Tuesday, September 27, 2011

2012 Update - Sarah Palin Tackles Pelham MA, McGinniss for Baseless Claims in Random House Book – Lawsuit Pending – Even Boston Globe “Defends” Palin.

Former Governor Sarah Palin has been the subject of several blogs that are based solely on rumor and hearsay, all under the cover of anonymity. These are the “sources” that alleged journalist and Pelham, MA resident, Joe McGinniss used in his “book” about the Governor and her family. Understanding that there are those who are so obsessed with the Governor that they cannot see the forest through the proverbial trees, McGinniss appears to have gone one step beyond and Random House bought it – hook, line and sinker. Andrew Breitbart, of the news website Breitbart.com, broke the story regarding an email written by McGinniss to one of the bloggers regarding his inability to back up any of the claims he had made in his work – a copy of the email can be found here, in all McGinniss’ begging and pleading for evidence to back up any claims he had put into his book.

Further, ABC News then published the fact that the Palin’s were looking towards the publisher, Random House, in a potential suit, given the fact that someone up the food chain must have known that the a) McGinnis was not credible, and b) they just bought another bad manuscript, one lacking any worth whatsoever (which initial sales appear to validate).

Random House, is now attempting to save face by holding up McGinniss’s mess as “factual” – based on the words of McGinniss!

The problem lays in the fact that, given the economy, and Kindle, Random House most likely cannot afford a suit, let alone to choose to publish books that are based out on nothing more than thin air – Ideologically driven business decisions do not necessarily have the desired effect. This tale of woe, (from a Random House perspective) has the makings of yet another McGinniss settlement based on yet another book pulled out nothing more than McGinniss's brain.

The decision to bring suit by the Palin’s is justified, and may, in the long run, protect others from the ideological driven lunatics who are on the fringe of the political left, and have the connections that enable them to sell books, which are mainly purchased by like minded individuals. To bring suit to the Publisher is a shot across the bow of all publishers who might think that anonymous sources with zero credibility are just fine to include if the target (subject) of the book is seen as politically dangerous to the left.

How bad is the book? Regardless of the fact that it contains zero facts, apparently so bad, that after all the scathing reviews from publications previously known to be somewhat unfriendly to Palin, the Boston Globe jumped in with their very own “hometown” take on the McGinnis Fairy Tale with the headline: “Palin in the Worst Possible Light”. Understanding that the title was worded in such a way as to drive traffic to the site, and has nothing to do with the article, other than the fact that McGinnis is the focus and he attempted to portray Palin in the worst possible light, and then the questions regarding McGinniss are voiced throughout the two page piece.

It is shocking that even Massachusetts most left of center publication, is taking poor old Joe to task for printing, what amounts to, lies, innuendos and well, in a word “crap”.
What McGinniss has done is just add to the narrative that those who are obsessed will do anything illegal or otherwise in order to smear Sarah Palin, simply because they have no name for their psychosis – why not call it Palin Derangement Syndrome.

It should not matter, if from the left, or the right of the political spectrum, a candidate, or potential candidate, or past candidate for political office, and their families, are subject to the whims of a Publisher, who hires an “author” who clearly has a physiological addition to the subject. Perhaps Random House, or any other publisher should request a simple note from a Therapist, to ensure that the individual to whom they are about to advance millions, will deliver something that is, at the very least, readable, and contains consistent facts, or for that matter refutes innuendo, false claims and basically is a testament to journalistic integrity. Real journalists are dying in Mexico and elsehwere, while has been "hacks" are being held to no standards here in the U.S. - therein lays the real same

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