Sunday, October 19, 2008

Sarah Palin Rocks SNL – The Irony - Palin pushes rankings highest since 2002

Sarah Palin has given a big boost to NBC’s Saturday Night Live, which has enjoyed consistently high rankings since Tina Fey found she resembled her enough to parody the Governor in a series of skits beginning with the season opener. The episode last night, where Palin appeared on SNL (videos below), was billed as a must watch, and the Neilson rankings are sure to come up with some startling numbers. Watching NBC local news prior to the 11:30 PM start, three male reporters (news, weather, sports), were plugging the Governor’s appearance urging their viewers to be sure to watch. It was, in a word, hysterical – both the pre-show plugs and the performance by Palin. NBC must now consider the consequences of enjoying an audience that makes up the entire country, rather than continuing to pursue a bias that insures they will garner at least a part of the 30% of the country which considers itself liberal. As an independent leaning conservative watching the program last evening, the majority of the skits were boring, and boorish – from the MacGruber stunts to the ridiculously dull “Engagement Surprise” skit, the only highlights were the Palin stunts, as well as a the appearance of Walhberg, although a bit slow - definitely not up to the heyday SNL performances of the the 1970’s or the 1980’s. It is not that the humor hinges on stupid, or slapstick or schlock, as that type of humor finds appeal across a broad range of demographics – it is that most of the skits are humorless and painful to watch. Perhaps one has to be a bit less critical, however, put the political humor aside, and the balance of the skits are lacking. It is more entertaining to watch MSNBC, and that is telling. Surely, as GM stocks tank, perhaps the board should consider a new direction for their news and information outlets – taking a clue from SNL – it’s good to have an audience, a big audience.

1 comment:

Virginia Harris said...

Isn't it great to have such a wide range of women candidates!

At age 40, I realized that I knew that it did, but nothing of HOW the world turned -- from routine repression to relative freedom for women.

I was a pre-teen in the 60s and was vaguely aware of bra-burning and women's 'liberation.' But nothing was taught in school - there were no tv shows - no popular books that would make a person of my generation understand what it took to instill in me the firm belief that there was nothing in the world that I as a woman could not do.

I believe that my generation of women was the first to come of age with most of us believing, taking it for granted, assuming that the world would be fair to us and that our future would be glorious.

Of course, that hasn't always been the case, though my life has been blessed with amazing opportunities that my mother and grandmother would not have dreamed of.

But when I realized that I didn't know how my freedom happened I set out on a journey of discovery and I am now strengthened by the inspiration of countless suffragettes.

I realize I stand on their strong shoulders, and on the shoulders of other women who keep pushing for more than voting rights, who demand the full range of human rights for women.

I want to share that inspiration.

Can you even imagine being a woman and NOT being able to vote?

Thanks to the suffragettes, America has women voters and wide range of women candidates, and we are a better country for it!

Women have voices and choices! Just like men.

But few people know ALL of the suffering that our suffragettes had to go through, and what life was REALLY like for women.

Now you can subscribe FREE to my exciting e-mail series that goes behind the scenes in the lives of eight of the world's most famous women to reveal the shocking and sometimes heartbreaking truth of HOW women won the vote.

Thrilling, dramatic, sequential short story e-mail episodes have readers from all over the world raving about the original historical series, "The Privilege of Voting."

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