able to put aside Party politics and make an informed decision. He’s had to do so; given the fact that he was an elected official in the city of Northampton, MA (think Cambridge, Los Angeles City Council, etc.)who recently stepped down to run against Neal.
Since we the people cannot do anything about the man on the self-made throne of the U.S. Government (i.e.: Obama) until 2012, it is suggested that incumbents who have supported this pell-mell rush into penury, (again without taking the time to either read or understand the consequences), be given the boot. There are plenty of alternatives to support nationwide: A good list of races taking shape across the country (not all are included, specifically Massachusetts) can be found at Battle for the House Real Clear Politics”> or Battle for the Senate Real Clear Politics” and finally, Battle for the Governors 2010 Real Clear Politics.
Although it appears as though the Republicans’ are headed towards giving the Democrats (who are begging party members for cash) a thrashing, nothing in politics are certain, therefore, no matter the amount, a spare $1.00 or spare $10.00, give to an opposition candidate above, if you cannot, as a card carrying member of the DNC find your way to giving to or voting for a Republican, then give to Ms. Brown or any one that has not been a part of the 2006 Democrat’s destroy America program.
Dr. Fleitman’s Plan:
Personal Note: One might think reading this that it is partisan in nature (given the title of the blog, etc.) therefore, some background about why it is essential, personally, to stop this Progression. I am a daughter of an AFLCIO Treasurer (deceased) who was a staunch Democrat and believed in the little guy and especially in Democracy. He abhorred Socialism and Progressives as if they were the plague. This is not my father’s Party any longer, and those Democrats who have an ounce of sense, (and there were some notably obvious in every bill taken) and voted no against stimulus, health care, etc., should be given a fair shake.) Roll calls are available on all bills at Roll call votes at” It takes some time but one can find their congressional representative and senator and decide whether or not they deserve to keep their job, as they work, not for a party, as is currently the plan, but for the people, (the original plan of the Republic.) Therefore, do your homework, and be an informed voter. For those living in Massachusetts: if you are an Independent you can vote in the primary, merely ask for a Republican or Democrat ballot and then you change your designation back after you vote. For those in other states, check your Secretary of State’s office for instructions (website or call). One myth that requires debunking – once you head into the voting booth, if you are a registered Democrat in the general election, you can vote for a Republican, your vote is recorded in secret. (A frequent search on this blog.)
Opinion and Commentary on state, regional and national news articles from a conservative feminist point of view expressed and written by conservative moderate: Tina Hemond
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Great article Tina, your reference to "not my father's party" hit home as I was once a big supporter of same party. Over the last 40 odd years though it has morphed into a party of radical socialists and worse.
There are a few decent elected democrats but they are few and far between.
Hi Ralph, thanks for stopping by - My father was so concerned with social justice, and so adamantly against socialism - the Progressives would have embarrassed him, no question in my mind - he worked tirelessly for the rights of others, with a pride in this country - the spirit of the American Union meant to empower the worker, not a political party - unions now are obscene jokes compared to the original premise - it saddens me no end to see this once great party literally trashed by those who have no use for this country, preferring the socialist "elites" telling the "masses" what to do. Funny thing is the Republican's are the 1950's Democrats, and the "Tea Party" appears to be the next historical replacement as the Progressives decline into a lesser party similar to the Green party.
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