Teachers Unions have called for protests today and tomorrow February 21st and February 22nd, at various locations in states across the nation. A list of the locations can be found here: at http://michellemalkin.com/2011/02/20/get-ready-seius-purple-army-nationwide-protest-schedule-teachers-unions-pressure-members-to-show-solidarity/, with the Massachusetts Teachers Union, call for action, here at http://massteacher.org/news/archive/2011-02-18.
Interestingly, the protests in MA to be held at the Springfield City Hall Steps and the Massachusetts State House in Boston, suggest that teachers wear “red” for solidarity, and the website gives instructions to teachers on how to use Facebook and “Tweet” their support for the protests. Interest on Twitter appears to be somewhat lacking for the MA Teachers Union, a search for tweets using #MA4WI, shows approximately 55 “tweets”. The majority of "tweets" coming from the initial “tweeter”, massteacher, with tweets from other state unions urging protests - the newest posts from those who are deriding the protests in MA wondering how many teachers will actually show due to the Commonwealth’s schools vacation week.
Meanwhile, Tea Party Members in the Bay State are planning counter protests; while Tea Party and Conservatives across the nation weigh in on whether or not to protest; due to fear of violence from Union members, with some believing the Teachers and Unions involved in protests are doing enough damage to themselves without outside involvement.
In any event, those in the Western Massachusetts are, will most likely see a protest of some sort on the City Hall Steps in Springfield tomorrow, between 4 and 6 on the 11 o’clock news. Massachusetts teachers are able to protests without fear of repercussion from school districts due to a scheduled vacation; however their counterparts in Wisconsin are facing possible unemployment.
From the Washington Examiner: Governor Scott Walker indicated on Sunday that without the compromises he has proposed, up to 12,000 state workers will be out of a job. The general populace may not be showing that much sympathy for the union or anyone affiliated with the protests as doctors who had handed out sick notes to teachers who called in sick (for 3 days), are being hit with emails and telephone calls that are less than complementary – this from Madison.com smack dab in the middle of the protests.
The idiom, “for the children” isn’t flying any longer, as the national and local press report on the union organization receiving help from Obama’s, “Organizing for America” and the SEIU, who managed to bus in 10’s of thousands of “protestors” to Madison.
What’s on the line? Union dues dollars that would fill the coffers of Democrats running for reelection, and as Walker remains steadfast in his proposal, should those Democrats who fled the state be brought back (Walker is using the State Police to hunt them down per the Wisconsin State Constitution), and a vote be taken, those teachers in Madison would have the right to work, without the current rule where they must join a union and pay dues. The fear of those who run the unions and their political counterparts is that this will have a snowball effect nationwide.
One can hazard to guess that Walker, who is steadfast, and who, unlike the SEIU and those who have no interest in the Teachers or the Children, understands the Wisconsin State Budget limitations, without the modest increases in participation in benefit and pensions programs requested by the Govenor, as well as the right to work without being forced to join a union, the state will, in all likelihood, layoff 12,000 workers. One can hazard to guess those workers will be teachers.
Herein lays the crux of the matter, unions have their purpose in protecting those who have no voice, and work in occupations that can be life-threatening- the top ten include the following industries: (based on occupational related fatalities reported by the Department of Labor Statistics) Fishermen, Logging (Timber Industry), Farmers/Ranchers, Steel Workers, Sanitation Workers, Aircraft Pilots, Roofers, Coal Miners, Merchant Mariners, and Millers. Numbers 10 through 20: Power Line Installer, Police Officer, Fireman(woman), Oil and Gas Crew, Cement Makers , Taxi Drivers and Chauffeurs, Truck Drivers or Material Movers, Constructor Equipment Operators, Slaughterhouse and rounding out the top 20, Security. Not on the list: teachers and government employees. No kidding. How to the rank and file (Teachers Unions) feel about the “opt out” of a union option?
Visit a Tea Party Meeting.
One might think that the Tea Party is, according to published news accounts, nothing more than right wing activists, however, in visiting a local Tea Party Meeting, those in attendance were, surprisingly, a mixed bag, from State Employees disgusted by the system, to rank and file Democrats, to the retiree concerned about health care reform, to students concerned about the debt, Libertarians, Republicans, Democrats and Independents, Black, White and Hispanic, and yes, teachers - are all invested in the Tea Party principal of fiscal conservatism and less invasive government. Go figure.
As the unions self-implode using staged protests, disrupting the lives of parents (who work) and their children (who should be in school in Madison), and those Democrat Lawmaker who fled Wisconsin (or those in other states that are thinking about doing the same when, not if, similar proposals come to the Governors desks of states overburdened by pensions and benefits for state workers under union rule), the taxpayers will use their best available weapon – the ballot box. It goes without saying that those in Wisconsin and elsewhere, are no longer receiving news from one source; and for the Unions to attempt to turn statehouse rallies into Greek-like protests scenes to meet their objectives may realize the opposite result – perhaps this may fly in Massachusetts or California, but…with these states so indebted and dependent upon Federal aid, how much can they possibly bleed those systems?
Counter protests, or no, the Unions are receiving enough press and it appears that those who pay taxes and fear a Greek-like State, will have the final say. Frankly, no fan of unions for those holding higher degrees, as it takes away from those who actually need a union, it would bring a breath of fresh air, and perhaps higher graduation rates to the states: In Massachusetts where it is reported that the best schools are located, an 80% graduation rate is just fine: Reports here by city Http://profiles.doe.mass.edu/state_report/gradrates.aspx shows the City of Springfield with a 53% graduation rate (as of 2010). How’s the graduation rate in your state? If Massachusetts is allegedly the best the nation has to offer?
Opinion and Commentary on state, regional and national news articles from a conservative feminist point of view expressed and written by conservative moderate: Tina Hemond
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