Herman Cain wear that Cowboy Hat well (compared to some other politicians - Clint Eastwood Approved GOP Presidential Candidate, Herman Cain
A Reuters article released yesterday and getting little play in the media” Cain defamation lawyer hired to monitor accusations” should have those who would “lynch” Cain in the Court of Public Opinion thinking twice. Cain, throughout his career (which is well documented) and in personal tomes (he’s written a few books) has prided himself on image, specifically that of a man of integrity and one who values his family, specifically his wife, Gloria and their children. Therefore, it is not surprising that this man, who may be a political novice, and may have not pleased the media by the manner in which his political team responded to the allegations of sexual harassment brought by two anonymous and two not-so-anonymous but dubious characters, has hired one of the top layers who would have the wherewithal to get to the so-called bottom of this, determine if there was any intent to slander his client (Cain) and then bring a screaming civil suit.
Frankly, when a man of character is impinged upon, even if a suit took years, and there was sufficient proof that these allegations were patently false, then these women had better find the means to pay damages. The media and those who would see either Cain’s campaign derailed by false allegations/and or those would be more interested in keeping Cain in the spotlight over false allegations, while something else of political import might be taking place (i.e. taking the heat off someone in a position of power – care to guess?) would be responsible for the pickle these ladies will find themselves.
If they are false allegations, and they are brought to court (and it won’t matter the time-frame as far as this is concerned) the smart money would be on a slew of retractions, hazy memory and avoidance of the court, in order to protect oneself from perjury. Good for Cain, he is not only standing up publicly denying the allegations as patently false, the man is being smart – proactive – taking the steps to insure that he, or any other candidate for that matter, will not face baseless allegations for political purposes – again. He has taken the moral high road.
Putting aside that Cain’s actions to date, are to maintain his stellar reputation, does the general public really care, and or do they even know for that matter that allegations have been made?
Dick Morris, who came to the public arena after working diligently to reelect one Bill Clinton, (not once, but several times, from the Governor’s office in Arkansas to the Presidency) and who understands which way the wind blows with polls (such as polls are) also spoke to the Cain allegations in an article on his website www.dickmorris.com
“I learned something important from my polling in the Lewinsky scandal. While the political world and the media were focused on the narrow question of who was right, Clinton or Special Prosecutor Kenneth Starr, most voters opted for a third choice: "We don't care. We don't want to hear more about this. This is no way to run a government or choose a president." Some resented the public discussion of oral sex, noting that their children were watching. They didn't want to hear it.
So it is with the accusations against Herman Cain. We are mired in the worst economic condition in eighty years and will not tolerate more talk about who invited whom up to their room and for what. We don't care….”
Mr. Morris could have taken that a few steps further, only those who are heavily vested in the current process of debate and the general election have even taken notice. When looking at the total population of those who watch the GOP debates, as well as read a newspaper or watch even their local news (past the first 5 minutes when they get a brief synopsis of what took place), or national coverage, it is minuscule in comparison to the rest of the voting public. Take this little test: ask a group of voters (or voter aged individuals) that are not as “avid” a political junkie as oneself might be – and one will find that perhaps one of the ten is even aware of “something they might have heard about Herman Cain”, but cannot remember what it was, and if they have seen Cain, they are, this is priceless, not sure which party he may represent – if they even know who he is – five in ten have no idea. The kicker, making Dick Morris so very right, when told about allegations against Cain, the reaction is the same, so?
Granted this is coming from Massachusetts, however, Cain may owe Bill Clinton a debt of gratitude. Instead of Clinton coming off as a cad (and he did) he came off as some sort of hero, especially to the younger generation, and since the economy was good, well, the rest of his shenanigans did not matter.
Now, Cain is viewed as a novice politician who has not been in Government (huge plus), to those who know of him, yet may not know (because they do not read, nor listen to a news organization due to plain old apathy and times constraints, or mistrust of the media) are hard-pressed to believe the allegations. He may lose a few points in the polls to those conservatives who still follow the hang them in the court of public opinion regardless of the facts, in order to maintain the pristine appearance of the GOP (that ship has sailed, but they are quite unaware). Whoever though this would hurt Cain, may have overplayed a hand or two, in the long run – this primary and the general will be won by those who are savvy enough to do two things. Run opposition ads that are to the point, humorous and on message, without going negative. Advertising that is upbeat and pro job growth, and yes, Reaganesque, will win the day – the ads, even those ads from PACS that candidates can’t control, which go strongly negative, and even perhaps bring up allegations of sexual misconduct, will destroy that candidate – Cain, is the perfect candidate, because he has no dubious government record to defend, however, he has a personal record, and a corporate record which are exemplary – plus a compelling life story.
Regardless of who is the eventual nominee, (there are as of today, in this mind, two possibilities only – Gingrich/Cain as time has run out). Gingrich, to make a point, will be in the exact position as Cain, he has been away from government long enough, to make that distinction and any “dirt” that can be thrown, will be largely ignored (Thank you Bill Clinton), and one can see this becoming a two man race, the day after super Tuesday. The individual, who wins South Carolina, will be the front-runner and most likely stay the front runner, becoming the eventual nominee of the party.
Well Matched Idea Mean who Could Move Mountains and Drive the Beltway Pundits, and GOP Central (and the Obama Team)into a tizzy
Cain and or Gingrich will drive the establishment GOP and the Beltway Pundits into a tizzy (yet another reason one might get attached to either one of these candidates. These two in particular, have a quality that allows for both independents and Democrats, and Tea Party and yes, Republican’s without the proverbial stick up their back (those who cast stones as they are so bloody perfect), to enthusiastically cast a vote for either of these men.
A little historical perspective on the Obama administrations sudden upswing: Although small inroads into improvement in the economy can be seen at this point, the same happened during the final morns of 1979 under the Carter administration, then the bottom fell out, inflation rose, and we were dealing with Iran, in a most passive way – (Iranian ships are said to be in or nearing U.S. international waters (or 14 miles off the coast) – Carter’s job approval ratings were much lower than Obama’s are now, however, Obama, with the exception of a few states, has yet to climb over 50%, staying steady in multiple polls as the man who can be beaten. Should inflation continue to rise, and the summer of 2012 be as disparaging as the past three years have been, then without a third party candidate who is pulled out of David Axelrod’s hat, Obama would be unelectable. Cain and both Gingrich (known by those who have heard him speak, but are not political junkies as: the old smart guy), stand much to gain in that scenario.
The only thing that upset this scenario would be if the Republican Party decided, at its convention, to go to the Super Delegate model (those are not delegates per say, but Party loyalist, Senators, Congressmen) – this happened in 2008, when Hillary Clinton clearly had the popular vote, yet, once at the Convection, the Democrats when to the Super Delegate option, threw out the popular vote, and nominated one Barack Obama (stealing a phrase from Cain: Princess Nancy and her daughter cast the last two votes necessary to insure Obama’s candidacy). One would suggest that this type of action on the part of the GOP would, have serious ramifications for the party and for the nation.
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