Friday, April 25, 2008

McCain Critical of Bush Handling of Katrina Crisis

From Reuters. Apparently, John McCain would have handled things differently. Really? In an election year full of bluff and bluster or the do and say anything in order to get elected realm of politics, one hears statement after statement that is simply ludicrous. Should McCain, or anyone running at this time, been the President when Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans and the levees broke (Led Zeppelin), they would have come up against the same management team on the ground.

Louisana Governor Kathleen Blanco

Most striking at the time, was a governor’s failure to call for a mandatory evacuation New York Times Article. followed by her refusal to give up her national guard in a power struggle with the federal government. Of course it was President Bush’s fault for allowing the law of the state to supersede the law of the federal government - or, do exactly as he was supposed to while adhering to the Constitution. Of course, the governor, a Democrat, had no other course, but to point a finger a Washington in order to cover her own incompetence. Nearby Mississippi suffered under Katrina, but management on the state level was exemplary.

Mike Huckabee to Publish New Book

Mike Huckabee (CNN)

From CNN Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee (10 Years as Governor), will be releasing another book two weeks after the 08 elections. This work will detail his bid for the presidency with notes from the campaign trail. Huckabee’s “From Hope to Higher Ground” offered up a reasonable 12-step program to restore America, expect more of the same from this candid “man of the people”.

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