Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Bill Clinton - Understanding Sarah Palin’s Appeal

Bill Clinton thinks he understands why Sarah Palin is so popular in the Heartland. On Monday, he shared his thoughts with reporters prior to a meeting (Clinton Global Initiative): "I come from Arkansas, I get why she's hot out there," Clinton said. "Why she's doing well." He went on to explain that her appeal centered on her motherhood, a larger family that those in the “Heartland” could relate to, as well the fact that her husband is the kind of guy Clinton can “relate to”. He went on to decry the never-ending Obama campaign attacks by stressing that Palin should be celebrated for her elevation on the ticket, ending with the question: “And just say that she was a good choice for him and we disagree with them?"

Where President Clinton may have erred is that location doesn’t matter when it comes to Palin – women, whether they live in the Heartland or the West, or the Northeast or the South or Florida, if they are working mothers, relate to Palin. There are a few who, bedeviled by partisan blindness, one too many Huffington Post updates, and a firm belief that Obama is the next Messiah, believe Sarah Palin should be subject to Photoshop, hacked emails, and the comments of their favorite undereducated starlets and comediennes – but they are not the norm.

What is a working Mom? - Women who have one or two or more children, work 40 hours, act as a taxi-service and feel that they have been ignored, let down and left out by politician’s because there is no way Nancy Pelosi could ever relate to the rest of “us”. Nancy Pelosi and Company (Obama, Kerry and the rest of her Henchmen), are only interested in “Reproductive Rights” (yet another term for abortion), and that message is loud and clear ringing not in the heartland only, but in the suburbs and yes, even in urban centers. The gig is up – and Bill Clinton gave a great assessment as to why Palin has personal appeal. Women are paying attention, working mothers that are not only interested in the fact taht Palin manages just like they do, but that she also had to manage her family and govern and she did so effectively. She’s a reformer and there is nothing a mom likes more than reform – especially when it comes to education and a call for transparency in government. (- A government that is sucking the life out of every family in the country through a never ending array of taxes.)

Just how many working women are there who relate to positively relate to Palin? Both campaigns need to figure this out because those are the women who may play a larger roll in deciding this election. One of them most likely new when he chose her as his running mate (giving him points with that same group), the other most likely has because of the level and baseness of the attacks.
Bill Clinton knows first had what it is to work with and stand by a strong and capable woman, and he also knows what the best strategy would be, if the match up were between Sarah and Hillary. He also sees the writing on the wall, and "race" doesn't enter into the picture. Educated guess based on Rasmussen polling and Vegas lines: he’s laying the groundwork for a 2012 match-up between Hillary and Palin.


Anonymous said...

Actually, the Obama campaign has pretty much ignored Palin, letting her self-destruct on her own. There are Obama supporters, not affiliated with the Obama campaign, who have certainly examined Palin thoroughly. Some of those attacks have been completely unwarranted and unfair but others are completely within bounds for a VP nominee and potential future President. Her performance in her interview with Charles Gibson was the beginning of the end of her positive effect on the race.

There was a temporary bounce due to her "buzz" factor and she has energized people who were probably going to vote for McCain any way. But she's definitely having a detrimental effect in other areas -- per the St Petersburg Times, their focus group of undecided voters moved from leaning towards McCain to all but two leaning towards Obama after Palin's nomination. The seniors in their group were quite firm about how appalling her lack of experience was.

On the other hand, Obama according to multiple polls is definitely on the upswing in terms of momentum and ahead of McCain in both national and many state level polls.

In other words, despite your depiction of Palin as a positive move and it may be in some quarters, she's still not helping McCain over the hump. Or McCain isn't helping himself over the hump.

When you have conservatives like George Will, Wick Allison, Susan Eisenhower and Jim Leach backing away from McCain and McCain/Palin, you know the Republican ticket is in real trouble.

Tina Hemond said...

First thank you for posting – Always appreciate a chance to debate – Never begin a discourse with “Actually”.

In reality, vbdietz, the Obama campaign is in a tizzy over Palin; she has not self-destructed; rather has increased in popularity – refer to Rasmussen Polls. She has helped McCain immensely (see fundraising – McCain pulls in 5 million in 5 hours in Chicago), they are continuing to do well despite incessant attacks from Obama surrogates and the Campaign. The attacks on Palin from Obama surrogates were ridiculous, sexist and insanely inaccurate; having nothing what-so-ever to do with competence or substance. Fact, she has been better vetted than Obama, from within the Republican Party – where the vetting needed to be done. The Gibson Interview was what it was – (depending on which side of the aisle you sit on she either shone or, as in your case, did not) – Palin did a lot better with Gibson than Obama did at Saddleback – go figure. (He rambled incessantly, backtracked, and repeated himself and well, overall poor performance.)
Let’s discuss this imaginary upswing that Obama is having – He’s closed offices in 4 states two weeks after opening them - see article here, but available in multiple places. McCain on the other hand, opened 50 offices in California – Obama drew a crowd of approximately 8,000 on the outskirts of Boston (New Hampshire), while Palin in Florida is drawing 60,000 (media downplays), Polling as of the 22nd has McCain-Palin, Obama-Biden in a dead heat – which they have been for the last several months – plus or minus 6 to 10 points coming out of Obama’s Euro Trip, he got zip for the convention and McCain gained from the Republican convention (bounce). The Battleground poll has McCain up by 2 points (again a statistical tie), the debates will be the proving ground, don’t look for any huge gains there. If you want to look at poll statistics: Real Clear Politics and USA Election Polls will help you out (better than pulling statistics out of thin air!)
The meltdown: Umass Chaplin Fails in effort to Boost Barack Obama’s Chances (Boston Herald)
Obama knocks Biden on flip-flop ABC News
Biden knocks Obama ad mocking McCain Fox
These are only slight indications that there’s more trouble in the wind.
I won’t even dignify the alleged focus group remark considering the source is The St. Petersburg Times! That paper makes the National Enquirer look like Pulitzer material! (Wait, they may be on the list this year.)
Seriously, let’s talk about jumping ship here - When you have a conservative Republican in the same league as Lynn Forester de Rothschild (member of the Democratic National Committee's Platform Committee - who is backing McCain) backing Obama, then please let me know.

Jimmy Lewis said...

Actually ... loved that comment Tina ... your rebuttal of vbdietz was spot on, much more accurate (complete with supporting data), recognizing the rhetoric from the reality ... nice job ... actually!

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