Barney Frank (D-MA), is disappointed in President-Elect Obama’s “lack of assertiveness” in dealing with the current economic crisis as well as his intention to be “post-partisan”. In a recent AP article, Frank, along with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac cohort Chris Dodd (D-CT), whine that Obama has done little to address the current financial crisis. This crisis, a result of the boondoggle over at Freddie and Fannie, can be laid at the doorstep of both of those blowhards. Frank, who has received a pass from the media on his involvement in this mess from the beginning, is now calling on Obama to play a more significant role in "fixing" the economy – prior to his inauguration. One has to give the President-Elect credit – he’s playing by the rules – apparently this has Frank and Dodd’s panties in a proverbial bunch. Their solution – take it to the press.
Dodd, who is under “investigation’ by a Senate Ethics Committee for a ”sweetheart deal” of a mortgage he and his wife received from Countrywide Financial, complains that there is no need to wait until Obama takes office –
“The Obama team has to step up," Sen. Christopher Dodd, chairman of the Senate Banking Committee and one of the lead negotiators, said Nov. 21 in Hartford, Conn. "In the minds of the people, this is the Obama administration. I don't think we can wait until January 20." (AP) He has got to be kidding.
Meanwhile, Frank, as usual, is deflecting blame by pointing fingers at the “other side of the aisle’. Obama’s plan to be post-partisan is not setting well with Frank:
"It is a grave mistake to assume that parties are irrelevant to this process," he said. "My one difference with the president-elect, about whom I am very enthusiastic, is when he talks about being post-partisan.
"Having lived with this very right wing Republican group that runs the House most of the time, the notion of trying to deal with them as if we could be post-partisan gives me post-partisan depression," Frank said. (AP)
Frank, ever the clown, went so far as to suggest that legislation aimed at preventing abuses in subprime mortgages might have a better chance of passing next year when the Democrats have an even larger majority. Frank must have been paying attention to a recent “documentary” by John Ziegler entitled “How Obama Got Elected”. The video, available on You Tube here - and shown below, is based on “civic knowledge” exit polls taken November 4th - there is a shocking disconnect with Obama voters and facts regarding who actually ran Congress for the past two years! Additionally, these voters had no clue who Barney Frank is!
Perhaps Barney feels all voters are as fuzzy on the facts, which might account for his increasing and ridiculous outbursts. Obama, who has put together a team that is moderate to centrist - post-partisan if you will, most likely holds no such delusions. One has to have a bit of sympathy for the President-Elect – he will have to govern this nation through a financial crisis created, in greater part, by members of his own party, threats of terrorism both at home and abroad and constant complaints from the angry left due to his moderate appointments. If conservatives think that this is going to be a long four years, there is comfort in the fact that this will be a longer four years for the President Elect - he has Barney Frank and Chris Dodd, those stand-up (comedian) Democrat institutions with which to contend.
Opinion and Commentary on state, regional and national news articles from a conservative feminist point of view expressed and written by conservative moderate: Tina Hemond
Friday, December 05, 2008
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Well ole Barney is fit to be tied, eh? I thought he liked it that way ... so why is he complaining ... just because this whole thing didn't work out the way Barney thought it would ... tough turkey Barney baby. This is the same guy who said that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were on solid ground. Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, and the like liberals ought to be answering questions, not making statements.
I think this derision with Obama's post-partisan approach is telling.
Let me begin though by saying I do not believe Obama intends to stick with a bipartisan approach. I think it will be in name only. They will push through liberal legislation and toss the moderate GOPers in Congress a couple of bones for their votes. This will make the legislation "bipartisan".
As far as Frank's and Dodd, they make it clear they intend to go far left and Obama will have a hard time fighting, even if he wants to.
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