Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Lost Angeles Times Questions McCain’s Disability Benefits

According to the Los Angeles Times John McCain is collecting tax-free disability benefits from injuries received while he was detained in a POW camp during the Viet Nam conflict. It is not the fact that McCain is collecting these benefits tax free that appears to rattle the Times, but rather, the fact that he may be disabled. They also bring up his age in the story, old and disabled. The question: Is an old and disabled man qualified to be Commander in Chief? The answer: yes. Franklin Delano Roosevelt was disabled and managed to effectively lead the nation as well as the Democratic Party for an extended period of time, conducting a war, and dealing with a depression during his terms in office. Granted FDR was not 72 when he took to the highest elected office in the land, yet, if 70 is the new 30, should his age and any physical disability be a deterrent? That is doubtful. The question should be, “With so many of our veterans suffering financially, how is it that those who have above average household incomes, are collecting benefits that are tax free? Veteran’s benefits, as well as social security benefits, or any benefits given out by the government to help an individual live a decent life, should be safeguarded for the have-nots, not given freely to those that have. (Wait! That would be hinging on socialism!) All of the programs envisioned by FDR were meant to be a helping hand to those in need and certainly not to be perpetuated eternally and morphed into a gigantic government giveaway program. McCain cannot possibly be the only one in the house and or senate that is benefiting from the system. Surely there are a few older senators or congressmen who are eligible for and enjoying both military disability and social security pensions (in addition to their family for other fortunes?)

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