A story on Maclver Institute complete with video and 8 x 10 color glossy’s, shows exactly how desperate the unions are to keep the chaos going at the WI State Capital. A college professor was noted as singing absentee sick notices for teachers so that they would be able to call in “sick”. The rhetoric is high, and it is getting tired - specifically the old: “it's for the children” tagline that every state, city and or hamlet that wants to end the stranglehold of organized labor hears chanted on the evening news. The problem is that parents are beginning to put two plus two together, and have an inkling that it is more about the teachers and the unions that it is about educating the children, who are, for all intents and purposes, used as pawns in the never-ending quest for more money for the teachers, which is passed onto the union and then to the Democratic National Committee.
The fact that the Democrat Senators fled the state of Wisconsin may end up reversing their rather slim fortunes completely once they stand for reelection. The move is transparently an attempt to prop up a union that props up a political party, and in the end, hurts the educational system “for the children”. Those seeking reelection would have been better to place their bets on their constituents rather than on the winos that hold the nation hostage. Although one must agree that firefighters and police, or any other job description that puts on in harm’s way may need protection, those who hold master degrees, and face the dangerous job of teaching our children (and poorly one might add, considering where our educational system stands), do not.
Many of those teachers mahy not care to be in a union, however, it mandatory to join, in some states, there are opt outs of unions, but a new employee (teacher) must pay a “fee” to opt out, and then face the criticism of the union members. If these so-called educators spent more time actually teaching the students, rather than propping up a policies machine, perhaps the U.S. would be in better shape educationally speaking.
It is the people of Wisconsin and other states where similar measure are sure to follow, that will ultimately make the decisions for the Unions, they will simply not hire those responsible for propping them up. From those in any given State Legislature to the Federal offices of the Congress and the Presidency, those taking an active role (Obama’s campaign arm in 2008,Organizing for America, trucked in extra bodies to the WI State Capital in order to enlarge the protest), will find out how much respect the voters have for organized labor.
Those who will be caught in the middle, should collective bargaining be off the table are those teachers who hang onto the union. Conversely, those who will walk back to class, stand a good chance of keeping their careers intact and, incidentally reaping financial rewards, with a combination of raises and benefits given most professional with the same degrees (minus the hefty monthly union dues). Quality teachers are those who will not stand with the unions, but with their students, because they care more for their profession than for politics. It is as simple as that, and it is perceived as such by those who hire: the taxpayer. Walker is standing firm in the fact of the budget battle, and in retrospect for the nation.
Fast Fact: Nationally, union membership is projected at 7.1 million. (Bloomberg)
Fast Fact:90 Million People cast ballots in 2010)(MSNBC)
The math speaks for itself.
Opinion and Commentary on state, regional and national news articles from a conservative feminist point of view expressed and written by conservative moderate: Tina Hemond
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