During the 2010 Mid-term elections, this blog happened upon a YouTube video in support of MA2 Congressional Candidate, Tom Wesley. The video Title “Moms for Tom Speak Up” caught my eye - one the one hand, I’m a mother, on the other, I like to express my opinion. The video cover depicts a "Rosie the Riverter", women who, during World War II, were asked to man the facotories to keep American going while the men went off to war. They did so with enthusiasm and for much less wage than their male counterparts. In addition, when the War ended, they were summarily dismissed and sent back to the kitchen. It was this "message" that got my attention.
Watching the video, one becomes intrigued with both the message and one Tara Kozub, who is the Mom speaking up. Always interested in the perception of the way women, individually, express themselves as feminist, I asked Ms. Kozub if she would give me some insight into her personal perspective of women’s role in society and feminism. What follows is Tara’s story.
“I became interested in politics while majoring in political science and journalism at Simmons College in the early nineties. I eventually switched from political science/journalism to political science/education and graduated from Simmons College in 1994. I went on to pursue a graduate degree in Moderate Special Needs Education from Simmons and received my MS.Ed. in 1996.
Back then, I was a self-described “Susan Faludi” feminist. Liberal professors, media, and my peers in Boston shaped my political worldview. But even as I embraced, in word and deed, the liberal feminist lie du jour, I felt an uncomfortable disconnect with its ideology.
Eventually I had that defining moment when I realized that what had been peddled to me under the banner of “freedom” was, actually, a kind of slavery. I saw liberal feminism for what it is, a movement rooted in selfishness, its core tenets - emotionalism, sensuality, self-gratification, and moral relativism. I wanted no part of it anymore, and so began my journey to conservatism and authentic feminism.
You asked what inspires me politically. My husband, children, and future grandchildren inspire me. As one who was once a product of liberal indoctrination via the media and education, I know firsthand the damage the liberal mindset inflicts on the body politic and on us as individuals, both morally and physically. Consequently, I have a moral imperative to help forge a different path for my own children and for the future of my country.
As a former teacher and special educator, the dumbed-down curriculum, cultivation of entitlement, and false bolstering of self-esteem in the classroom dismayed and disgusted me.
As a parent, I am deeply disturbed by the liberal, and downright Marxist, indoctrination of America’s children. Children are no longer taught to think critically; they are instead encouraged to embrace politically motivated and irrational theories such as Global Warming and revisionist history. Critical thinking and respect for authority has been replaced with nonsensical philosophies like the Responsive Classroom Method, which states, “The social curriculum is just as important as the academic curriculum”. Joseph Stalin said it best, “Education is a weapon, whose effect depends on who holds it in his hands and at whom it is aimed.”
This Marxist formation has even made its way into children’s sports. In the interest of “fairness” scores are no longer kept and, at the end of season, everyone gets a trophy. Most parents are swimming upstream against a culture that is anti-life, anti-family, and anti-merit
So far, my children have been blessed with dedicated and wonderful teachers, but I am immensely disturbed by liberal MA curriculum framework that their teachers have been expected to follow in the classroom. Many times I have had to correct misleading and/or false information taught to my children.
Currently, I am home schooling my oldest son who is eleven years old and am a huge advocate for this movement. I’d love to someday home school all seven of my children. I think this national movement will be among those that save our Republic.
As a mom, my I believe we should be teaching our children a simple equation:
Dependence on God + A Spirit of Self-Reliance = Freedom
Dependence on Gov’t + A Spirit of Entitlement = Slavery
What inspired me to make the videos?
I’ve been active in the pro-life movement for many years, but there were two defining moments that led me to expand my activism and, ultimately, get involved in this election.
The first: Last year, I saw an able-bodied homeless man holding a sign that said, “I’d rather beg than steal!” This left an indelible impression on me because I understood it to be a foreboding example of things to come. This man was essentially saying, “Give it to me or I’m gonna take it!” The media, NEA, Congress, our President and his administration are continuously fanning the flames of entitlement, class-envy, and a desire for redistributive justice, and we are seeing the fruits of their efforts right here in Springfield. There is a revolutionary anti-capitalist, anti-merit mindset taking root, one reminiscent of Communist China. History is repeating itself, as I believe we are seeing a modern day Smashing of the Four Olds – Old Ideas, Old Culture, Old Customs, Old Habits - just as Chairman Mao called for during the Cultural Revolution.
The second: Passage of the health care law. That weekend last March, when the bill was voted on, time stood still in my house. I put all my efforts into calling every Congressman on my list who I thought could be persuaded or encouraged in a ‘no’ vote, including Congressman Bart Stupak. As a member of the As A Mom movement (that has nothing to do with Moms for Tom) I joined thousands of other moms in doing all we could to stop passage of that bill. Sunday night when the vote came down, I sat at my computer and cried, because I knew what that vote meant for my country. Congressman Richard Neal’s vote for the government takeover of health care galvanized me to action.
Fast forward to last spring. After two meetings with Tom Wesley, I became convinced that he is a man of honor and integrity. I would never volunteer for a candidate who is anything less than 100 percent pro-life. Tom Wesley is a truth seeker…his willingness to carefully examine the life issue is what ultimately convinced me that he was the candidate for me. He represents my values and principles in that he is a pro-life, pro-family, small-government, Constitutional conservative. I also admire his Mr. Smithesque character, he is a decent and honest citizen willing to go to Washington and truly work on behalf of the people.
Regarding Tom Wesley’s candidacy. As such, I think every one of us, especially moms, have an obligation to become citizen journalists in this regard. I am shy by nature, and much more comfortable behind a keyboard than behind a camera. Writing is my passion…not YouTube video making. But given the perilous times in which we find ourselves, it is time for all of us to step outside of our comfort zone and stand up and speak out on behalf of our children and our country. I think it is imperative that every person become the Paul Revere of her neighborhood/town/city and defend our Founding principles and unite behind candidates who exemplify this value system.
Thank you for spotlighting authentic feminism. Your website is like water in a desert to this conservative feminist.
Tara Kozub
In summary, Tara Kozub, like women everywhere, have left their comfort zones and the dogma of the NOW brand of feminism, and have become engaged in a fight for better education, fiscal responsibility and the rights of women to protect society and future generations. The video below is well done and worth watching.
Opinion and Commentary on state, regional and national news articles from a conservative feminist point of view expressed and written by conservative moderate: Tina Hemond
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1 comment:
Thank you, Tara, and thank you, Tina! Your values and your willingness to communicate them are so appreciated! Massachusetts needs to find its way back to health and your voices are wonderfully therapeutic. Kristie in Chicopee:)
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